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公安网络系统单纯采用一种加密技术无法确保混合公安网络系统的安全,弊端明显。分析了对称加密和非对称加密技术,提出一种混合公安网络中融合加密技术,先采用二者结合的混合加密方法,对混合公安网络进行初始加密,再通过基于超混沌映射的数据融合加密算法,对混合公安网络进行再次加密,采用Chen超混沌系统形成四条混沌序列,对这四条混沌序列进行取小数部分、矩阵相乘及取索引值等变形处理,分别利用变形后的混沌序列对原始数据和密钥进行位置置乱处理,用交换位平面和按位取反处理扰乱数据值,通过加运算获取加密数据。实验结果说明,所提融合加密技术具有较高的加密效率和质量。  相似文献   
以营销组合理论为基础,以中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL)的服务营销为案例,通过对CASHL营销活动的分析,总结图书馆文献资源共建共享体系开展服务营销时需要注意的7个关键影响因素,即:用户市场调研与市场细分、特定的信息产品与品牌服务、低廉的价格、金字塔形的用户培育、顺畅的渠道、公共关系管理和营销效果评估。以期为其他文献信息服务机构提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   
试论体育文化的传播机制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
按照文化结构理论 ,体育文化可以分为三个圈层 :表层的器物层 ,表现为具体的运动形态 ;中层制度层 ,表现为体育体制 ;深层的精神层表现为体育的意识、观念等。体育文化的传播 ,也要遵循文化传播的规律 ,也要经历由扩散到融合再到变迁的过程 ,体育文化的器物层和制度层一般比较容易得到扩散 ,而精神层次却比较稳定 ,所以体育文化与输入地文化的融合将是一个漫长的过程 ,这个过程的最终结果就是体育文化的变迁 ,即形成具有输入地文化特点的体育文化 ,只有对民族文化批判地继承和对外来体育文化有选择地吸收 ,才能促进两种文化的顺利融合 ,并最终形成本民族特色的体育文化。  相似文献   
混凝土质量控制在建筑工程中非常重要。应针对引起混凝土质量缺陷的因素,从混凝土的组成材料、混凝土配合比、混凝土生产过程等方面进行控制论述。  相似文献   
伴随着信息技术的飞速发展,高校图书馆的参考咨询服务正由传统的服务方式向数字参考咨询服务方式转变。由于商业性和非商业性咨询公司的竞争和挑战,其竞争态势正愈加激烈。面对如此严峻的形势,引入3Rs服务营销组合理论,针对现阶段高校图书馆DRS中存在的问题,从打造3Rs营销组合氛围、创建良好的3Rs营销组合实施前提和实施重点这3方面制定了高校图书馆DRS的3Rs服务营销组合策略。  相似文献   
The main goal of this paper is to analyse the single and joint impact of regulation policies and research network policies on environmental innovation. Our theoretical framework combines the open eco-innovation mode approach with the Porter Hypothesis, by adapting them to the knowledge production function where green patents are the dependent variable. We focus on the factors that influence the production of green patents as a proxy of new “environmental” knowledge for a panel of European countries over time. We find that both marked-based regulation policies and participation in green European research networks (in particular with universities and public research centres) positively affect environmental innovation. Moreover, the two policy tools have a complementary effect. This suggests that the effectiveness of environmental regulation policies can be increased by combining them with appropriate innovation policies.  相似文献   
Based on a spatial extension of an R&D investment model, this paper measures the macroeconomic impact of the French R&D policy mix on business R&D using regional data. Our measure takes into account not only the direct effect of policies but also indirect effects generated by the existence of spatial interaction between regions. Using a unique database containing information on the levels of various R&D policy instruments received by firms in French NUTS3 regions over the period 2001–2011, our estimates of a spatial Durbin model with structural breaks and fixed effects reveal the existence of a negative spatial dependence among R&D investments in regions. In this context, while a-spatial estimates would conclude that all instruments have a crowding-in effect, we show that national subsidies are the only instrument that is able to generate significant crowding-in effects. On the contrary, it seems that the design, size and spatial allocation of funds from the other instruments (tax credits, local subsidies, European subsidies) lead them to act (in the French context) as beggar-thy-neighbor policies.  相似文献   
《Research Policy》2019,48(10):103557
Complex societal or environmental problems require fast and substantial socio-technical transitions. For instance, in the case of climate change, these transitions need to take place in the energy, transport and several industry sectors. To induce and accelerate such transitions, numerous policy interventions are required, which interact with each other in policy mixes. While several conceptual studies on policy mixes have been published recently, there is very little empirical research apart from single case or small-n studies. It has been prominently argued that the debate about policy mixes has reached an impasse partly due to this lack of empirical work. This paper addresses this gap by providing a first analysis of the temporal dynamics of complex policy mixes. To do so, we develop a conceptualization and measurement of policy mix balance across instrument types as well as policy mix design features (in the form of intensity as a general and technology specificity as a technology-focused design feature). This allows us to answer the question how temporal dynamics of policy mixes differ between countries regarding their balance and design features. Our measurement approach is developed bottom-up, i.e., policies are assessed individually and then aggregated systematically at the policy mix level. This enables overcoming the ‘dependent variable problem in the study of policy change’, i.e., the problem of measuring policy output. More specifically, we develop a comparative dataset of 522 renewable energy policies in nine OECD countries. Our analysis shows that countries’ policy mix dynamics vary strongly regarding some variables (e.g., technology specificity) but less regarding others (e.g., balance). As a validity check, we also test the effects of these mix dynamics on policy outcome in the form of renewable energy technology diffusion. We reflect our findings in light of the theoretical debates around policy mixes and policy design and discuss how our results provoke an agenda for the new generation of research on policy mixes. We specifically discuss avenues for future research with a particular focus on the ‘politics of policy mixes’.  相似文献   
This paper aims to find out two outcomes of feedback in the novice writers’ graphic organizers, which are the novice writers’ ability to align their ideas to their writing goal, and their perceived germane, metacognitive, extraneous and intrinsic cognitive loads when generating and revising ideas based on the feedback. Data was gathered from the students’ graphic organizers, mental difficulty questionnaires and focus group discussion. The findings show that the students’ relevance of ideas improved with feedback in their organizers, except for one sub‐process. In addition, the students’ metacognitive load seems to affect the amount of ideas generated. These findings have implications for media selection mix and social collaborative environments.

Rückmeldung über graphische Organizer von Studenten unterstützt das Schreiben – Relevanz von Anfänger Ideen und Erinnerungsnotizen

Mit diesem Beitrag soll versucht werden, die Ergebnisse zweier Rückmeldungen über die graphischen Organizer von Anfängern zu finden: die Fähigkeit des Anfängers seine Gedanken dem Schreibziel anzupassen und seine erwartete Relevanz metakognitiv, sachfremde und intrinsisch kognitive Beiträge beim Erzeugen und Überprüfen von Ideen, die auf dem Feedback beruhen, zu nutzen. Die Daten wurden auf den graphischen Organizern der Studenten gesammelt, ebenso schwierig zu bearbeitende Fragebögen und Gruppendiskussionen. Es zeigte sich, dass die Relevanz der Ideen mit dem Feedback auf den Organizern der Studenten wuchsen, außer für einen Sub‐Prozess. Zusätzlich scheint der metakognitve Beitrag der Studenten die Menge der erzeugten Ideen zu beeinflussen.

Un appui à l’écriture reposant sur l’usage de la rétroalimentation dans les organisateurs graphiques des étudiants ‐ sur la pertinence des idées des novices de l’écrit et sur les charges cognitives

Le but du présent article est de trouver deux résultats de la rétroaction dans les organisateurs graphiques des apprentis écrivains nommément: la capacité des novices de l’écrit pour aligner leurs idées sur leurs objectifs d’écriture et les charges métacognitives appropriées, étranges et intrinsèques telles qu’ils les perçoivent lorsqu’ils révisent ou produisent des idées fondées sur la rétroaction. On a recueilli des données provenant des organisateurs graphiques des étudiants, des questionnaires sur la difficulté intellectuelle et les discussions de groupes ciblées. Les résultats obtenus montrent que que la pertinence des idées des étudiants s’améliorait avec la rétroaction dans leurs organisateurs sauf pour un sous‐processus. En outre la charge métacognitive des étudiants semble affecter la quantité d’idées produites.

Un apoyo a la escritura basado en el uso de la retroalimentación en los organizadores gráficos de los estudiantes, en la pertinencia de las ideas de los novatos de la escritura y en las cargas cognitivas

La finalidad de este artículo es de encontrar dos resultados en la retroalimentación de los organizadores gráficos de los novatos de la escritura que serían: _la capacidad de los dichos novatos de sintonizar sus ideas con sus objetivos de escritura y_ las cargas metacognitivas ajenas y intrinsecas tal como las perciben cuando producen o revisan ideas basadas en la retroalimentación. Datos fueron recogidos de los organizadores gráficos de los estudiantes, de los cuestionarios de agilidad intelectual y de los debates de grupos enfocados. Los resultados muestran que la pertinencia de las ideas de los estudiantes mejoró con la retroalimentación en sus organizadores si no fuera por un solo subproceso. Además a lo que parece, la carga metacognitiva de los estudiantes afecta la cantidad de ideas producidas.  相似文献   
采用正交设计方法对再生混凝土(RC)的配合比进行分析,探讨水胶比、再生骨料掺量以及超细粉煤灰 (UFA)掺量等因素对再生混凝土强度的影响规律.结合高性能混凝土技术并优化了混凝土配合比设计参数,再生骨料掺量90%,可配制出和易性优良,3d抗折强度大于3.0 MPa,28 d抗折强度大于5.0 MPa的再生混凝土, 均能满足重交通和特重交通开放交通的要求.试验结果表明:随着再生骨料掺量的增加,再生混凝土的拉压比和折压比在后期均有提高,韧性改善,同时,采用多元回归分析的方法,建立了再生混凝土强度与胶水比、再生骨料掺量以及UFA掺量的经验公式,相关性高,为再生混凝土的配制技术提供了初步的理论基础.  相似文献   
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