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采用测试法、询问法和数理统计法,对三明市不同锻炼行为的高校高级知识分子体质状况进行比较研究.研究结果表明:在身体形态指标体重、BMI指数方面,男女各年龄段锻炼组与不锻炼组之间的比较均无显著性的差异;在身体机能指标肺活量、台阶指数方面,男女各年龄段锻炼组均优于不锻炼组;在身体素质指标握力、坐位体前屈、选择反应时、闭眼单脚...  相似文献   
形成权是一种重要的民事权利类型.从概念的提出开始,到对其理论研究不断发展的今天,人们对形成权在内涵、功能、行使等各个方面的认识仍存在分歧.有鉴于此,通过对形成权的一些基本理论问题如形成权概念、性质、特征、功能以及其与相关概念的界分等方面进行分析,从而达到对形成权有一个清晰的认识.  相似文献   
新中国成立以来我国校园体操发展的价值理念、存在样态与治理实践发生了重大变革与结构转型。价值理念从工具理性的健康诉求上升到了价值理性的生命育化,践行了从强体卫国到重技荣国,身心之育到生命之育的目标转向与效用升级,内蕴有对学校体育崇高使命与体操事业发展的不懈追求。存在样态践履了技术传承到活动育人的过程延伸,既有前期继承发展到本土创新的结构异化,亦有期待从内容分散到系统规划的量质协调发展,大致表现为外部引入为拓展,本土适应为创新的总体特征。治理实践历经了高度集权的行政依附到参与分权的责能转移,推动了治理主体由“同构”多元向“自主”多元的关系转变。长远来看,我国校园体操的发展要走出狭隘理论认知与实践表达的误区,基于对个体健康成长与全面发展的理念,系统规划校园体操的学—练—赛,以及平衡治理主体之间的契约合作关系,以推动校园大众性体操之扩基与竞技性体操之强基的量质协调与融合发展。  相似文献   
目的观察12周惯性哑铃练习对轻度认知损害(MCI)老年人认知功能、身体活动能力、生活质量和睡眠质量的影响,并探讨认知改善与其他功能改变之间的关系。方法将45名MCI老年人随机分为干预组(n=22)和对照组(n=23)。干预组受试者进行惯性哑铃练习(3次/周,60 min/次,持续12周),对照组不进行运动干预。结果 12周后,干预组受试者阿尔茨海默病评定量表-认知部分(ADAS-Cog)总分/指令得分、蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MoCA)评分、起立行走计时(TUG)和SF-36健康调查问卷(SF-36)心理总得分均显著改善(均P<0.05)。与对照组相比,干预组受试者ADAS-Cog总分/单词回忆得分/注意力得分、简明精神量表(MMSE)评分、TUG和匹兹堡睡眠指数(PSQI)的改善程度均具有显著差异(P<0.05或P=0.05)。偏相关分析结果显示,SF-36心理总得分改变(r=-0.712)、PSQI改变(r=-0.380)与认知改善程度均呈显著负相关。结论 12周惯性哑铃练习可显著提高MCI老年人的认知功能,并对其移动能力、生活质量和睡眠质量具有积极影响,且心理和睡眠改变程度可能影响认知功能的改善效果。  相似文献   
本文采用文献资料法、综述法,以"运动处方""治疗""抑郁症"等为关键词,在中国知网、超星发现等文献网站,搜索相关文献,进行归纳总结。得出结论并提出建议,旨在整理出运动处方治疗抑郁症的研究现状,为今后的研究发展提供参考。  相似文献   
本研究通过量表信效度检测、设计量表、相关性分析,以北京工业大学本科女生群体作为调查对象,探究本科女生体育锻炼与其学习效率是否具有相关性。最终通过数据分析得到,本科女生体育锻炼与其学习效率成正相关性,故基于"线上线下"、"课上课下"角度一级北京工业大学校园资源建设的实际情况,提出相对应的措施来促进北京工业大学本科女生体育锻炼水平,进而提升其学习效率。  相似文献   
利用UAS/hand-gal4系统构建果蝇心脏Nmnat基因特异性过表达,研究心脏Nmnat基因过表达联合耐力运动对高脂膳食诱发脂毒性心肌症的影响,并分析其分子机制。方法:雄性w^1118和NmnatUAS系果蝇分别与雌性hand-Gal4杂交,收集F1代心脏Nmnat正常表达(hand>w^1118)和过表达(hand>Nmnat)处女蝇,饲养至15 d后开始进行耐力运动(E)和高脂膳食(HFD),并分为hand>w^1118、hand>w^1118+E、hand>w^1118+HFD、hand>w^1118+HFD+E、hand>Nmnat、hand>Nmnat+E、hand>Nmnat+HFD、hand>Nmnat+HFD+E共8组,每组410只。ELISA检测心脏TAG、NAD+、SIR2蛋白去乙酰化、SOD活力和MDA水平,qRT-PCR检测心脏相关基因mRNA表达,M-mode检测心脏功能情况。结果:hand>w^1118+HFD+E果蝇心脏的Nmnat、dFoxo、bmm表达、NAD+水平、SIR2去乙酰化、SOD活力、缩短分数高于hand>w^1118+HFD(P<0.05或P<0.01),且d FAS和Col4al表达、TAG和MDA水平、心率和纤维性振颤低于hand>w^1118+HFD(P<0.05或P<0.01);hand>Nmnat果蝇心脏各指标与hand>Nmnat+HFD相比较未见显著差异(P>0.05);hand>Nmnat+HFD+E果蝇心脏的Nmnat、dFoxo、bmm表达、心脏NAD+水平、SIR2去乙酰化、SOD活力、心脏缩短分数高于hand>Nmnat+HFD(P<0.05或P<0.01),且dFAS和Col4al表达\TAG和MDA水平、心率和纤维性振颤低于hand>Nmnat+HFD(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论:心脏Nmnat过表达和耐力运动均能抵抗果蝇高脂膳食诱发的心脏脂质过度堆积、氧化损伤、减弱心脏收缩能力和增加纤维性振颤,其分子机制与心脏Nmnat/NAD+/SIR2/dFoxo通路活性增强有关。心脏Nmnat基因过表达联合耐力运动能更好地降低脂毒性心肌症的发生概率,其机制与二者联合对心脏Nmnat/NAD+/SIR2/dFoxo通路活性上调的叠加作用有关。  相似文献   
Previous research has highlighted the positive effect that different warm-up protocols have on golf performance (e.g. Sorbie et al., 2016; Tilley & Macfarlane, 2012) with the design of warm-ups and programmes targeting and improving golf performance through the activation and development of specific muscle groups. This study aimed to examine the acute effects of two warm-up protocols on golf drive performance in comparison to a control condition. Using a randomised counterbalanced design over three testing sessions, twenty-three highly skilled golfers completed the control, dynamic and resistance-band warm-up conditions. Following each condition, a GC2 launch monitor was used to record ball velocity and other launch parameters of ten shots hit with the participants’ own driver. A repeated-measures ANOVA found significant increases in ball velocity (ηp2 = .217) between the control and both the dynamic and resistance-band warm-up conditions but no difference between these latter two, and a reduction in launch angle between control and dynamic conditions. The use of either a dynamic stretching or resistance-band warm-up can have acute benefits on ball velocity but golfers should liaise with a PGA Professional golf coach to effectively integrate this into their golf driving performance.  相似文献   
Growing evidence suggests that social identities may have profound implications for physical activity participation. Real-world examinations of this relationship have, however, been lacking, with research predominantly examining intentions and hypothetical scenarios. To address this shortcoming and further advance understanding in this area, the present study tested relationships between group identification, participation, two exercise-specific outcomes (exercise-specific satisfaction and group cohesion), and a broad health indicator (life satisfaction) among individuals recruited from parkrun. Participants (= 289) completed questionnaires measuring all variables except participants’ parkrun participation, which was objectively assessed. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that group identification was significantly associated with greater participation, exercise-specific satisfaction, group cohesion, and life satisfaction. Findings provide real-world evidence of the health-related benefits associated with forming strong social identities in exercise settings.  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the factor structure and reliability of the Korean Quality of Life (KQoL) survey and compared the KQoL survey to both the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief Version (WHOQOL-BREF) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). We also assessed associations between KQoL scores and physical activity (PA) participation. Participants were 557 (male = 281, female = 276) healthy Korean adults with ages between 18 and 71 years (M = 33.2, SD = 14.2). Results of confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the 7-subscale model and indicated acceptable values supporting convergent validity (χ2 = 1,678.758, df = 443, p < .001, RMSR = .045, RMSEA = .071, TLI = .880, CFI = .892). Correlations of KQoL subscales with similar subscales of WHOQOL-BREF and with SWLS supported concurrent validity. Results confirm that the KQoL survey can assess multidimensional aspects of quality of life (QoL), including spiritual, physical, social, and psychological. KQoL scores were positively related to PA participation, in line with previous research supporting the positive association of PA with QoL.  相似文献   
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