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Amateur musical instrument learners are usually taught in a one-to-many learning mode owing to the cost consideration; therefore, it is difficult for the teacher to address individual students’ problems. This results in a lack of knowledge internalization. The flipped classroom enables the teacher to have more in-class time to interact with individual students. However, when the teacher guides a learner in the flipped class, the other learners usually practice on their own rather than engaging in critical thinking or reflective thinking activities. Therefore, this study uses the peer assessment strategy to increase the effectiveness of musical instrument flipped teaching. However, conventional peer assessment flipped teaching (CPA) has some disadvantages. So, we present another method in which the peer assessment is performed by online video sharing (VSPA). The VSPA method can further extend the learning time until after class. It lets teachers have more time to solve the problems of individual students. Besides, it can reduce the students’ nervousness. The experimental results showed that both of the two teaching modes can help progression, but there is no significant difference in the learning effectiveness. As for learning preference, we found that the learners preferred CPA to VSPA.  相似文献   
肖邦《f小调幻想曲》由于其作品强烈深刻的英雄史诗般风格,创作中大量运用了庞大复杂的戏剧性手法,反映在结构形式上更趋综合多样化。文章分别从混合曲式生成的外部条件和内部条件,结合该具体作品的细部分析,探寻了混合曲式结构基础的生成原理。  相似文献   
虚词与李义山近体诗所表现的情感与心态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虚词的运用与李商隐近体诗歌深情绵邈、婉丽深曲的风格有重要关系.从虚词的运用中,我们可以从另一个侧面,比较真切地透视李商隐身处晚唐的历史衰败时期特有的悲剧性、讽刺性情感内涵和整体上带否定色彩倾向的迷惘、空幻的心态.这一方面是由于他具有多情而善感、执着而缠绵的性格,另一方面更与他悲剧性的身世遭遇有重要关系.  相似文献   
本从分析全日制普通高校音乐教育专业理论课程的考核与自学考试音乐教育专业(专升本)理论课程考核的关系入手,探讨了自学考试的考核标准、命题方向及评分标准的确立等问题。  相似文献   
感动是生命的神性本然的跳动,是人之为人的理由。我们每个人都是生命的过客,当我们即将进入另一个世界的时候,我们唯一的财富就是那些充满泪水的感动记忆。然而,当下人们的感动阈限愈来愈高。教育作为社会文明的"绿洲",应成为感动的孵化器。教育归根结底是关照人的心灵的工作。教师应敞开心灵,随时准备感动学生和被学生感动。  相似文献   
线是绘画重要的造型因素之一。中西化精神和艺术观念的差异,使得中西传统绘画对于线的认识与运用呈现出迥异的风格特点。中国传统绘画的线在写形状物的同时,更有抒情达意的追求,它是主体与客体有机交融的产物,是“天人合一”思想的反映。西方传统绘画的线是建立在对形体空间的科学分析与认识基础上的,是对客体的理性再现。它自始至终贯穿着理性的精神,表现出主体受物理时空的制约,同客体始终处于相对对立的状态。  相似文献   
《离骚》强烈的艺术感染力与它精巧的结构艺术密不可分。《离骚》的抒情结构主要体现在:“真境”与“幻境”的整体结构;回环往复、一唱三叹的抒情艺术;《离骚》的抒情一波三折,起伏跌宕,层层递进;贯穿全篇的对照手法;《离骚》在对照中抒情,在对照中表现真善美和假恶丑。  相似文献   
Experience is an activity that arouses emotions and generates meanings based on vivid sensation and profound compreh ension. It is emotional, meaningful, and personal, playing a key role in the course of forming and developing one’s qualities. The psychological process of experience generation consists of such links as sensing things, arousing emotions, promoting comprehension and association, generating insights and meanings, and deepening emotional responses. Undergoing things personally by means of direct sensation, taking part in activities, and living life are the most important preconditions of experience generation. Emotional influence, situational edification, and arts edification are external factors that induce experience generation. Translated from Education Research and Experiment, 2002:2  相似文献   
神圣性、真实性、人民性,是《诗经》宫廷乐歌区别于后世宫廷文学的几个显著特性,神圣性是由当时原始崇拜和史诗文学的性格决定的,真实性是由当时高度发达的史官文化决定的,而人民性则是由当时史官文化的求真精神和国家实行封建宗法政体决定的。  相似文献   
情绪智力是人成功完成情感活动所需的个性心理特征。在强调素质教育和发展多元智力的背景下,在人们只注重一般智力因素的传统观念下,认清情绪智力是大学生成功的必要条件显得十分必要和迫切。情绪智力对大学生的认知活动、学习习惯、意志力及人际交往具有重要影响,从发展自我情绪认知能力、识别他人情绪、激发对新事物的兴趣及正确处理情绪困扰四个方面提出了培养情绪智力的途径。  相似文献   
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