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探讨运动前连续三天进食不同血糖指数(GI)、血糖负荷(GL)食物对人体耐力及代谢的影响。方法采用平衡重复测试法。7名男子耐力运动员进行两个主要实验,每个主要实验之前均进行糖原耗竭运动,随后受试者随机进食三天含相等热量的低血糖指数、低血糖负荷(L—L),高血糖指数、低血糖负荷(H—L)的碳水化合物(CHO)食物,每个实验间隔至少7天。L—L饮食组每天提供10.0gCHO/kg体重,H—L饮食组每天提供3.0gCHO/kg体重。测试日受试者安静休息2h,首先在水平跑台上以70%V02max的强度运动1h,随后以最短时间完成10kin耐力运动能力测试。结果:连续三天进食不同血糖指数、血糖负荷食物后,L—L与H—L相比运动时间明显缩短(P〈0.05);H—L实验组总的CHO利用量明显低于L—L实验组(P〈0.01),总的脂肪利用量明显高于L—L实验组(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   
对单板U型场地滑雪项目国家队运动员在2010年冬奥会比赛前进行了机能评定和疲劳监控,结果显示:在夏训和冬训以及比赛准备期间,运动员的机能状况总体是较好的,但个别队员的体质状况和对运动负荷适应情况及恢复情况波动较大,还有待随时进行调整,以适应更大负荷的训练。  相似文献   
观察15名民族传统体育专业大学生在武术大负荷训练前后血乳酸和血尿素氮的变化,分析血乳酸和血尿素氮与民族传统体育大学生训练水平的关系,结果表明:血乳酸和血尿素氮能够客观评定训练强度,为科学训练提供依据;大运动负荷训练对学生血乳酸和血尿素氮变化有不同程度的影响,但存在个体差异。  相似文献   
运用文献资料、特征解析和数理统计等研究方法,对短跑与跨栏运动员的年度及小周期训练负荷控制特征进行研究。结果表明:在年度不同中周期训练过程中,准备期的速度力量训练负荷量约占年度速度力量训练总负荷量的41%-42%,赛前准备期的速度力量训练负荷量约占全年速度力量训练总负荷量的43%-44%,比赛期的速度力量训练负荷量约占全年速度力量训练总负荷量的6%-7%;而小周期运动负荷的控制特征,则表现为准备期中各小周期的训练内容是以改进技术动作作为提高竞技能力的核心,并以提高最大速度和速度耐力作为身体素质训练的主要内容,但最大力量、速度力量和有氧耐力训练仍是其重要内容之一。  相似文献   
重新解读"三从一大"的训练原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对三从一大训练原则的重新解读,试图探讨在新的历史时期下,如何更科学地运用三从一大的训练原则,使之更好地为运动训练服务。  相似文献   
析PIN结合论的运动负荷观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,系统阐述PIN结合论对运动负荷的构成、分类、属性,以及与运动员竞技能力发展模型的关系等问题,提出了一些新观点。旨在提高人们对运动负荷的全面认识,通过科学控制运动负荷,促进运动训练的科学化,提升运动员的综合制胜力。  相似文献   

The Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu) have existed for centuries and are generally accepted as being beneficial for health without much empirical data. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the health effects of “hard” Kung Fu styles by performing electronic and manual searches of the literature. The aspects of health and the Kung Fu style examined varied between most studies; in some cases, the martial art group consisted of practitioners of other martial art styles also. Of 2103 references identified, only nine papers were eligible and reviewed. All were observational studies, observing a range of health aspects possibly related to Kung Fu training or performance. Our findings suggest that there is no evidence that Kung Fu practice is associated with the prevention or treatment of any health condition. However, as a moderate- to high-intensity form of aerobic exercise, it may confer benefits similar to those attributed to other aerobic training modalities. However, this hypothesis remains to be tested in clinical trials. Physiological benefits (e.g., aerobic capacity and bone density) may be associated with long-term Kung Fu practice. Future research in this area should adopt experimental designs, clearly identifying eligibility criteria, testing and training protocols, and include health-related outcomes and documentation of adverse events, to advance knowledge in this field.  相似文献   
针对当前我国10 km游泳运动员体能存在的问题,介绍身体素质训练和有氧能力训练的若干方法,阐述体能训练中负荷量与负荷强度的控制。  相似文献   
We investigated whether the valence of performance feedback provided after a task, would affect participants’ perceptions of how much mental effort they invested in that same task. In three experiments, we presented participants with problem-solving tasks and manipulated the presence and valence of feedback between conditions (no, positive, or negative feedback valence), prior to asking them to rate how much mental effort they invested in solving that problem. Across the three experiments–with different problem-solving tasks and participant populations–we found that subjective ratings of effort investment were significantly higher after negative than after positive feedback; ratings given without feedback fell in between. These findings show that feedback valence alters perceived effort investment (possibly via task perceptions or affect), which can be problematic when effort is measured as an indicator of cognitive load. Therefore, it seems advisable to measure mental effort directly after each task, before giving feedback on performance.  相似文献   
本文基于电大辍学归因研究中的学习负荷问题展开讨论。调查显示,学习负荷过高造成了许多电大学生在学习道路上的无功而返,而学习的高负荷是由课程难度与学生学术水平之间的落差所造成的。本研究旨在通过对电大课程教学过程的审视,探究其学术支持服务手段的有效性。本研究以2011年3-6月上海电大A分校2010春英语专业本科层次"变化中的英语"课程教学为个案,通过面授课堂观察、课程形成性考核记录、网上教学记录、课程期末考试成绩聚焦课程教学效果。研究结果显示,电大的课程教学支持服务手段仍停留于传统教学模式,而作为重要学习辅助手段的网上学习,其形式意义占据和弥漫于抽样所在班级师生的观念中,导致学习支持的可获得性受到制约;同时,由于任课教师在电大体制下被层层嵌于一个庞大的系统之中,教师的能动性在改善课程教学效果时会受到一定程度上的限制;第三,在多方原因的共同作用下,现行教学模式下学生的课业表现与预期课程教学目标之间存有潜在的些微差距,会在一定程度上影响任课教师对自身课程教学的判断和调整。改变这种状况,电大教学组织制度的变革和对教师支持服务力度的加强势在必行。  相似文献   
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