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经验法则是利用事物发展常态而形成的规律,而适用于证据司法场域的特殊法官心证过程。借助现代司法的自由心证技术,以及盖然强度的适用效能评估,可以促进经验法则更加符合民众实质正义观感,促进基于证据事实裁量的纠纷解决结果的可接受性。  相似文献   
工学互动组合:重构高职教育双师型教学团队的新思路   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
建立"工学互动组合教学团队",是从根本上解决目前"双师型"教师队伍建设困境的一种新思路.从组织形式和运行模式上来界定"双师型"教学团队,更利于校企紧密合作.强调以"企业本位"思考高职教育内容,以"学校教育"(而非"企业训练")开展高职教育活动,培养有灵性、有修养、有技能、善创新的个性化人才是校企合作的利益共生点.只有在校企双方利益共生共存中寻找行动策略,才能实现高职院校教学活动的"职业性"特征.  相似文献   
This study assessed perceptions of self‐efficacy and successful intelligence among 220 Chinese prospective and in‐service secondary school teachers in Hong Kong. Teacher self‐efficacy in six domains – teaching highly able learners, classroom management, guidance and counselling, student engagement, teaching to accommodate diversity, and teaching for enriched learning – was related to the three triarchic dimensions (analytical, creative, and practical) of successful intelligence. Each of the three triarchic abilities was found to contribute independently and in combination to the prediction of the six domains of teacher self‐efficacy. Practical abilities were the most significant predictor of self‐efficacy beliefs in five domains. Teaching teachers for successful intelligence, in strategies to enhance teacher self‐efficacy, is discussed.  相似文献   
改革开放以来,党和国家十分重视义务教育的普及,采取了很多重大措施来推进义务教育的普及工作,使得我国实现了预定的到1990年“普初”的目标,到2000年基本“普九”的目标。到现在,我国普及义务教育的程度达到了较高水平。在这一过程中,积累了许多值得总结和继续发扬的普及义务教育的经验。  相似文献   
科举制度始创于隋朝,唐承隋而起,完善了科举制度。唐朝科举制度为唐朝前期的经济发展、政治稳定和文化繁荣做出了积极贡献。今天重新考察唐朝科举制度,其精神原则、制度设计对完善我国的人才选拔制度有极大的启示。  相似文献   
马相伯是中国近代高等教育改革的先驱与开拓者 ,在其办学实践中 ,马相伯的独特的治校经验和高超的管理艺术 ,对深化当代高等教育改革管理仍然有着重要的启迪意义。  相似文献   
传奇如一朵瑰丽的奇葩,呈现出唐代文人开放的精神面貌与个性风采,展现出唐代女性的独特魅力。  相似文献   
江泽民同志关于“三个代表”的重要思想,是在深入思考和总结中国共产党80年历史经验和20世纪社会主义运动历史经验的基础上做出的科学结论。20世纪世界社会主义运动经验教训证明:是否代表先进生产力的发展要求,是否代表先进化的前进方向,是否代表最广大人民的根本利益,决定着共产党的兴衰成败。  相似文献   
This study explores six Vietnamese, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ reflections on their experiences of English language learning during the early 1980s to the late 1990s. Data collected in narrative interviews with the participating teachers revealed a wide range of issues that arose during their EFL learning, central to which was the prevalence of grammar-focused practices in all EFL classes. From their perspectives as EFL teachers today, the participants see their learning experience as a way of learning to teach. In particular, they pinpoint the negative aspects of language teaching at that time in the hope that their teaching practice today will not repeat the same mistakes. However, they also reflect on positive aspects, especially their influential teachers, to inform their teaching. Based on the findings, the study suggests that language teachers’ experience of language learning should be considered part of reflective teaching as well as of teachers’ trajectories of learning to teach.  相似文献   

The article presents a research study that examined the ways in which digital curation promotes personalized learning, as well as the students’ experiences of this learning process. The study was conducted in the context of K-12 education. Participants spent three months on a project that included curating a personalized digital collection. The study was conducted using a phenomenological qualitative approach for the collection and processing of data. Findings demonstrate that digital curation provides a productive learning activity that supports significant personalized, emotional, and cognitive learning experiences, enabling the curator to construct a personal subject ontology.  相似文献   
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