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This exploratory study aims to identify the core competencies necessary to successfully advance the careers of female associate professors in higher education. To ascertain these core career competencies, a critical incident interview technique was employed. One-to-one semi-structured interviews with six female full professors at a major research university in the Midwestern region of the United States were conducted. Based on participants’ career advancement experiences, the following competencies were identified: (1) making important connections, (2) fulfilling responsibilities in academia, (3) being politically savvy, (4) managing personal and professional obligations, (5) developing a sense of self-agency for one’s career, and (6) believing in one’s self in the work environment. The action-oriented findings of this research, rather than skill-based, can be easily adapted by faculty and institutions, both domestically and internationally, to improve current practices. These findings offer a unique contribution for improving the research and practice of career development among female faculty in higher education.  相似文献   
短篇小说<达罗卫夫人>是弗吉丽亚·伍尔夫的代表作品,目前对它的评论多局限在意识流技巧的探讨上,而没有从技巧与思想内涵的内在联系方面加以深入.本文拟从"死亡意识"入手,探讨女性作家如何采用"意识流"的技法,表现丰富多彩的女性意识空间.  相似文献   
The main purpose of this study was to assess the effects of doodling on the learning performance of high school female students in Tehran. The design of this research was a pre‐test–post‐test with a control group. A group of 169 junior high school 12–13 year‐old students was chosen for this study. After being taught a section of the Natural Science course, the students were asked to answer questions related to the lessons. After that, their grades were used as the pre‐test scores. The post‐test was carried out after the devised treatment. During ten sessions of the same course and teacher, the students were each given a blank sheet of paper and were asked for doodling if they felt like doing it. After each session, a couple of relevant written questions were asked to evaluate how well students had learned the lessons. The experiment and control group both consisted of 27 randomly selected students; participants in the experiment group were doodlers and those in the control group did not doodle. To evaluate the doodling effect a t‐test analysis was performed. Comparison of the grades showed that the experiment group outperformed the control group significantly.  相似文献   
弹词小说是盛行于明清闺阁之间的长篇小说,《再生缘》是其中的佼佼者。女主角孟丽君不但有自强自立之言行,还有自信自尊之心态。女作家陈端生通过塑造一个栩栩如生、与众不同的“女状元”孟丽君表达了自己强烈的女性自主意识。  相似文献   
曹禺剧作中的女性形象,大胆﹑叛逆﹑与众不同,曹禺把她们作为一个真正的“人”凸现出来,她们不再是男人的影子,而是像男人一样能够争取主动权、拥有独立人格的人,这也是曹禺不同于同时代作家的创作特点;但剧中女性人物的性格在她们悲剧性的人生历程中决不起主导作用,“情出于性”,所以,作者从情爱角度,将其投放在情感的三角关系中,用人性化的文笔剖析中国千百年来封建女性悲剧的实质——人性的复苏乃至与整个男权社会抗争造成的悲剧。  相似文献   
"娜拉出走"是"五四"时期独有的时代话语,并因其所蕴含的个性解放、女性解放的核心思想和意义,被赋予神圣伟大的地位。但经历了十年的风风雨雨之后,沉樱以她的作品在不经意中对其进行了解构,以其作品中女性人物的遭遇,深刻揭示了娜拉出走的盲目性、脆弱性及不彻底性,表现了作者对于女性解放之路的独特思考,同时也展示了二三十年代一部分知识女性真实的生存状态。  相似文献   
高校女职工是高校改革、建设和发展的重要生力军,女职工的和谐发展对高校构建和谐校园具有重要意义。一个和谐发展的高校女职工,应具有思维开放、身心健康、家庭和睦、乐观自信、知识广博等主要特征。影响高校女职工和谐发展的因素主要包括内因和外因两个方面。高校女职工要实现和谐发展,需要政府促进和谐公平、社会公共理性引导、高校建设和谐校园、女职工构建和谐家庭和加强自身锤炼等多方共同努力。  相似文献   
张胜利 《丹东师专学报》2011,(5):109-113,129
《红楼梦》中众女儿的形象,从不同侧面折射出"东方女性"之美的闪光点;同时她们在特定的历史、社会环境中又深受双重人格的困扰。吕启祥先生的论红文章,特别是《〈红楼梦〉与中国现代女性文化形象的塑立》一文,从女性的独立人格与主体意识出发,深刻解析了《红楼梦》中"东方女性气质"的多重文化内涵;提出作为审美主体的红楼女性如何在审美活动与文化自觉的过程中提升自身素质,完善自我的命题;阐述了《红楼梦》一书与现代女性文化形象之间的关系;明确指出应恢复和确立《红楼梦》在世界女性学学术史上的地位。  相似文献   
文化的密码具有永恒的制约性,宗教文化作为制约性因素始终是俄罗斯文学的基本命题之一,所有时期的文学中都保留着宗教的因素与特征,高尔基的长篇小说《母亲》就具有很多东正教中关于女性的观念特征。  相似文献   
蒲松龄在《聊斋志异》中塑造了众多的女性形象,这些女性美丽清纯、秀外慧中,才智超群、识见不凡,勤劳治家、百事和顺,情深意长、忠贞不渝,沉着机智、勇于抗争,寄寓着蒲氏对女性的期望,体现出作家的审美理想和非同寻常的识见,开拓了女性的审美意蕴。  相似文献   
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