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徽州古民居木雕是徽派建筑的重要组成部分,也是徽文化艺术的重要载体,从早期的平面浅浮雕到多层透雕期间经历了较长的发展过程,从拙朴粗犷到精美绝伦,凸显其审美观的衍变。徽州木雕寓意平安、吉祥、富贵、升迁等,艺术形式雕刻手法多样而丰富,是研究徽派地域文化的活证物,有很高的艺术研究价值。  相似文献   
蕴涵着丰富的吴地民俗文化内涵,并已成为历史的记录和城市文化元素的桃花坞木版年画,在六百多年的风雨历程中,历经形成期、兴盛期、衰颓期和新年画期的发展变迁,如今已是艺术百花园中一朵耀眼的奇葩。在大力弘扬优秀文化艺术传统,繁荣和发展社会主义文化的新的历史时期,我们要站在时代和"文化苏州"的新起点上,进一步加强挖掘、整理、研究与传承工作,以使"一坞桃花"更加争奇斗艳、光彩夺目。  相似文献   

The oak timbers of the Swedish warship Vasa are deteriorating. High amounts of oxalic acid have been found along with a low pH and low molecular weight cellulose deep in the wood timbers. The iron-rich surface wood differs from the interior wood in that it displays higher pH and cellulose with higher molecular weight. The objective of this study was to determine why there is a difference in cellulose degradation, pH, and oxalic acid amount between the surface region and the interior of the Vasa timbers. Analysis of cellulose weight average molecular weight by size exclusion chromatography was performed, as well as quantification of oxalic acid and iron by high-performance anion exchange chromatography and atomic emission spectroscopy, respectively. It was found that a decrease in iron content coincides with an increase in oxalic acid concentration and a drop in pH at a certain depth from the wood surface. When iron-rich surface wood samples from the Vasa were mixed with an aqueous solution of oxalic acid, a fast increase of pH over time was observed. Neither interior wood poor in iron nor the fresh oak reference showed the same neutralizing effect during the time of measurement. This indicates that the presence of iron (rust) causes a neutralization of the wood, through the formation of iron(III) oxalato complexes, thus protecting the wood from oxalic acid hydrolysis. This effect was not observed to the same extent for other acids observed in Vasa wood (sulfuric, formic, glycolic, and acetic acids).  相似文献   

The presence of iron oxides (lepidocrocite, goethite) in archeological wood may result in a degradation of the wood matrix. Extraction of these iron oxides is largely dependent on their solubility. In this study, balsa wood samples were impregnated with iron oxides to test extraction treatments. Additionally, archeological wood samples were also examined to determine treatment efficiency. Electrophoresis and simple immersion treatments were performed using various chemical solutions: a neutral and a conductive substance (potassium nitrate), an acid (acetic acid), three alkaline chelating agents (tri-ammonium and tri-sodium citrate and sodium oxalate), three acidic and slightly acidic chelating agents (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), citric acid, and oxalic acid), and a reductant (sodium dithionite). Potassium nitrate did not extract sufficient amounts of iron, irrespective of whether the treatment was conducted by electrophoresis or simple immersion; any observable dissolution was attributed to protonation because of the acidic pH around the anode (as low as 3). Dissolution in acetic acid did not extract iron with either treatment. Strong chelating agents improved extraction, and these compounds gave the best results for simple immersion, particularly EDTA. This chemical is well adapted for use on archeological objects because of its chemical properties (stability constant, speciation based on pH). The addition of sodium dithionite to the solution improved dissolution. Even though electrophoresis improved extraction (in particular for tri-ammonium citrate), none of the tested chelating chemicals were suitable for electrophoresis because of a significant increase in temperature as well as high anode corrosion. The presence of iron sulfide in the archeological wood limited the effectiveness of the tested chemicals. A pre-treatment in sodium persulfate was expanded to include oxidized iron sulfide in oxy/hydroxide iron, which improved the extraction rate.  相似文献   
随着工业化程度不断提高,环境和能源问题日益严峻。木材化学课程应将绿色化学理念贯彻于理论和实验教学中,可以采取具体措施:在木材化学理论教学中引入木材主要组分的分离和化学反应的绿色方法,试剂,做到资源的高效绿色高值化利用;在木材化学实验中利用多媒体辅助教学;提倡半微量化操作模式,对部分实验进行微型化改进;增设教学模块,改革实验内容,创新设计综合实验。通过这一系列措施在木材化学教学中引入并强化绿色化学理念,使学生在以后的工作中运用该理念,做到绿色环保、节能减排。  相似文献   
庄子的“吾丧我”涵盖工夫与本体两个层面,其含义是“唯丧我才能见道”,又是“见道后的自然解脱”。庄子“大木”的形象是丑的,但“大木”意象是美的,“大木”的本质是庄子对个体生死意义的独到领悟,又是一种超然而可求的人生态度。  相似文献   
综合运用文献研究与考古文物资料分析相结合的方法,辅以射箭运动的基本训练学规律与传统弓箭制作之田野实证,对新疆地区两种出土角弓进行考释。得出如下结论:弓弰翻卷的连弧蛇形角弓是斯基泰人基于骑马游牧的传统、野兽崇拜的心理、便利的北山羊角取材,在继承了亚述三角弓“翻卷的弓弰”设计理念后的革故鼎新;弓渊宽阔,弓弣微凹的插接型长弰角弓起源于公元前2世纪的帕提亚帝国。随着丝绸之路的贯通,交流频度与交流速度的激增使该器形迅速为整个欧亚大陆的民族所复刻。其中,中华文明赋予了其最重要的文化内涵,使原本用于战争的武器有了超越物态的“礼”的象征意义。  相似文献   
Nine ancient Egyptian sarcophagi of the twenty-fifth to twenty-sixth dynasty, one Ptolemaic Hawk Mummy, and one Amarna fresco were examined in the collections of the San Diego Museum of Man. Binding media, pigments, wood identification, deterioration and alteration products were identified. The pigment palette represents the basic suite of ancient Egyptian pigments: charcoal black, red ochre, yellow ochre, Egyptian blue, green earth, calcite, and gypsum. In the case of the Hawk mummy, oxammite was identified as a degradation product, together with magnesium phosphate, the first identification of oxammite in ancient artefacts. In a child’s coffin, realgar and orpiment were additionally identified. The binding media for practically all of the coffins studied was confirmed as gum Arabic with only one example of gum tragacanth found from a wall plaque from Amarna. Wood identification showed that Ficus sycomorus had been used, rather than the assumed cedar of Lebanon for coffin manufacture. One unidentified species of shrubby wood was also found. Some of the coffins had been restored, with one having a completely repainted face, in rutile, and the child’s coffin has an attached foot-box with modern screws. Possible indications of ancient reuse were found during the study.  相似文献   
A new coating system for archeological bronze protection that consists of a primer coating and a top coating was prepared in this study. The primer coating was prepared by mixing water-based acrylic emulsion with 1,2,3-benzotriazole, and the ultraviolet (UV) light-resistant top coating was prepared by mixing water-based acrylic emulsion with nano-sized TiO2 and SiO2 particles. UV light resistance and visible light transmission, contact angle, corrosion resistance, and mechanical properties of the new coating system were investigated and the results showed that UV resistance, hydrophobicity, oleophobicity, glossiness, and corrosion resistance all were improved. Application of the new system on real archaeological bronzes showed that the coating film was colorless, odorless, transparent, soft low-lustre, removable, and the original appearance of the archaeological bronze was well maintained.  相似文献   
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