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“右文说”是我国宋代学者对汉字形声字“声中兼义”现象加以概括总结而形成的一个学说。“右文说”之产生干宋代,既受到其前代字书《说文》、《释名》、《玉篇》等相关研究成果的影响,同时也是与宋代学术风气的熏染分不开的。继承和发展“右文说”,必须要建立在对“右文说”有彻底深刻了解的基础上,方可使其成为汉字研究的一把利器。  相似文献   
文章通过对神彧"句意之说"佛学文化背景进行考察,发现神彧"四到"引用的例句与《人眼天目》"宗门杂录"句意说中所引用的例句在根本意义上具有相通之处,由此论证《诗格》作品中的"句意之说"染上了佛学之光,并由此推测神彧的僧宗为临济宗。  相似文献   
This study was designed to assess whether the level of performance of selected Jamaican 11th-grade physics students on some numerical problems on the energy concept was satisfactory and if there were significant differences in their performance linked to their gender, socioeconomic background (SEB), school location, English language and mathematical abilities. The 331 sampled students consisted of 213 boys and 118 girls; 197 students were from a high SEB and 134 students from a low SEB; 296 students were from seven urban schools and 35 students from three rural schools; 112, 153 and 66 of the students had high, average and low English language abilities, respectively, while 144, 81 and 106 of the students had high, average and low mathematical abilities, respectively. An Energy Concept Test (ECT) consisting of six structured numerical questions was employed for data collection. The results indicated that although the students’ level of performance was regarded as fairly satisfactory, there was a lot of room for improvement. There were statistically significant differences in the students’ performance on the ECT linked to SEB, and mathematical abilities in favour of students from a high SEB, and high mathematical abilities, respectively. There was a positive, statistically significant but weak correlation between the students’ (a) mathematical abilities, and (b) English language abilities and their performance on the ECT, while there were no correlations among their gender, school location, and SEB and their performance on the ECT.  相似文献   
This short paper outlines the emergence and achievements of the Science Education Research Unit at the University of Waikato over the period 1979–1985 under the leadership of the late Dr. Roger Osborne. Following his attendance at the ASERA meeting in Wagga Wagga in 1977, Roger Osborne rapidly built up a very productive team, which he led until his death in 1985. His legacy is tentatively evaluated. In conclusion, the cultural context in which this work took place is sketched.
John K. GilbertEmail:
不同家庭经济背景下的大学生,其社会价值观、人生观、学习观、交友观带有明显的差异性。分析家庭经济背景差异视域下的大学生的表现,提出相应教育管理对策,并阐述其对高校教育管理工作者的要求。  相似文献   
本文界定的20世纪初期特指1917年俄国十月革命胜利到20世纪30年代这段时间。俄国十月社会主义革命的胜利,给马克思主义在中国的传播带来新的契机。同样。这一传播过程也是马克思主义大众化的过程.一些早期马克思主义信仰者和先进知识分子通过各种努力。对推动马克思主义大众化的历史进程做出了重要贡献。纵观这一过程,从中寻得一些启示,对于推动当代马克思主大众化向纵深发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   
中西文化是世界上存在时间最久,也是最具生命力的两种文化。熟语是习用的词的固定组合,其语义结合紧密,语音和谐,是语言中独立运用的词汇单位,它包括成语、谚语、歇后语和惯用语。从中西熟语的角度进行比较可以在人文思想、哲学观点、情感表露、比喻的使用等方面看出中西文化思维的相似性。  相似文献   
终生奉行经世致用观念的中唐思想家柳宗元,面对中唐社会和政治现实,为了维护和巩固封建统治,从官员与国家政权兴亡之间的关系、官吏选任的标准与方法、官吏的素养和做官理念、官吏的为政之术等几个方面提出了一系列官论主张。他的这些主张不仅有着极强的现实针对性,且其中的一些主张还闪耀着强烈的现代领导意识的光芒,对今天的领导者也有着许多积极的启迪和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
小说是在文革的大背景下,安排的一场对于主人公南昌的启蒙运动。时代的独特性决定了这场启蒙的独特性,由陈卓然开启的启蒙之路,让南昌经历了三次成长阶段,从打开了南昌的精神大门到南昌开始独立的思考人生,再到他勇敢地追寻“光和真理”的真谛,这三个阶段成就了一个完整的真实的有血有肉有疼痛感懂得痛苦的南昌。在这个过程中,作者将她熟稔的市民文化贯穿其中,并支撑起南昌最后的成长蜕变,完成了他的成长历程。  相似文献   
近年来,关于左思、鲍照的文学研究渐成繁荣兴旺的局面。但是,从时代背景和地域文化等视野对他们个人进行横向比较研究的论文极少。本文论述了左鲍二人在生活环境及个性思想方面存在相似性,但也有差异性。差异性体现在如下几个方面:时代背景的差异,地域文化的差异。不同的时代背景与地域文化造成的个性、思想方面的差异,进而导致了不同的人生结局。  相似文献   
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