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采用递增负荷耗竭运动模型为急性缺氧应激源,观察了SD大鼠急性运动至力竭后心肌组织和线粒体膜过氧化脂质含量,线粒体内膜NADH-CoQ还原酶活性变化和心肌纤维和线粒体超微结构。结果表明,心肌能量需求过高性缺氧应激后大鼠心肌组织匀浆和线粒体膜过氧化脂含量分别增高140.9%和39.4%(P<0.01和P<0.05),线粒体内膜NADH-CoQ还原酶活性降低61.6%(P<0.05),心肌纤维和线粒体超微结构呈缺氧损伤性改变。研究提示,急性运动缺氧应激后心肌组织和心肌线粒体膜结构变化与脂质过氧化作用增强有关  相似文献   
1Introduction Generally,ultrafiltration(UF)asaseparationtech nologyofhighefficiencyandlowenergyconsumption haswidelybeenappliedinvariousindustries.Inin dustrialapplications,therearesixbasicUF modules[1]:(1)tubular,withinnerchannel diameters>4mm;(2)hollowfibers,withinnerdia metersof0.2-3mm;(3)plateunits;(4)spiral woundmodules;(5)pleated sheetcartridges;and(6)rotarymodules.However,hollowfiberUFmoduleis oneofmostimportantmodulesbecauseofitshigh areapackingdensity.Besides,UFtechnologyalsois us…  相似文献   
1 Introduction Alumina membrane has received considerable atten-tion for its thermal ,chemical and mechanical stabilityin filtration applications .Alumina membraneis usuallyprepared by sol-gel process ,in which uniform nano-meter-sized particles can be pr…  相似文献   
潘春跃  朱长乐 《科技通报》1991,7(4):211-215
本文介绍了膜技术在能量回收和节能过程中的应用和发展动向。对膜技术在制能过程中的应用做了重点介绍,如以煤气化和液化来生产煤合成气制能过程以及由生物资源制能过程中的膜技术,涉及富氧膜及装置,电化学熔盐膜用于酸气的脱除等,并对渗透汽化膜技术代替蒸馏过程的节能意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Objective: To determine the existence of genus-specific antigens in outer membrane proteins (OMPs) ofleptospira with different virulence. Methods: Microscope agglutination test (MAT) was applied to detect the agglutination between commercial rabbit antiserum against leptospiral genus-specific TR/Patoc I antigen and 17 strains ofLeptospira interrongans belonging to 15 serogroups and 2 strains ofLeptospira biflexa belonging to 2 serogroups. The outer envelopes (OEs) ofLinterrogans serogroupIcterohaemorrhagiae serovarlai strainlai (56601) with strong virulence and serogroupPomona serovarpomona strainLuo (56608) with low virulence, andL. biflexa serogroupSemaranga serovarpatoc strainPatoc I without virulence were prepared by using the method reported in Auranet al. (1972). OMPs in the OEs were obtained by treatment with sodium deoxycholate. SDS-PAGE and western blot were used for analyzing the features of the OMPs on electrophoretic pattern and the immunoreactivity to the antiserum against TR/Patoc I antigen, respectively. Results: All the tested strains belonging to different leptospiral serogroups agglutinated to the antiserum against leptospiral genus-specific TR/Patoc I antigen with agglutination titers ranging from 1:256–1:512. A similar SDS-PAGE pattern of the OMPs from the three strains ofleptospira with different virulence was shown and the molecular weight of a major protein fragment in the OMPs was found to be approximately 60 Kda. A positive protein fragment with approximately 32 KDa confirmed by Western blot, was able to react with the antiserum against leptospiral genus-specific TR/Patoc I antigen, and was found in each the OMPs of the three stains ofleptospira. Conclusion: There are genus-specific antigens on the surface ofL.interrogans andL.biflexa. The OMP with molecular weight of 32 KDa may be one of the genus-specific protein antigens ofleptospira. Project (No. 39970678) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   
类脂双层研究的动力来自动物世界,1961年首次报道了生物体的双层类脂膜(BLM)自组装.BLM体系已广泛应用于对生物能、光合成、免疫学和生物传感器等多种物理学现象的研究.文章在综述了类脂双层的起源及形成机理的基础上,从理论上分析了类脂双层的电学参量,以及类脂双层应用于生物传感器的应用前景.  相似文献   
Modelling and control PEMFC using fuzzy neural networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION With worldwide increase of air pollution and the environmental consciousness of governments,people have to look for new resources to mitigate the energy crisis and improve the present environmental status(Baschuk and Li,2000;Rowe and Li,2001).Fuel cells are highly efficient and environmentally clean electricity generators(Berning et al.,2002)that convert the chemical energy of a gaseous fuel directly into electrical energy and play an important role in solving the energy pro…  相似文献   
The effect of an intrinsic defect in the red cell and pronounced hypochromia on oxidative damage to RBC membrane lipids was compared in beta-thalassemia and iron deficiency anemia (IDA), which have a varied etiology but equivalent low hemogiobin content. The study was planned to correlate the etiology of the disorders to the severity of lipid imbalance and RBC hemolysis in membranes of both the conditions. Results indicated a fall of lysophosphatidylcholine(LPC), phosphatidylethanolamine(PE) and the unsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratio in both conditions, while phosphatidylcholine(PC) increased only in thalassemia. However, irrespective of the disease, sphingomyelin(SM), total cholesterol and phospholipid levels elevated and the hydrogen peroxide stress test indicated increased susceptibility of both pathologic RBCs to peroxidation. Present findings indicate that IDA and thalassemla, allow for considerable amounts of oxidative damage to membrane lipids, irrespective of their etiologles, and thus point hypochromia as an important contributor for inducing lipid imbalance and RBC hemolysis.  相似文献   
In the present study the property of lectin agglutination in blood on normal and different cancer patients has been observed. The purifiedSynadenium grantii root lectin was non blood group specific and its utility as a diagnostic tool in malignancy was studied. Hemagglutination (units/ml) of red blood cells of different types of cancer was compared with the normal control's red blood cells. Out of 113 total cancer patients, only a group of 29 breast cancer patients showed significant increase in titre value (P<0.05) compared to normal control.  相似文献   
The paraboloidal membrane shell with free boundary condition is actively controlled using photostrictive actuators which can provide contactless actuation under the illumination of ultraviolet light. The governing equations of the paraboloidal shell laminated with paired photostrictive actuators are established based on membrane approximation. The modal control actions of meridional/circumferential actuators are respectively formulated and evaluated by case studies. Constant light intensity related to the velocity of the shell is adopted, and then the governing equations are written in a closed-loop form which can be solved with Newmark-β method. Considering the multi-field coupling behavior of photostrictive actuators, time histories of transverse displacement and control light intensity are simulated and evaluated. The results show that photostrictive actuators can effectively control the vibration of the paraboloidal membrane shell, and the photostrictive actuators oriented along circumferential direction can give better control effect than photostrictive actuators placed along the meridional direction.  相似文献   
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