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卫星热管传热测试台的制冷与真空系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了能满足卫星环境要求的热管传热试验台的制冷与真空系统的设计方案,提出了一种采用液氮制冷和分子泵抽真空系统的方案。制冷系统能方便达到 60— -60℃的温度要求,并可以任意调节所需温度,且调温精度高、反映时间短。抽真空系统能满足0.1mPa的工作真空度和方便更换试样的要求,是一台简便、实用的卫星热管传热试验台。  相似文献   
球形果蔬差压预冷过程实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过搭建的果蔬差压预冷实验台分别研究了不同的送风速度、开孔大小、开孔形状及排列方式,对球形果蔬在差压预冷过程中所产生的影响,实验结果发现:风速越大球形果蔬降温速率越快,冷风送风速度1.5~2m/s为最经济送风风速;椭圆形的送风口球形果蔬降温速度最快;交叉排列摆放方式降温速度快,但降温的均匀性较差;  相似文献   
利用数值分析方法建立了软土地基模型,采用比奥固结理论,计算分析了真空预压下的软土地基流固耦合作用;并进一步分析了真空度损耗率、密封墙、塑料排水板打设深度等因素对软基加固效果的影响。分析结果表明:在抽真空早期,地表沉降增长很快,达到一定天数后,沉降值逐渐趋于稳定;真空负压沿深度、水平方向上损耗,在加固软土外围形成一个零孔隙水压力面;真空度损耗率、塑料排水板打设深度对真空预压加固软土的效果影响很大;侧向密封墙对加固区内土体影响不大,但其限制了真空负压的侧向传递,使影响区的地基沉降大幅减小。  相似文献   
考虑可能影响地区就业增长的微观和宏观因素,利用我国2000—2009年31个省市区高技术产业的数据,通过面板PDLS模型和分位数回归模型实证分析企业进入和产业波动对就业增长的影响,研究结果表明:企业进入对就业增长的影响呈现出波浪形的变化趋势,从短期和长期来看,企业进入对就业增长有正向的促进作用,但从中期来看则表现为负向影响;产业波动对就业增长的影响呈现出先正后负的变化趋势,在短期内产业波动可以促进就业增长,长期内则会抑制就业增长。政府应降低行政性准入壁垒对企业进入的消极影响,营造公平的市场进入环境和完善的产业发展环境。  相似文献   
This study examined the separate and combined effects of heat acclimation and hand cooling on post-exercise cooling rates following bouts of exercise in the heat. Seventeen non-heat acclimated (NHA) males (mean ± SE; age, 23 ± 1 y; mass, 75.30 ± 2.27 kg; maximal oxygen consumption [VO2 max], 54.1 ± 1.3 ml·kg?1·min?1) completed 2 heat stress tests (HST) when NHA, then 10 days of heat acclimation, then 2 HST once heat acclimated (HA) in an environmental chamber (40°C; 40%RH). HSTs were 2 60-min bouts of treadmill exercise (45% VO2 max; 2% grade) each followed by 10 min of hand cooling (C) or no cooling (NC). Heat acclimation sessions were 90–240 min of treadmill or stationary bike exercise (60–80% VO2 max). Repeated measures ANOVA with Fishers LSD post hoc (α < 0.05) identified differences. When NHA, C (0.020 ± 0.003°C·min?1) had a greater cooling rate than NC (0.013 ± 0.003°C·min?1) (mean difference [95%CI]; 0.007°C [0.001,0.013], P = 0.035). Once HA, C (0.021 ± 0.002°C·min?1) was similar to NC (0.025 ± 0.002°C·min?1) (0.004°C [?0.003,0.011], P = 0.216). Hand cooling when HA (0.021 ± 0.002°C·min?1) was similar to when NHA (0.020 ± 0.003°C·min?1) (P = 0.77). In conclusion, when NHA, C provided greater cooling rates than NC. Once HA, C and NC provided similar cooling rates.  相似文献   
为提高液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG)船舶的管理水平和营运效率,对预冷过程中的冷却液用计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD)软件进行模拟.该方法首先对LNG船舶液货舱的构造和换热环境进行假设,然后用GAMBIT对液货舱进行网格划分,模拟出温度图、冷却液质点迹线图和速度矢量图.对某LNG船舶液货舱预冷过程的调研表明,该方法所做的CFD模拟与实船的预冷过程和操作规章相符,预冷速度和预冷时间相差很小,能够真实反映实船预冷过程的实际情况.  相似文献   
本文分析了真空系统对地热电站高效运行的重要意义,介绍了射汽抽气器及水环式真空泵两类真空系统的工作原理,并基于肯尼亚某地热井井口电站参数,对两级抽气器和两级水环式真空泵的当量能耗进行了技术经济性对比分析,给出了地热电站真空系统优选建议,为真空系统的优化提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
针对国内高炉冷却水温差检测系统测温精度不高的弊端,设计并开发了高炉冷却水温差高精度检测系统。检测系统由测温节点、温度采集终端与上位机构成,之间通讯采用RS-485,基于三线制Pt1000设计了比率电桥温度补偿电路,并结合A/D转换器AD7799,构成信号处理电路,提高了水温采集精度。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of oral taurine supplementation on cycling time to exhaustion at a fixed-intensity and thermoregulation in the heat. In a double-blind, randomised crossover design, 11 healthy males participated in a time to exhaustion test in the heat (35°C, 40% RH), cycling at the power output associated with ventilatory threshold, 2?h after ingesting: Taurine (50?mg?kg?1) or placebo (3?mg?kg?1?maltodextrin). Core and mean skin temperature, mean sweat rate, heart rate, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), thermal comfort and thermal sensation were measured during exercise and blood lactate concentration (B[La]) was measured after exercise. Taurine supplementation increased time to exhaustion by 10% (25.16 min vs. 22.43 min, p?=?0.040), end sweat rate by 12.7% (687?nL?min?1 vs. 600?nL?min?1, p?=?0.034) and decreased B[La] by 16.5% (5.75?mmol?L?1 vs. 6.85?mmol?L?1, p?=?0.033). Core temperature was lower in the final 10% of the time to exhaustion (38.5°C vs. 38.1°C, p?=?0.049). Taurine supplementation increased time to exhaustion and local sweating, while decreasing RPE and core temperature in the later stages of exercise, as well as reducing post-exercise B[La]. This study provides the evidence of taurine's role in thermoregulatory processes. These findings have implications for the short-term preparation strategies of individuals exercising in the heat. Based on these findings, a single dose of taurine 2?h prior to training or competition would provide an ergogenic and thermoregulatory effect.  相似文献   
这篇文章利用位势井族理论,研究了整体解的不变性,进而研究了解的真空隔离现象。在本文中将真空隔离现象的条件进行了推广和改进,得出了新的结论。这些结论对研究Sobolev空间中解的分布情况有很大帮助。  相似文献   
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