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国情,是认识的基础,是认识的源泉和推动认识发展的动力。邓小平着眼国情,把正确认识中国国情摆在建设有中国特色社会主义的首要地位,提出了“走自己的道路”的基本结论。立足国情,制定了一系列适合中国国情的方针政策,挖掘国情中闪光的一面,扬长避短,趋利避害,发挥我国特殊优势,促进我国经济的全面发展。因此,邓小平理论深深地扎根于国情土壤之中,成为当代中国的马克思主义。  相似文献   
小康社会是中国现代化建设的阶段性目标,从“急躁冒进”到“求真务实”,从注重物质文明到多个文明的全面发展,是小康社会发展目标的新视域;小康社会发展目标与中国特色社会主义发展目标具有内在一致性,它突出经济的基础性地位,体现社会全面协调发展的思维理念;实现小康社会发展目标,必须走科学发展之路、择市场经济之径、循民主法治之途。  相似文献   
环境侵权民事责任若干问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在生活质量日益提高的现代社会中,环境侵权的数量正在日益增加,与传统的侵权行为相比较,环境侵权表现出了一定的特殊性。在其民事责任的构成要件上,更强调致害行为、损害结果、行为和结果之间的因果关系。尽管随着建立社会主义法制国家的进程和可持续发展观念的深入人心,赋予人们更多的民事权利就显得越发重要,但在环境侵权的损害赔偿法律制度上仍存在一些不完善之处。本文试图结合我国法律制度的现状,提出几点建议,以维护受害人的合法权益。  相似文献   
During the development of large‐scale curricular achievement tests, recruited panels of independent subject‐matter experts use systematic judgmental methods—often collectively labeled “alignment” methods—to rate the correspondence between a given test's items and the objective statements in a particular curricular standards document. High disagreement among the expert panelists may indicate problems with training, feedback, or other steps of the alignment procedure. Existing procedural recommendations for alignment reviews have been derived largely from single‐panel research studies; support for their use during operational large‐scale test development may be limited. Synthesizing data from more than 1,000 alignment reviews of state achievement tests, this study identifies features of test–standards alignment review procedures that impact agreement about test item content. The researchers then use their meta‐regression results to propose some practical suggestions for alignment review implementation.  相似文献   
Student portfolios are increasingly used for assessing student competences in higher education, but results about the construct validity of portfolio assessment are mixed. A prerequisite for construct validity is that the portfolio assessment is based on relevant portfolio content. Assessment criteria, are often used to enhance this condition. This study aims to identify whether assessment criteria can improve content, argumentation and communication during teacher moderation while judging student portfolios. Six teachers scored 32 student portfolios in dyads with and without assessment criteria. Their judgement processes were qualitatively analysed. Results indicated that the quality of their judgement processes was low, since teachers based their judgements mainly on their own personal opinion and less on evidence found in the portfolio. Teachers barely paid attention to quality checks and easily agreed with each other. When teachers used assessment criteria, the quality of their judgements slightly improved. They based their judgements more on relevant evidence, used less personal experiences and more often checked the quality of their judgement processes. It is concluded that the quality of teacher portfolio judgement is low, and that the use of assessment criteria can enhance its quality.  相似文献   
Validity is the most fundamental consideration in test development. Understandably, much time, effort, and money is spent in its pursuit. Central to the modern conception of validity are the interpretations made, and uses planned, on the basis of test scores. There is, unfortunately, however, evidence that test users have difficulty understanding scores as intended. That is, although the proposed interpretations and use of test scores might be theoretically valid they might never come to be because the meaning of the message is lost in translation. This necessitates pause. It is almost absurd to think that the intended interpretations and uses of test scores might fail because there is a lack of alignment with the actual interpretations made and uses enacted by the audience. Despite this, there has only recently been contributions to the literature regarding the interpretability of score reports, the mechanisms by which scores are communicated to their audience, and their relevance to validity. These contributions have focused upon linking, through evidence, the intended interpretation and use with the actual interpretations being made and actions being planned by score users. This article reviews the current conception of validity, validation, and validity evidence with the goal of positioning the emerging notion of validity of usage within the current paradigm.  相似文献   
Researchers interested in exploring substantive group differences are increasingly attending to bundles of items (or testlets): the aim is to understand how gender differences, for instance, are explained by differential performances on different types or bundles of items, hence differential bundle functioning (DBF). Some previous work has modelled hierarchies in data in this context or considered item responses within persons, but here we model the bundles themselves as explanatory variables at the item level potentially explaining significant intra-class correlation due to gender differences in item difficulty, and thus explaining variation at the second item level. In this study, we analyse DBF using single- and two-level models (the latter modelling random item effects, which models responses at Level 1 and items at Level 2) in a high-stakes National Mathematics test. The models show comparable regression coefficients but the statistical significances of the two-level models are smaller due to the larger values of the estimated standard errors. We discuss the contrasting relevance of this effect for test developers and gender researchers.  相似文献   
The rise of computer‐based testing has brought with it the capability to measure more aspects of a test event than simply the answers selected or constructed by the test taker. One behavior that has drawn much research interest is the time test takers spend responding to individual multiple‐choice items. In particular, very short response time—termed rapid guessing—has been shown to indicate disengaged test taking, regardless whether it occurs in high‐stakes or low‐stakes testing contexts. This article examines rapid‐guessing behavior—its theoretical conceptualization and underlying assumptions, methods for identifying it, misconceptions regarding its dynamics, and the contextual requirements for its proper interpretation. It is argued that because it does not reflect what a test taker knows and can do, a rapid guess to an item represents a choice by the test taker to momentarily opt out of being measured. As a result, rapid guessing tends to negatively distort scores and thereby diminish validity. Therefore, because rapid guesses do not contribute to measurement, it makes little sense to include them in scoring.  相似文献   
法定许可制度原为著作权法所特有的许可制度,但目前在专利法中也隐约可见其身影,正是相近的法理基础和现实需要呼唤专利法亦引入法定许可制度。利益平衡原则作为专利法的基本原则,理应成为专利法定许可制度的理论支撑;降低交易成本和提高专利成果利用率则是专利法定许可制度确立的现实需求。  相似文献   
EnglishtestsareaveryimportantpartintheteachingofEng lishlanguage .ThetwoaspectsconcernedwithEnglishtestsare :howtoprepareforthetestsforthestudentsorotherexamineesandhowtodesignEnglishtestpapersforteachersofEnglishorotherdesignersofEnglishtestpapers .Generally ,inordertotelltheirstudentshowtopassvariousEnglishexaminations ,teachersofEnglishpaymoreattentiontotheformerandlessattentiontothelatter .Thispaper,withtheintentionofmainlyfavoringthoseinex perienceddesignersofEnglishtestpapers ,willtel…  相似文献   
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