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从出土简牍看秦汉“隐官”的主要来源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在睡虎地秦简、张家山汉简和里耶秦简中,不约而同地出现了“隐官”的确切记载,并可发现秦“隐官”的四个来源:冤假错案的平反者;军功以免的部分工隶臣;受肉刑处罚而后获免罪者;私属放免者。从而说明“隐官”不可能是某种机构,而应该是受过肉刑处罚,因特殊原因被官府确认为可怜悯者,并给予一定的补偿或照顾,但他们既不属黔首或庶人,也不是官私奴婢,应该是处在两者之间的身份特殊的低贱者。  相似文献   
清朝是中国封建社会的末代王朝,经历了268年的盛衰变化,在此期间,典章制度也不断变更。行政处分制度作为管理官员的典章制度之一,占有一席之地,有其存在的客观性与合理性。对有关清代行政处分制度研究的情况进行考察、总结和概述,可为清代行政处分制度研究的进一步展开提供便利条件。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等对现代社会中的"碰瓷"现象与竞技体育赛场上的假摔现象进行对比研究。研究发现:两种现象在行为、目的、影响方面存在相似性,体育竞赛中针对假摔的处罚更为具体、针对性强,而"碰瓷"现象的裁罚存在一定的缺陷。因此,从体育竞赛规则裁判法的角度对"碰瓷"现象的裁罚提出合理化建议,从而对完善我国的法律建设提供一定帮助。  相似文献   
片面帮助犯在刑法理论和实务中备受争议.在对片面帮助犯的成立、不作为的片面帮助犯以及片面帮助犯与间接正犯的关系进行初步探讨后建议在我国刑法总则中增设片面帮助犯的相关规定,以适应司法实践之需.  相似文献   
宋代的豪横势力主要指土豪劣绅、恶霸地主以及痞流氓和流寇盗匪。他们非法侵夺土地、擅威乡里、非法经营,甚至残害百姓,给地方社会造成了很大危害。宋政府对豪横势力总体上是宽容的,一般根据其犯罪情节,予以惩治;而对危及统治的行为,则坚决镇压。  相似文献   
The Violent Experiences Questionnaire—Revised (VEQ-R) is a brief retrospective self-report inventory which provides estimates of annual frequencies of childhood physical abuse, sibling physical abuse, exposure to parental violence, peer bullying, and corporal punishment as they were experienced from ages 5 to 16. The VEQ-R indices rely on a frequency metric that estimates the number of days on average per year a specified class of behavior occurred over a 12 year retrospective period. All scores range from a frequency of 0 to a high of 104. Scale normative data was generated from both a college (N = 1266) and national (N = 1290) sample to expand the research applicability of this relatively new inventory. Subscales were added to estimate the frequency of victimization during childhood, the pre-teen years, and adolescence. Four “hostility” component indices were derived from perpetrator source (parent, sibling, peer, or domestic). Thresholds were established to for High, Moderate, Low, and No Risk classifications. Subscales dimensions were found to have both adequate internal and temporal consistency. Evidence of concurrent and discriminant validity was generated using the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale-Short-Form©, LONGSCAN Physical Abuse Self-Report scale, and Physical Punishment scale of the Assessing Environments III inventory.  相似文献   
This research examined the relationships between parents’ parenting stress and their harsh discipline (psychological aggression and corporal punishment) and the moderating effects of marital satisfaction and parent gender in Chinese societies. Using a sample of 639 Chinese father–mother dyads with preschoolers, findings revealed that both mothers’ and fathers’ parenting stress were directly associated with their harsh discipline. Mothers’ marital satisfaction attenuated the association between their parenting stress and harsh discipline. However, fathers’ marital satisfaction did not moderate the association between their parenting stress and harsh discipline. Findings from the current study highlight the importance of considering how the dyadic marital relationship factors may interact with individuals’ parenting stress to influence both maternal and paternal disciplinary behaviors.  相似文献   
墨子生活时代特殊的历史背景和个人生活经历为其"刑赏"思想的产生奠定了坚实的社会基础;墨子"刑赏"思想以独特的自然观、国家观和人生观为理论基础,具有丰富的内容和具体实施原则,并且体系完整。"刑赏"思想倡导"非命"、宣扬"天志"、追求"非攻"、推崇"兼爱"、致力于"兼相爱,交相利"理想国家和社会秩序的建立,是一种理想的社会控制思想。它产生于背景复杂的时代,其中某些领先于时代的思想因子对我国当代法制建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
《爱与尘》是非裔美国作家欧内斯特·盖恩斯的早期杰作,讲述了黑白种族之间的爱情悲剧。在种族主义氛围浓郁的美国南方,黑人男性与白人女性之间的爱情触犯了最严厉的伦理禁忌,敢于违背这一禁忌的人则不可避免地置身于伦理困境,并将付出沉重的代价。本文试图从文学伦理学批评的视角解读这一悲剧发生的伦理环境、分析人物的伦理身份以及他们违背有关种族之间交往原则的伦理禁忌所导致的伦理惩罚。本文认为,通过对这一爱情悲剧的书写,盖恩斯鞭挞了这种禁锢人性的不合理的伦理规则,并指出了其对黑白种族双方所带来的伤害。  相似文献   
刑事被害人保护与轻刑化在我国司法实践中极易产生冲突和矛盾,它们各自源于对犯罪本质与刑罚目的的不同认识而产生,在各自追求的正义目标上侧重点不同。但是,如果将恢复性司法作为理念引入并分化适用于不同刑事司法制度之中,是可以解决其冲突并实现实质正义与形式正义的统一。  相似文献   
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