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本文试图以泰克西纳的知识领域划分对哈佛大学、芝加哥大学、香港中文大学、北京大学的通识课程进行考察。研究发现,中外大学的通识课程基本上覆盖所有的知识领域;中外大学均有数量比较多的文学、音乐和艺术评论及历史课程;不同的大学在通识课程开设中各有传统和偏重。  相似文献   
近代中国政治和政治思想的主流是借鉴西方的经验和做法在中国建立民主政治 ,“民”在这样的历史过程中受到了前所未有的关注。传统的重民思想或以民为本的政治原则成为思想家们构建其政治理想时着意挖掘的资源 ,呼吁“重民”成为一种时代潮流。有趣的是 ,“民”在这个潮流演进中 ,逐渐由被倚重的对象转化为广受批判的目标。由重民向改造国民性思潮的演化 ,从一个侧面记录了“民”进入政治系统的历史轨迹 ,反映了君权的逐步衰退和国民在社会转型中所扮演角色的转换  相似文献   

Although increased bone water content resulting from repetitive patellofemoral joint loading has been suggested to be a possible mechanism underlying patellofemoral pain (PFP), there is little data to support this mechanism. The purpose of the current study was to determine whether running results in increases in patella water content and pain and whether 48 hours of rest reduces patella water content and pain to pre-running levels. Ten female runners with a diagnosis of PFP (mean age 25.1 years) participated. Patella water content was quantified using a chemical-shift-encoded water-fat magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol. The visual analog scale (VAS) was used to quantify subjects' pain levels. MRI and pain data were obtained prior to running, immediately following a 40-minute running session, and 48 hours post-running. Pain and patella water content were compared among the 3 time points using one-way ANOVA's with repeated measures. Immediately post-running, persons with PFP reported significant increases in pain and exhibited elevated patella water content. Pain and patella water content decreased to pre-running levels following 48 hours of rest. Our findings suggest that transient changes in patella water content associated with running may, in part, contribute to patellofemoral symptoms.  相似文献   
高技术产业演化的时空分异测度研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
 利用信息熵、集中度指数和产业空间集聚β指数等指标对中国高技术产业演化的时空分异状况进行测度,计算结果表明:在时间序列上我国高技术产业演化可以分为三个阶段,演化特征呈现“均衡→非均衡→均衡”格局。在空间布局上我国高技术产业呈现较强的地理集中现象,且高技术产业地理集中存在地方性行业垄断特征,不同行业集中趋势不同,主要集中在长江三角洲、珠江三角洲和环渤海湾三大地区。高技术产业分工的地方化特征是导致高技术产业布局与空间距离具有弱相关性的直接原因。  相似文献   
通过对基团电负性的计算,定量的说明有机化学中最常见的活性中间体碳正离子的稳定性及解释反应历史中的反马氏规则现象,基团电负性在有机化学中的应用,可以把定性描述量化,是理论教学中质的飞跃,值得努力推进。  相似文献   
《红楼梦》作者通过对贾宝玉独特心理成长过程的描写 ,揭示了贾宝玉的性格是其独特生理、心理成长的结果 ,又是一种社会影响的结果 ,还是一种传统历史文化的载体 ;正是有了这一女性化心理细致深入的描写才使贾宝玉这一形象更加有血有肉 ,而成为不朽的典型  相似文献   
蒋孔阳先生虽然已离我们而去,却永远值得我们怀念。他的学术品格为:海纳百川,博采众长,巍然卓立。同时,这种品格的形成,又是以蒋先生的虚怀若谷、有容乃大的高尚人格为前提的。  相似文献   
1950— 1979年的写作理论发展 ,大致可分为三个阶段 :( 1)从新中国成立到反右派前夕 ;( 2 )从反右派之始到“文化大革命”前夕 ;( 3)从“文化大革命”初始到党的十一届三中全会前后。其主要特点是 :( 1)它从属于政治 ,受制于形势 ,带有深刻的时代烙印 ;( 2 )它主要是以高等学校写作教材的形式出现的 ,有了更高的理论与实践相结合的学术品位 ;( 3)它以文章构成的内容和形式为研究对象 ,兼及写作的实践过程 ,具有“文本”与“人本”、“静态”与“动态”相互参证的性质  相似文献   
为探究降雨入渗作用下排水钉的排水性能及其对土体渗流场的影响,通过开展室内试验、建立排水钉数值模型、定义流量函数模拟降雨入渗过程,分析排水钉排水量及土体中体积含水率和孔隙水压力的变化规律。 结果表明:随着降雨时间的增加,排水钉排水量不断增大直至最大值,排水量处于最大值一段时间后,土体表面积水入渗完成,排水量开始大幅减小。 随着降雨入渗的发展,各监测点处体积含水率均达到土体饱和体积含水率,各处孔隙水压力值由负变正,降雨停止后,由于排水钉的排水作用,各处体积含水率均不断减小,最终,各监测点处体积含水率均小于初始状态,孔隙水压力值由正变负。 数值模拟结果能与室内试验结果具有良好的一致性。 研究结果说明排水钉具有良好的排水效果,可有效解决工程中降水的排出问题,能够为工程的排水设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Students can generate teaching materials for others. However, solid evidence of the learning effect for the student creating the material is needed. This meta-analysis aims to explore current evidence of the learning-by-teaching potential effect on students’ learning of the content they teach. A total of 23 articles were included in the meta-analysis, providing 62 comparisons between an intervention in which students were required to create a teaching material and an alternative condition. Possible moderators were examined as well (i.e., product, educational level, content area, and access to source material). Results show statistically significant differences in favour of creating teaching materials when compared to business-as-usual or alternative interventions, with an overall effect of 0.17. However, the type of product and the access to source material significantly moderate the findings. Audio-visual and visual materials considerably outperform textual materials. Having no access to the source material is better than having full access to it. No publication bias was detected. However, the type of control group moderates the findings: creating teaching materials shows a significant effect when compared to nonbeneficial interventions rather than to other expected beneficial interventions. Nonbeneficial interventions refer to business-as-usual or alternative interventions that are not expected to influence the outcome much, while beneficial interventions are those that are known or expected to have a positive effect. The findings are discussed based on the different views on the underlying learning-by-teaching mechanisms. Limitations as well as implications for practice, policy, and future research are underlined.  相似文献   
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