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地矿类行业对高层次复合型人才的需求日趋强烈,地矿类专业在职博士研究生的人数逐渐增多。在借鉴欧美等西方国家工程博士学位培养模式的基础上,我国地矿类在职博士研究生的培养需要依据在职博士研究生自身的特点,录取时应着重考核工作能力和工作业绩,培养过程应坚持理论与实务并重,培养目标(学位论文)应强调解决工程实践问题。  相似文献   
进入21世纪后,矿产资源管理人才短缺的问题已成为制约我国矿产资源安全的重要因素。本文在总结国内外高校矿产资源管理相关专业的发展层次、学科特征与人才培养模式的基础上,提出现阶段我国可通过本科阶段拓展专业方向、硕博阶段加大专业深度的方式,开展矿产资源管理复合型人才的培养。建议在已有的地学专业的基础上,补充矿业产权、产籍等内容,分层次、分目标地促进矿产资源管理的专业发展,从而可有效缓解我国矿产资源管理人才的需求缺口问题。  相似文献   
铀地矿工程应用人才必须具备行业所需的特殊隐性素质。高校作为人才培养主阵地,对这些素质的启蒙与延展起基础作用。应从基本内容、实现途径、运行机制等方面建构铀地矿工程应用型人才行业隐性素质的培养模式。  相似文献   
矿业工程领域工程硕士研究生大多来自矿山企业的管理岗位和技术岗位,存在着工、学冲突的问题。针对这些特点,我们提出采用模拟学术会议教学、准实地教学和远程学导式教学模式,以提高工程硕士研究生课程教学的实效性。  相似文献   
It is well known that sport and exercise play an important role in stimulating site-specific bone mineral density (BMD). However, what is less well understood is how these benefits dissipate throughout the body. Hence, the aim of the present study was to compare the BMD (recorded at nine sites throughout the skeleton) of 106 male athletes (from nine sports) with that of 15 male non-exercising age-matched controls. Given that BMD is known to increase with body mass and peak with age, multivariate and univariate analyses of covariance were performed to compare the BMD of the nine sports groups with controls (at all sites) using body mass and age as covariates. Our results confirmed a greater adjusted BMD in the arms of the upper-body athletes, the right arm of racket players and the legs of runners (compared with controls), supporting the site-specific nature (i.e. specific to the externally loaded site) of the bone remodelling response (all P?<0.01). However, evidence that bone mass acquisition is not just site-specific comes from the results of the rugby players, strength athletes, triathletes and racket players. The rugby players' adjusted BMD was the greatest of all sports groups and greater than controls at all nine sites (all P?<0.01), with differences ranging from 8% greater in the left arm to 21% in the lumbar spine. Similarly, the strength athletes' adjusted BMD was superior to that of controls at all sites (P?<0.05) except the legs. The adjusted BMD of the triathletes was significantly greater than that of the controls in both the arms and the legs as well as the thoracic and lumbar spine. The racket players not only had significantly greater right arm BMD compared with the controls but also a greater BMD of the lumbar spine, the pelvis and legs. In contrast, the low-strain, low-impact activities of keep-fit, cycling and rowing failed to benefit BMD compared with the age-matched controls. These results suggest that sporting activities involving high impact, physical contact and/or rotational forces or strains are likely to convey significant benefits not only to the loaded sites, but also to other unloaded peripheral and axial sites throughout the skeleton.  相似文献   
碎屑矿物在判别沉积物来源以及沉积环境变化等方面具有重要意义。基于对2013年汛前与汛后采集的黄河尾闾河道表层沉积物样品的鉴定,探讨了调水调沙工程实施导致的水动力变化对碎屑矿物组成特征的影响。结果表明,汛前或汛后黄河尾闾河道表层沉积物中共鉴定出重矿物31种,轻矿物11种。尾闾河道沉积物整体以轻矿物为主,占比达99%以上。重矿物优势矿种共8种,分别为普通角闪石、绿帘石、褐铁矿、阳起石、水黑云母、石榴子石、榍石和碳酸盐,其中普通角闪石占比高达29.98%,是主要标志性重矿物;轻矿物优势矿种共3种,分别为石英、斜长石及钾长石,其中石英占比高达59.75%,是主要优势矿种,并可用于确定物源。比较而言,汛后8种重矿物含量之和比汛前增加3.7%,尤其是普通角闪石,其在汛后占比较汛前增加8.62%。与之不同,轻矿物含量在汛前与汛后差异不大,但沿程变化明显。研究发现,尽管调水调沙工程在改变尾闾河道水动力的同时并未使其轻矿物组分发生明显改变,但其导致的重矿物沉积分异却较为明显。  相似文献   
利用不同菌种保藏方法保存了29个食用菌菌株.结果表明:固体石蜡封口的斜面冰箱保藏法,对陈香菇[Lentinusedodes(Berk·Sing.]3个菌株外的其它26个菌株保藏4年后,全部存活良好,并保持其原有的生产性能.这一方法结合矿油保藏祛,可用于一般食用菌菌种的中长期保存.  相似文献   
知识经济时代的到来使矿产资源利用出现了新的趋势和特点。西部地区矿产资源开发应正视知识经济的挑战,顾应新的趋势,并采取相应的可持续利用策略,以保持其矿产资源优势,促进西部矿业的可持续发展。  相似文献   
在现阶段,我国的城市化建设进一步加快,地质找矿工作的重要性也越来越明显,但是目前在地质找矿过程中还存在很多的问题,本文就这些问题进行了详细的阐述,并且提出了合理解决问题的办法。  相似文献   
田磊  申文金 《大观周刊》2012,(30):65-66
文章从分析标准化与矿产资源管理的关系为切入点,探讨了标准化在矿产资源管理中的重要作用,并系统总结了我国现阶段矿产领域行业标准化的现状及存在的问题,根据工作实际,提出了在矿产资源管理工作中发挥标准化作用的若干建议。  相似文献   
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