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老年教育属于终身教育。老年教育,不论站在那个角度分析,都具有相对独立性,应当界定为终身教育体系的一个独立教育阶段,即老年教育阶段,也就是终身教育体系最后教育阶段。提高生命质量,是老年教育的目的之一。终身教育的最主要特征是:全程性,全员性,全面性,全社会性。  相似文献   
随着老年人口的迅速增长,老年教育的地位和作用日益凸显,建立老年教育学科的呼声也越来越高,这既是社会发展的趋势,也是老年教育独特的学科价值体现。从当前理论成果、现实驱动力来看,老年教育学科的“内外在建制”已经基本成熟,需要明确老年教育学科发展的目标,具体包括:加快构建“三大体系”,进入《学科分类与代码》(国家标准);登上并站稳大学和干部教育讲台,成为师范生和老年教育工作者的必修课;设立老年教育专业,进入教育部招收本科生、研究生培养目录。要实现这系列标,从宏观上必须要做到以下几点:深入学习贯彻落实习近平关于文化自信和建设中国特色哲学社会科学的讲话精神;教育行政部门加大对老年教育学科建设的支持力度;充分发挥老年专家(人才)的主体力量;着力发掘年轻的新生力量,形成学术梯队;整合各方多学科力量,形成学科建设联盟。而在微观学科建设方面,可以遵循“学科、专业、课程”与“课程、专业、学科”两大建设思路,真正实现年龄友好的学习型社会的构建。  相似文献   
“一战”的爆发为日本侵华势力提供了良机,不过在对华问题上日本国内朝野的意见并不一致,尤其是在对待袁世凯的问题上矛盾更为尖锐。“倒袁”派一度占到上风,致使北洋政府被迫接受“二十一条”,然而出乎日本军国主义者意料的是中国人民爆发了声势浩大的反目运动,在一定程度上促使日本政府被迫采取温和的对华政策,即从“迫袁附日”到“亲善提携”。  相似文献   
NIHSeniorHealth is a free, consumer health website that covers health topics affecting older adults. The website was created and is maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and features more than 55 health topics and nearly 150 videos. The easy-to-use navigational and visual tools create a user-friendly experience for older adults, their families, and caregivers who seek senior-specific information on the web. This column will include an overview of the website, a simple search, and a review of the features of NIHSeniorHealth.  相似文献   

A college's academic reputation (AR) plays a significant role in positioning the institution. Survey responses of college-bound high school seniors suggest that a majority of respondents view successful postgraduate careers as very important to the perception of AR and very likely to be attributed to a college with very good AR. A principle components factor analysis revealed three factors that describe the perception of AR (i.e., Academic Concerns, Campus Ethos, Practical Value). In a similar analysis three factors were found likely to be associated with very good AR (i.e., Curricular Concerns, Exclusivity, Career Preparation).  相似文献   
本文分析了我国新一轮高三化学教材编排特色,结合作者本人的教学实践,指出了教学中如何上好新教材的有效方法和途径.倡导建立民主平等的新型师生关系。  相似文献   
郭风、何为与蔡其矫,是当今福建文坛德高望重的三老。他们分别以散文诗、散文与诗歌的创作,在中国当代文学享有较高的创作地位和广泛影响,并且形成了个性鲜明的艺术风格。  相似文献   
随着老龄化的发展、人们生活水平的提高以及消费观念的改变,老年旅游市场潜力巨大;从老年旅游市场的主要特点入手,分析了老年旅游市场的潜在性因素,提出了以人为本开发老年旅游市场的策略。  相似文献   
The concept of the university of the third age (U3A) is well established overseas and a key international focus for emerging global networks of senior citizen (i.e. seniors) lifelong learning. However it is yet to become so in Thailand although it too is in the process of becoming an ageing society. Moreover, this is despite the extent to which community learning centres and related agencies of non-formal as well as formal learning are popular and generally well-established in the local context. This paper investigates the reasons for possible local resistance to the U3A concept. It will do so as a basis for exploring the idea of reframing local efforts to promote seniors lifelong learning in terms of a wider and cross-culturally convergent concept of ‘third age learning’. In this way the paper will further consider some of the interesting, relevant and transferable global implications of the local dilemma regarding the U3A concept in a fast-changing world of increasing uncertainty in work, security, and other aspects of life.  相似文献   
针对当前社会老龄化背景,为了更好地实现老龄健康化,提升老年人晚年生命质量,文章以休闲治疗为切入点,以浙江省老年人为研究对象,通过问卷调查和实地访谈相结合的方法,调查了老年人对“休闲治疗”这一新兴领域的认知和接受意愿,为未来在中国导入休闲治疗服务提供科学依据.调查发现:老年人对休闲治疗的认知程度普遍不高.性别、年龄、月收入、健康状况不同的老年人对休闲治疗的认知皆不存在差异,但文化程度不同的老年人在休闲治疗的概念和服务对象两个维度存在差异.70.69%以上的老年人会愿意接受休闲治疗,在愿意接受支付一定费用的老年人中,90%以上老年人心理价位是1000元/月以下.影响老年人接受休闲治疗的因素除了价格,还有服务的便捷以及休闲治疗的成效.  相似文献   
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