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Skills development is critical to South Africa's development. It has been argued that South Africa's twin post-Apartheid challenges, poverty and unemployment requires a level of skills development not undertaken before (0300 and 0045). The creation of a separate ministry, the department of higher education and training (DHET), which has incorporated institutional entities from former Ministries of Education and Labour has engendered an expectation for the realisation of a co-ordinated and integrated post school education and training system. The establishment of this entity for the first time anticipates a coherent response to the education, training and skills development challenges faced by the country. The initial anticipation that this development will provide the basis for a coherent post-school education, training and skills development system, that is responsive to national development encapsulated by the notion of inclusive growth, have waned somewhat. In an attempt to link education and labour market more deliberately, it attempts to respond to both the education and labour market constituencies for greater synergy. The reality of success of a new institutional structure, within a wider structure embedded in the older pre-merged configuration, has proved more difficult than anticipated. The notion of ‘policy as boundary object’ is considered a critical missing element in the current re-positioning and the changed political circumstances represent a golden moment to do things differently. This paper explores the current structural re-configuration, as it has, and is likely to, impact on the skills development provisioning in the country. In particular, it focuses on the impact of current developments on the delivery of intermediate level skills, and the likely role of the beleaguered public FET Colleges (FETCs) in this regard. Whilst it is accepted that the current development is new and unlikely to have a track record, the current context is critically evaluated in terms of the potentials and challenges identified against the empirical experience of ten years of skills development in the country.  相似文献   
以作者从事的高师美术专业基础课程教学模式探索的角度,从转型时期高师美术人才培养目标的多向性需求、"多向适应性教学模式研究"的特色定位、教学模式研究项目的推出与实施及其成果与经验等方面,对高师美术专业基础课程新型教学模式探索与高等教育教学人才培养模式改革的关系及其意义进行了建设性的论述。  相似文献   
各产业的特性和存在的社会经济条件不同,各专业课程开发的体系、结构和模式等存在较大差异,积极探索各产业的特性是搞好课程改革的重要前提.本文在充分认识我国农业的产业特点和现状的基础上,探索了农科专业课程开发应遵循的原则和体现出的特点.  相似文献   
应用型人才是我国经济社会发展的重要智力型人力资源,培养和造就大批应用型人才是全面建成小康社会的基本保证。我国应用型人才培养中存在自我迷失定位偏高、专业传统结构失衡、偏重理论缺乏实践以及运行机制偏离等问题,应在准确定位科学发展、调整结构瞄准就业、优化课程强调应用以及健全制度完善机制等方面进行努力。  相似文献   
文章围绕思想政治理论课新课程改革的精神,从准确理解和把握“原理”课的地位和基本任务;教学过程中应坚持的原则;改进教学方式、方法;提高教师自身素质等方面对如何搞好高校马列原理课教学这一问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
为了适应我国学前教育事业快速发展和教师教育体制改革的要求,高校必须建立多元的招生制度,树立全新的教育理念、建设科学的课程体系、提供优质的教育资源,全面构建新型的本科层次的应用型学前教师职前培养模式。  相似文献   
陈秀 《教育教学论坛》2019,(31):184-185
随着大健康时代的到来,部分高校为了顺应健康产业的发展潮流,开设了运动康复专业,培养康复人才。文章通过对运动康复专业人才培养现状进行分析,进一步阐述出现这一人才培养现状的原因,并提出相应对策以供参考。  相似文献   
教育券:基础教育财政资源配置的制度性创新   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
教育券是将公平与效率融为一体的基础教育财政资源配置的有效方式,教育券是一种契约合同,明晰了基础教育财政经费的使用权(产权),降低了经费使用过程中的交易成本,提高了经费使用效率;同时,把竞争机制巧妙地引入教育领域,深化了基础教育市场的内涵,是对基础教育财政资源配置的制度性创新,对基础教育的发展具有开拓性的现实意义和实用价值,在理论或实践上值得进一步研究、探索。  相似文献   
新生军训是各大高校必不可少的一门课程,通过总结军训保健中发现的一些问题,探讨武汉高校新生军训改革的必要性,并从保健角度提出一些建设性的策略,使高校新生军训工作真正起到培养爱国主义、集体主义思想,强化纪律观念,加强吃苦耐劳的精神,为提高大学生身体素质的作用。  相似文献   
培养体育后备人才,是关系当代体育发展的重要研究课题,中学是培养我国体育后备人才的重要基地,主要通过课余训练来进行,当前学校课余训练中普遍存在重比赛名次,追求升学率,轻培养输送,训练制度不健全,缺乏科学性和系统性等问题,为此,特提出一套解决的对策。  相似文献   
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