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This article reports on an academic–industrial cooperation between students at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology and a local foundation working to revitalise the Eonyang traditional market in Ulsan, South Korea. Students majoring in disciplines ranging from natural and applied sciences to business administration were introduced to design thinking, the double diamond model, and sense‐making as frameworks for generating creative outcomes. Those outcomes included media, signage and packaging, a display stand, an accessory for hikers, an artistic reinterpretation of the traditional store shutter, the design for a guesthouse and new packaging for locally produced products. Students presented their ideas at a public exhibition as team projects that involved 3D printing, CAD, Web‐design, graphic design and motion‐picture editing tools. The study reveals that students learn more effectively when pedagogy emphasises active learning and on‐site observation through design‐based integrated education. Its qualitative research involved interviews in which students experienced how design thinking methodology can transform a local economy. The methods reveal a new educational model centred upon creative and applied learning.  相似文献   
城市道路照明如何节能目前已成为我国一项重要的科技课题。从合理确定照明标准、选用发光率好的光源、科学控制开关时间、合理选择灯具、定期维护保养、降低无功损耗、缩小供电半径等几个方面对道路照明节能进行了研究,并提出合理性的建议。  相似文献   
中国古今战争小说塑造了许多女性形象,这些战争女性在中国古代战争小说中常常成为影响战争胜负的异数;在中国现代战争小说中是通过革命战争寻求妇女解放的榜样;在中国当代战争小说中则是按照男性标准塑造出的女英雄。透过中国古今战争小说的女性形象塑造可以解读男权社会对于战争女性不无苛刻的道德和情感要求。  相似文献   
Using the unique form of a composite counterstory culled from the experiences of 13 Black women at historically and predominantly White colleges and universities in a Western U.S. state, this paper explores the psychological tensions and silencing Black college women face as they navigate social constructions of their selfhood under a White gaze. This study centers these Black women’s voices through a tradition of storytelling and examines the ways they try to carve their own place by often engaging liberating, yet repressive, historically constructed STRONGBLACKWOMAN imagery to counteract equally silencing Angry Black Woman imagery. The historically and predominantly White institutional spaces within which these women study, live, and play exacerbate this tension, propelling them to model and rely upon stereotypically ‘positive’ representations of Black womanhood to deal with the pain of microaggressions. Altogether, these factors create instances of enhanced racial battle fatigue.  相似文献   
大连市历史上曾经是沙俄和日本的殖民地。其市区形成和街道建设经历了沙俄时的初建、日本时的扩建以及解放后的飞跃性发展这样三个历史时期。  相似文献   
从美军作战实验思想入手,对美军作战实验体系和应用进行剖析和研究,以期对我军作战实验室的建设提供一些借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
上古黄帝蚩尤之战,是文明起源的表征。从此,军事成为生活的重要事项,祭祀仪式或生活行为有了对战斗行为的模仿,金文之"戏""剧"二字正是其写意象形的符号。同时,黄帝创制傩仪,战神蚩尤成了除疫逐鬼的开路先锋。上古戏剧由此发生。  相似文献   
台州府城墙兼具军事防御和防洪双重功能。早在宋仁宗庆历六年(1046)为增加牢固程度,将城墙两侧全面用砖石包砌。戚继光在台州抗倭时创建了空心敌台。担任蓟镇总兵时,以北调的戚家军为骨干,参考台州府城墙的形制和结构,大规模修建长城城墙敌台。因而台州府城墙被誉为明长城的“师范”和“蓝本”。  相似文献   
Journal ranking is becoming more important in assessing the quality of academic research. Several indices have been suggested for this purpose, typically on the basis of a citation graph between the journals. We follow an axiomatic approach and find an impossibility theorem: any self-consistent ranking method, which satisfies a natural monotonicity property, should depend on the level of aggregation. Our result presents a trade-off between two axiomatic properties and reveals a dilemma of aggregation.  相似文献   
2009下半年,荔湾区为了弘扬传统文化、建设岭南文化品牌而推出五区一街规划,时至今日,其不仅出台了五区一街的具体规划,并多已付诸实践。五区一街规划体现了山水城市理念及城市地域结构理论等规划设计理念,它注重整体规划发展,并较好的把自然融合到城市规划建设之中,强调城市发展与自然和谐相处。当然,其规划也并不完美,因此,最后一部分试着从山水城市理念、岭南文化主线、建立白鹅潭复合文化区、设立行走荔湾路线等方面提出建议,以期其更加完善。  相似文献   
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