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环保的CO2微孔发泡越来越受到重视.本文阐述了聚合物发泡的原理,讨论了CO2微孔发泡挤出过程中的气泡成核压力降问题,指出成核前的压力保持对于气泡成核的重要性.给出了压力降模型,并按此设计出多款发泡口模机头.  相似文献   
通过对移动从动件凸轮轮廓曲线的几何分析,运用三心定理得出凸轮压力角的计算公式,用Excel准确计算出凸轮轮廓曲线上各点的压力角后运用图表分析不同运动规律、不同升程及不同偏心距的情况下凸轮轮廓曲线上各点压力角的变化规律。  相似文献   
为检测气动执行器常用控制信号0-200kPa气压,设计了基于MSP430单片机和压阻式压力传感器MPX2200的气压检测系统.阐述了检测系统的软硬件设计,给出了MPX2200恒流源电路和放大倍数可调的两级放大电路,介绍了软件设计中的标度变换、分段插值和中值滤波方法.该系统在电路设计上选用仪用放大器、单片机自带AD转换器,所用元器件少、功耗低、精度高,可广泛应用于智能化、低功耗化的气动执行机构及其元器件的设计中.  相似文献   
以低功耗单片机MSP430F247为控制核心,通过对GPS模块、大气压传感器、湿度传感器(SHT71)与时钟芯片(DS1302)采集的信息进行处理,文中设计了一个能测量和显示经度、纬度和海拔高度、大气压力、温度、湿度、速度和移动方向的系统.该系统具有电子指南针、电子导航、路点轨迹描绘、天气预测、秒表、万年历、时钟、闹钟、音乐播放和自动校正时间的功能.  相似文献   
采用随机抽样的方式对武汉职业技术学院2010届毕业生进行调查,采用问卷调查的方式了解了高职学生的就业压力源、择业效能感状况,并探讨了两者之间的关系。通过相关分析、t检验、方差分析、回归分析,结果表明,(1)高职学生就业压力普遍较大,其中缺乏求职帮助、专业供求矛盾、自我认识与定位成为就业压力最显著的三个来源。(2)高职生的就业压力有如下特点:女生压力大于男生,文科学生比理工科学生更多面临缺乏求职帮助和专业供求矛盾的压力。城市生在职业素质评价和就业心理预期两方面的压力显著高于农村生;非学生干部就业时的总体压力要普遍高于学生干部。(3)高职学生的择业效能感普遍不高,其中高职大学生在职业目标筛选方面的自信心最强。(4)高职大学生中,文科生在信息收集和制定计划两方面的择业效能感要显著低于理科和工科学生;高职生的择业效能感没有性别、城乡生源、是否学生干部等差异。(5)高职大学生就业压力和择业效能感之间有着密切的相关,其中,职业素质评价、自我认识与定位的压力越小,则高职大学生更有择业效能感。  相似文献   
为探讨金樱子多糖(RP)对药物性肝损伤小鼠血脂代谢的影响,采用KM小鼠为研究动物,将小鼠平均分为5组(高、中、低剂量组、正常组、模型组),RP连续灌喂5周.其中第5周的星期一、三、五、日在正常灌胃后2h,除正常组外,其余4组均按5mL/kg腹腔注射0.5%CCl4的花生油溶液,并于末次注射CCl4后18h摘眼球取血,测...  相似文献   
以2007至2017年沪深A股上市公司为研究对象,本文考察了开发支出资本化对企业创新的影响。,实证结果研究发现,开发支出资本化比例与企业创新呈倒U型关系。且结论在稳健性检验之后依然成立。表明:当开发支出资本化比例低于临界值时,由于抑制了管理层通过削减研发投资以实现盈余目标的动机得到抑制,从而促进企业创新;当开发支出资本化比例高于临界值时,促使管理层基于声誉风险管理层为避免将已资本化金额转为费用对当期盈余造成的负面冲击,进行过度研发投资,从而阻碍企业创新。说明不同开发支出资本化比例下,管理层研发投资不同动机对企业创新产生非线性影响。结论在稳健性检验之后依然成立。进一步分析还发现:,开发支出资本化通过研发投资效率作用于企业创新,而且管理层面临的盈余公告压力越大,开发支出资本化对企业创新的非线性影响更为显著。资本化通过非效率研发投资,作用于企业创新;盈余公告压力越大,资本化与企业创新之间的倒U型关系越明显。  相似文献   
Information technology (IT) engagement is defined as a need to spend more time using IT. Practice-based examples show that IT engagement can have adverse effects in organizations. Although users can potentially get more work done through IT engagement, observations show that the users might jeopardize their well-being and hamper their work performance. We aimed to investigate this complexity in the research on IT engagement by examining its potential antecedents and outcomes in organizations. Considering the potentially mixed outcomes, we developed a model to examine the effects of IT engagement on personal productivity and strain. We also aimed to explain the antecedents of IT engagement by drawing on the collective expectations for IT use. In particular, we examined the extent to which normative pressure on IT use drives users’ information load and IT engagement. Finally, we sought to understand whether users’ attempts to avert dependency on IT use reduced their IT engagement. Several hypotheses were developed and tested with survey data of 1091 organizational IT users. The findings help explain the role of normative pressure as a key driver of IT engagement and validate the positive and negative outcomes of IT engagement in organizations.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal fluid is essential for transporting metals in the crust and mantle. To explore the potential of Cu isotopes as a tracer of hydrothermal-fluid activity, Cu-isotope fractionation factors between Cl-bearing aqueous fluids and silicate magmas (andesite, dacite, rhyolite dacite, rhyolite and haplogranite) were experimentally calibrated. Fluids containing 1.75–14 wt.% Cl were mixed together with rock powders in Au95Cu5 alloy capsules, which were equilibrated in cold-seal pressure vessels for 5–13 days at 800–850°C and 2 kbar. The elemental and Cu-isotopic compositions of the recovered aqueous fluid and solid phases were analyzed by (LA-) ICP–MS and multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, respectively. Our experimental results show that the fluid phases are consistently enriched in heavy Cu isotope (65Cu) relative to the coexisting silicates. The Cu-isotope fractionation factor (Δ65CuFLUID-MELT) ranges from 0.08 ± 0.01‰ to 0.69 ± 0.02‰. The experimental results show that the Cu-isotopic fractionation factors between aqueous fluids and silicates strongly depend on the Cu speciation in the fluids (e.g. CuCl(H2O), CuCl2 and CuCl32−) and silicate melts (CuO1/2), suggesting that the exsolved fluids may have higher δ65Cu than the residual magmas. Our results suggest the elevated δ65Cu values in Cu-enriched rocks could be produced by addition of aqueous fluids exsolved from magmas. Together with previous studies on Cu isotopes in the brine and vapor phases of porphyry deposits, our results are helpful for better understanding Cu-mineralization processes.  相似文献   
Understanding the mineralogy of the Earth''s interior is a prerequisite for unravelling the evolution and dynamics of our planet. Here, we conducted high pressure-temperature experiments mimicking the conditions of the deep lower mantle (DLM, 1800–2890 km in depth) and observed surprising mineralogical transformations in the presence of water. Ferropericlase, (Mg, Fe)O, which is the most abundant oxide mineral in Earth, reacts with H2O to form a previously unknown (Mg, Fe)O2Hx (x ≤ 1) phase. The (Mg, Fe)O2Hx has a pyrite structure and it coexists with the dominant silicate phases, bridgmanite and post-perovskite. Depending on Mg content and geotherm temperatures, the transformation may occur at 1800 km for (Mg0.6Fe0.4)O or beyond 2300 km for (Mg0.7Fe0.3)O. The (Mg, Fe)O2Hx is an oxygen excess phase that stores an excessive amount of oxygen beyond the charge balance of maximum cation valences (Mg2+, Fe3+ and H+). This important phase has a number of far-reaching implications including extreme redox inhomogeneity, deep-oxygen reservoirs in the DLM and an internal source for modulating oxygen in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
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