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回忆中包裹着甜腻与温暖的粉红色空气,总会有那么一个人,在你长大的路上,让你有梦可做,有方向去追,有坚持的力量。也是他,在你快忘记梦想的生活中,猛地闯出来敲一下你的头。再看到他,能感觉,那个陪你懂事,在无数夜里挑灯夜读,在泪干的黎明轻吟的灵  相似文献   
变质岩矿物中纳米级流体包裹体的透射电镜研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流体的地质作用研究对于了解高压、超高压变质岩及变质核杂岩的形成条件、构造演化和动力学过程具有重要意义。章就矿物中纳米级或亚微米级流体包裹体的超微构造特征的透射电镜研究进行了探讨,分析了流体包裹体与构造缺陷、纳米裂隙、亚晶界等之间的关系。同时就目前流体包裹体的测试方法进行了讨论,并指出了进一步开展研究工作的方法。  相似文献   
流体包裹体在喀斯特溶洞化学沉积物中广泛分布,这些在化学沉积过程中所形成的流体包裹体蕴藏着大量的古环境演化和气候变迁的重要信息。通过采集杭州灵山洞中更新世形成的钟乳石样品,对不同纹圈中流体包裹体进行测定,研究流体包裹体的特征,利用不混溶气-水包裹体中最大密度判别和计算方法确定六个纹圈中精确的形成温度和压力;根据气-水-岩化学反应平衡热力学方法,计算出CO2成分浓度和古地水中pH值及钟乳石样品形成过程中的CaCO3饱和度等。揭示了杭州地区更新纪古环境演化规律。  相似文献   
Crystalline and melt inclusions were studied in garnet, diopside, potassium feldspar, and sphene from the garnet syenite porphyry of the carbonatite-bearing complex Mushugai-Khuduk, southern Mongolia. Phlogopite, clinopyroxene, albite, potassium feldspar, sphene, wollastonite, magnetite, Ca and Sr sulfates, fluorite, and apatite were identified among the crystalline inclusions. The melt inclusions were homogenized at 1010℃~1080℃ and analyzed on an electron microprobe. Silicate, salt, and combined silicate-salt melt inclusions were found. Silicate melts show considerable variations in SiO2 concentration (56 to 66wt% ), high Na2O + K20 (up to 17wt% ), and elevated Zr, F, and Cl contents. In terms of bulk rock chemistry, the silicate melts are alkali syenites. During thermometric experiments, salt melt inclusions quenched into homogeneous glasses of predominantly sulfate compositions containing no more than 1.3wt% SiO2. These melts are enriched in alkalis, Ba, Sr, P, F, and Cl. The investigation of the silicate and salt melt inclusions in minerals of the garnet syenite porphyries indicate that these rocks were formed under influence of the processes of crystallization differentiation and magma separation into immiscible silicate and salt (sulfate)liquids.  相似文献   
正感人一刻每接手一个新班,我总要在班里放一个盛满水的脸盆,主要为方便我和同事洗手。一个寒冷的早晨,我照常伴着铃声走进教室。忽然感觉今天的气氛有点异样,以往此刻都正襟危坐的孩子们,今天个个眼含笑意,有  相似文献   
十八岁时,我转学到市里最好的高中。在那里,我得了个绰号:考古专家。那是袁刚给我起的。他是富家公子,有吃不尽的零食,穿不完的好衣服。而我妈妈靠开一家小裁缝店支撑着一个家,我穿的衣服都是妈妈做的。为此,袁刚才给我起了这样一个绰号。天气凉了,同学们都穿上了羽绒服,而我还  相似文献   
“我还没有当够李老师的政治课代表。”这是刚毕业的刘梦同学给记者触动最深的一句话。李老师就像关心学生成长的母亲,陪伴学生成长的朋友,早自习,她悄悄地给刻苦自修的学生买来早点,端午节,又为每一位上晚自习的学生送上热气腾腾的粽子。在紧张的高三复习期间,她和学生一起跳绳、踢毽子,放飞心情。学生都亲切地喊她“干妈”。  相似文献   
第一次见到莫红燕,我15岁,青春叛逆张扬的年华。夕阳西下,夜幕一点点降临到公园里,附近的烧烤摊传来阵阵的香味。她坐在喷水池边沿上,伸手舀起池子里的水轻轻整理着杂乱不堪的头发,一身发黄陈旧的衣服勉强包裹着她瘦小的身躯,那张脸上,只有那双不时慌张向四周张望的灵动的眼睛隐隐发出光亮。应该30出头的年纪却因为长期的奔波和饮食不规律导致的疲态脸色,看起来一下子老了10岁。这是我第一次见到她的时候就发现了她不同于其他的流  相似文献   
克里斯托和让娜·克劳德夫妇,是当代备受关注的艺术家,他们的作品从来不出现在画廊、美术馆、展厅或艺术品拍卖会上,而是矗立在大地与自然之间,既让人叹为观止,又如惊鸿一瞥,稍纵即逝。从上世纪60年代开始,他们匪夷所思的浩然景观。这些无法定义艺术品范畴的艺术项目,介于建筑、雕塑、装置、环境、工程之间,成为大地艺术杰出的代表,而这对艺术伉俪近五十年的创作传奇,更是当代艺术史上的七绝一笔。  相似文献   
The acoustic decrepitation method heats a small monomineralic sample and counts pressure impulses as the inclusions burst when they develop high internal pressures. For aqueous fluids, the decrepitation temperature is correlated with the homogenisation temperature, but gas rich fluids give a distinct and characteristic low temperature decrepitation peak which can be used to recognize gas rich fluid inclusions. This information is useful in exploration for Au deposits, which are frequently associated with CO2 rich and sometimes CH4 rich fluids. This distinctive decrepitation occurs because the CO2 rich inclusion fluids expand according to the gas law and develop internal pressures high enough to burst the host mineral grain at temperatures well below their homogenisation temperatures. In contrast, aqueous fluids condense to a liquid and vapour phase during post-entrapment cooling. Upon subsequent heating their internal pressures do not increase significantly until after homogenisation to a single phase occurs and hence they do not decrepitate "prematurely" as gas rich inclusions do. This behaviour is usually regarded as an annoyance in conventional microthermometric homogenisation studies, but can readily be used as an exploration aid to find mineralisation deposited from such gas rich fluids. Decrepitation results on samples from Cowra Ck, NSW, Australia, which have also been microthermometrically measured for CO2 content, show that amounts of less than 5 mole % CO2 are easily distinguished by decrepitation and amounts as low as 1 mole % CO2 may be determinable. Examples of the use of acoustic decrepitation in the study of 6 gold mines in the Shandong and Hebei provinces of China are discussed.  相似文献   
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