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吴明 《培训与研究》2005,22(3):59-61
洛克是英国17世纪伟大的哲学家,《人类理解论》是其主要的哲学著作,在这部著作中,洛克主要是论述人类知识的起源、可靠性及其范围,但书中对快乐与痛苦的阐述也颇令人玩味,反映了洛克作为一位大哲学家的丰富哲学思想。由于洛克对快乐与痛苦的论述比较分散,因此,本文主要从洛克的《人类理解论》一书中的观念论这部分洛克对快乐和痛苦的论述做了一个简要的归纳和概括,使我们比较清楚地看到洛克的快乐主义思想。  相似文献   
对家兔骨折进行治愈对比,测量并发症死亡和骨痂生长,结果:三元能量治疗组死亡率低、骨痂生长良好,证明三元能量有镇痛、提高机体免疫和加速动物骨折后愈合等效用。  相似文献   
In this column, the author presents information from prominent Lamaze childbirth educators and from the literature to describe various options that educators can share with expectant parents regarding the use of pain relief medications during labor and birth. Ann Tumblin teaches about epidurals in a hospital class without losing sight of evidence-based practices that support normal birth. Jessica English focuses her classes on the natural processes of giving birth and spends only a little time presenting information about pain medications. Judith Lothian encourages educators to consider a new framework for Lamaze classes that involves letting go of the details and incorporating Lamaze’s six Healthy Birth Practices and storytelling.  相似文献   
爱情,人类精神中一种最深沉的冲动,但是震撼人心的深挚爱情,往往来自外界的禁锢与束缚。贝拉与爱德华之间凄美动人的爱情故事是贯穿《暮光之城》的主线,禁欲色彩在这段人鬼之恋中扮演着至关重要的角色,来自外在与内在的禁锢和束缚给这段禁忌爱恋造成了巨大的痛苦。然而,这种痛苦却恰恰成就了爱情的恒久与伟大,将两人炙热而绝望,隐忍而深情的爱恋发挥到了极致。  相似文献   
对“毒品之王”海洛因(heroin)对中枢神经系统涉及到的痛觉、摄食、性功能、呼吸及脑组织等几方面造成的影响进行讨论,阐述海洛因对人体造成危害的机制。  相似文献   
探讨舒芬太尼皮下自控镇痛(Patient-controlled subcutaneous analgesia,PCSA)用于晚期癌痛的可行性。选择晚期癌痛病例60例,随机分为3组,每组20例:Ⅰ组为口服吗啡组,Ⅱ组为芬太尼贴剂组,Ⅲ组为舒芬太尼PCSA组。分析治疗一周内视觉模拟评分(VAS),便秘、恶心呕吐、爆发性疼痛次数,病人家属满意度等五项数值差异。结果显示,三组在同样剂量递加的基础上,Ⅲ组VAS评分低于Ⅰ、Ⅱ组(P<0.05)。结果表明,舒芬太尼PCSA在晚期癌症镇痛效果好于口服吗啡和芬太尼贴剂,便秘、恶心呕吐、爆发性疼痛等不良事件发生率低,家属满意度高,值得临床推广。  相似文献   
目的 探讨癌痛护理在缓解晚期癌症疼痛患者中的作用.方法 采用语言评价量表(VRS)对患者疼痛进行评分,观察73例癌痛患者在采取护理措施前后的疼痛程度,进行统计学分析,评价疼痛护理的止痛效果.结果 癌痛护理前Ⅰ °疼痛患者4例(5.5%);Ⅱ°疼痛64例(87.7%);Ⅲ°疼痛5例6.8%).在采取了有效的护理措施后完全缓解至无痛的60例(82.2%),部分缓解为10例(14%),无效3例(4%).结论 护理人员对晚期癌症疼痛患者采取了综合性护理措施,使疼痛得到有效控制,能主动地配合治疗,生活质量明显改善.  相似文献   

Ten healthy males and ten healthy females aged 21.5 ± 3.2 years (mean ± s) participated in the study, which was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of sensory level-high volt pulsed electrical current (HVPC) on delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Arm discomfort, elbow extension range of motion and isometric elbow flexion strength were obtained as baseline measurements. Delayed-onset muscle soreness was induced in the participants' dominant or non-dominant arm using two sets of 20 maximal eccentric elbow flexion contractions. After the induction of DOMS, the participants were randomly divided into an experimental condition (HVPC) or a placebo condition. The experimental condition consisted of 20 min of HVPC immediately after the induction of DOMS, and 20 min every 24 h for three consecutive days thereafter. The participants in the placebo condition received an intervention similar in design; however, no electrical current was administered. Baseline measurements were reevaluated at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after the induction of DOMS. Three weeks later, the participants returned and the protocol was repeated on the contralateral limb, using the opposite intervention (HVPC or placebo). Repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed a significant increase in overall arm discomfort, decrease in elbow extension and decrease in isometric strength for both conditions over time. No significant main effect of treatment, or time-by-treatment interaction, was found for the HVPC condition when compared with the placebo condition for any variable. Sensory-level HVPC, as utilized in our application, was ineffective in reducing the measured variables associated with DOMS.  相似文献   
屈原之死,汉代以来学者多认为其死于自沉。后之学者或申之、或驳之,莫衷一是。而据史籍所载,"自沉"多是后人对先秦士人或直士之死的一种褒义性指称,大多并无实证。而从楚辞文本本身与相关楚地出土文献来看,屈原最有可能是死于医学上所谓厥心痛一类的疾病,也就是《惜诵》"背膺片半以交痛兮,心郁结而纡轸"所指疾病。而这种疾病的症状在屈原的作品中也可以得到相应的佐证。比较而言,屈原死于厥心痛较之于其自沉于水更吻合于文献所载。而这一结论,不仅有助于揭开屈原死因之谜,并且对于其作品的理解以及其部分作品真伪的考辩都有着积极的意义。  相似文献   
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