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结合多年运动队管理工作实践,对新时期运动队思想政治工作的特点及应采取的相应方法进行了深入细致的探讨。诸如以人为本、准确定位、明确目标、准确把握时机、融入训练比赛全过程等经验之谈,不乏真诚和时代特征,对当前运动队思想政治工作确有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
改革开放以后,社会工作教育在我国有了快速发展.但其发展的背后却问题重重.其中社会工作价值观教育的缺失是限制社会工作专业教育稳定持续发展的关键.因此,本文在分析社会工作价值观教育重要意义的基础上,着重探讨价值观教育缺失的原因,以期提出具有针对性的对策建议,真正培育"注满价值"的社会工作者.  相似文献   
研究型辅导员是落实科学发展观的必然要求,建设研究型辅导员队伍需要科学发展观的指导。要加强制度建设,确保辅导员科研_Y-作的可持续发展,保障和鼓励辅导员参加科研;要科学构建科研评价制度。同时,辅导员要充分发挥主观能动性,统筹安排好日常事务性工作和科研工作。要妥善处理好个人研究与集体研究的关系。  相似文献   
工程量清单是招标过程中投标人的投标报价基础,还是贯穿整个建设项目管理过程的重要依据。文章探讨了目前工程实践中工程量清单计价存在的问题,并提供了相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   
思想政治教育工作是中国共产党的优良传统和政治优势,是中国共产党一切工作的生命线。抗战时期,中国共产党立足革命实际对农民开展了切实可行的思想政治教育工作。不仅提高了农民的思想政治觉悟和水平,为抗日战争的胜利提供了坚实的群众基础和力量源泉,而且对于当前农民思想政治教育工作有所借鉴意义和参考价值。  相似文献   
高职资助工作是高校学生工作的重要组成部分,本文通过对资助工作考核中的薄弱项——媒体宣传现状及原因分析,提出了强化贫困生挫折教育、加强贫困生感恩教育、创设互帮互助的的环境和氛围、加强与校内外媒体的联系、提高资助专员业务素养、表彰构建和谐关爱的典型等有效解决这一问题的方式方法,为进一步提升学生资助工作水平起到了积极的推进作用。  相似文献   
工学结合模式是我国高职教育改革发展的一种培养模式,在这种模式下,构建教学信息化交流平台具有一定的必然性。本文分析体育教学的现状,设计了体育教学信息化交流平台的板块,探讨这一平台的构建方法。  相似文献   
20世纪20至40年代是陇南水旱灾害的频发时期,水旱灾害的强度之大和发生频率之高在此时段内表现得尤为突出,灾害造成的损失也极为惨重。面对严重的水旱灾害,上级部门和地方政府采取了一系列应对措施,政府在一定程度上发挥了救灾主体的作用,救灾在总体上收到了一定的效果。但必须看到,封建性和现代性的交织构成了当时政府应对水旱灾害措施的基本特征,再加上受特定历史条件和政治环境的制约,政府的救灾效果很有限,体现出社会转型时期政府的某些特点。  相似文献   
To identify links among professional development, teacher knowledge, practice, and student achievement, researchers have called for study designs that allow causal inferences and that examine relationships among features of interventions and multiple outcomes. In a randomized experiment implemented in six states with over 270 elementary teachers and 7,000 students, this project compared three related but systematically varied teacher interventions—Teaching Cases, Looking at Student Work, and Metacognitive Analysis—along with no‐treatment controls. The three courses contained identical science content components, but differed in the ways they incorporated analysis of learner thinking and of teaching, making it possible to measure effects of these features on teacher and student outcomes. Interventions were delivered by staff developers trained to lead the teacher courses in their regions. Each course improved teachers' and students' scores on selected‐response science tests well beyond those of controls, and effects were maintained a year later. Student achievement also improved significantly for English language learners in both the study year and follow‐up, and treatment effects did not differ based on sex or race/ethnicity. However, only Teaching Cases and Looking at Student Work courses improved the accuracy and completeness of students' written justifications of test answers in the follow‐up, and only Teaching Cases had sustained effects on teachers' written justifications. Thus, the content component in common across the three courses had powerful effects on teachers' and students' ability to choose correct test answers, but their ability to explain why answers were correct only improved when the professional development incorporated analysis of student conceptual understandings and implications for instruction; metacognitive analysis of teachers' own learning did not improve student justifications either year. Findings suggest investing in professional development that integrates content learning with analysis of student learning and teaching rather than advanced content or teacher metacognition alone. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 333–362, 2012  相似文献   
This article researches work by four pupils in a diachronic collection of Norwegian primary school workbooks. Given signs of a variety of voices and perspectives in chosen representations of central tenets and/or practices in religions and philosophical traditions, how can an analysis and discussion of a few chosen texts shed light on their authors’, i.e. the pupils’, (self-) formative modes of encountering the diverse voices and perspectives? The pupils’ expressions are discussed by staging an interaction between inductively analysed elements in the source material and theoretical points from sociocultural learning theory. The theoretical concepts of ‘mediated action’, ‘voice’, ‘multivoicedness’, ‘dialogicality’, ‘speech genre’ and ‘privileging’ are particularly suitable. Interpretive results: Two pupils, working in the 1980s and early 1990s, have been engaged in inner dialogue with authoritative texts and voices, including teachers’ decisions for the learning situations. One pupil’s work (the mid 1990s) shows grappling with the many diverse insider voices in her textbook. Another pupil’s work (2008/2009) has traces of a structural privileging of the perspective of the ‘objective outsider’ while also signalling inner dialogic reflection.  相似文献   
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