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"垮掉的一代"文学与现实主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代主义文学是西方20世纪的文学主潮,在思想内容和艺术形式上都具有鲜明的反传统的特征,但它与传统的现实主义并不完全对立。以20世纪50年代流行于美国的一个重要的现代主义文学思潮和流派——“垮掉的一代”文学为例,对社会现实激烈的反叛、对自身命运清醒的认识以及特定的文学观念等方面都能够证明现代主义文学和现实主义之间既互相区别、各自独立,又互相渗透、千丝万缕的联系。  相似文献   
作为一名深受马克思主义思想影响的戏剧家、诗人,布莱希特眼光独特,大胆创新,与时俱进,在其具体创作中敢于突破传统的创作模式和传统的形式,并提出了一系列的文艺改革措施,尤为体现在其戏剧创作当中。本文着重从布莱希特的现实主义理论特征及其戏剧理论发展历程及其变化来梳理布莱希特的基本理论主张。  相似文献   
我国社会主义初级阶段基本纲领与新民主主义基本纲领具有一脉相承的关系,两者都带有鲜明的中国国特色,都是在马克思主义基本原理与中国实际相结合的实践中形成的,符合马克思主义实事求是的原理。  相似文献   
通过绘画中写实主义和现代派由对抗、消解到再生过程的分析,说明现代派艺术是艺术发展规律的体现,是西方社会发展的产物和艺术民主化过程的必然结果。后现代主义艺术的目的就是重新恢复西方人道主义的文化价值,并对其进行重新肯定  相似文献   
1.我们的物理学哲学研究的总纲领,是毕达哥拉斯主义与科学实在论的理念的整合。换句话说,我们相信物理世界的基本结构及其相互作用的奥秘都深藏于数学和谐的规律之中。然而,这并非人为的而是客观世界本身所固有的。2.在本体论上,我们相信"场的实在论",认为无形无象的场是物理世界的第一性实体。同时承认"关于结构的知识"是认识不可观察实体的必由之路(知识论版本的结构实在论)。3.在因果性观点上,我们主张,作为自组织系统的物理世界,在整体上是由因果律与机遇律共同决定的。4.我们持有多元主义方法论观点,认为从不同视角看,多种量子力学解释各有其合理性。  相似文献   
文章以<白鹿原>这一成功的现实主义小说文本为切入点,针对当下小说,尤其是现实主义小说创作存在的问题,从创作方法和可读性两方面剖析了<白鹿原>成功的原因及它给当下小说创作提供的启示.文章认为,现实主义作为一种创作方法并不象有的论者所说的那样已成为一种"过时"的方法.相反,它所追求的细节描写的真实性、人物塑造的典型化,以及情节的生动性与丰富性,不仅依然充满着生机与活力,而且正好可以弥补当代小说创作中存在的一些不足.同时,现实主义必须自我发展,放开艺术视野,博采各家之长,才能更好地回应新形势的挑战.  相似文献   
This paper examines how a standards-based form of assessment in operation in New Zealand has impacted upon the knowledge taught to secondary history students. The segmentation of history into assessable components along with assessment mechanisms which encourage the reduction in the number of standards being attempted has impacted upon both the breadth and range of historical content in history programmes. The reduction in knowledge is problematic as it diminishes learners’ opportunities to draw connections between inter-related historical concepts from a wider knowledge base. Social realists have raised concerns about the reduced focus on knowledge in education and its effects in restricting students’ development of conceptual knowledge which enables higher order, more abstract thinking. Experiences of standards-based assessment for history in New Zealand are indicative of this reductive phenomenon. In a culture of accountability, standards-based assessment, as enacted in New Zealand, may impede delivery of critical knowledge.  相似文献   
This paper documents trainees’ ‘flight turbulence’ as they negotiate the complexities that lie between ‘the self’ and the securing of Early Years Teaching Status in England. Early Years Teachers, besides teaching, are expected to lead improvements to the quality of provision. However, drawing on interview data, an impasse is discerned where ideas meet instrumental policy in practice. Trainees are often unable to reshape the meeting of theory, policy and practice, and struggle in finding teaching approaches which they are comfortable with ethically. Drawing on Holland et al.’s concept of ‘figured worlds’, it is suggested that the development of theory-informed practice should not be seen as a solitary task for the student but as a dialogic though difficult conversation involving the student, university staff and placement practitioners. Dialogism is seen as requiring persistence but as offering opportunities for beginning early years’ teachers, with support from teacher educators and experienced practitioners, to negotiate the challenging spaces between policy, theory and beliefs as they seek to construct, deconstruct and reconstruct ethical professional identities for themselves.  相似文献   
现实主义与现实中的中俄关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“现实主义”外交政策,是促使中俄关系稳步发展的关键要素。中俄战略协作伙伴关系的现实主义基础是双方有着共同的战略利益,即政治上有共识、经济上有互补、安全上有共同需要、外交上有战略一致等四个支柱。但双方的经贸合作进展不如人意,两国间在首脑会议上达成的协议,常常会由于各自政府强调其国家利益而不能实施;俄罗斯国内普遍流行“中国威胁”的宣传和认识;其他国家(如美国、日本)的牵制影响;历史遗留问题上的分歧等因素却制约着中俄关系的发展。  相似文献   
抗战时期,社会的剧变,对于新文学的发展和变革提出新的要求,具体而言,主要体现在两个方面:一是现实主义,二是文艺大众化、旧形式和民族形式。其中有关现实主义的讨论是基于文学与时代的关系,而文艺大众化,则指向文学与人民的关系。《文艺阵地》是茅盾主编的一份大型的综合性文学刊物。对于上述问题,都曾积极介入并展开充分的探讨和争鸣,极大地丰富了抗战时期的文学理论。  相似文献   
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