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This study investigated whether a relationship existed between instructional style and points of emphasis in the training context of the martial art aikido and the perceptions which practitioners of aikido generated for aikido-related concepts. The findings were gathered within and compared across aikido training settings in two cultures — Japan and the United States. Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data gathered for this investigation revealed several potent differences between the manner in which Japanese and American aikido practitioners represented their understandings of aikido-related concepts. Differences in the manner in which aikido practitioners in Japan and the United States represented their understandings of aikido reflected the teaching emphasis observed in the respective cultures. It was concluded that aikido instructors represented the values of their own culture in the context of aikido training, and thus served as important mediating forces influencing the meaning which practitioners generated for aikido. An additional finding revealed that in neither culture were participants able to accurately represent how practitioners in the “other” culture structured their understandings of aikido. It was reasoned that both cultural groups generated faulty perceptions of how the “other” group understood aikido because they utilized a similar pattern of projection, using their own meanings of aikido to represent the understandings of practitioners in the “other” cultural group.  相似文献   
Determining heterogeneous behavior for theater attendance   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In this paper we propose and estimate a model of theater participation using the data contained in the 2002 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts from the USA, a dataset widely used to study the determinants of cultural participation. Our contribution relies on the use of an estimation technique that respects the count data nature of the attendance variable (number of theater performances that an individual attended) and allows for heterogeneous behavior. By using a Zero Inflated Negative Binomial Model, we can characterize two distinct behaviors for the observable attendance: a group of never-goers (who never participate) and a subpopulation that has a positive probability of attending. For this latter group, we can estimate the effect of certain personal variables on the probability of highest frequency. The results suggest that the proposed model is appropriate for estimating cultural participation.
Victoria Ateca-AmestoyEmail:
体育非物质文化遗产是我国传统体育文化的重要组成部分,对体育非物质文化遗产的保护和传承具有重要的意义。本文运用文献资料法、田野调查法对福建地术拳的传承发展的历史、现状及传承模式和传承路径进行梳理和归纳。研究发现福建地术拳并非单纯沿用传统的自然传承模式,而是在近一个世纪的传承过程中逐渐摸索出一条“以政宣武,以商养武,以武助商”的具有自我特色的传承模式和“六进”的传承路径。  相似文献   
齐崇文 《出版科学》2016,24(2):10-14
文化产业是表达的产业,表达是文化产业的核心要素。自由的表达可以推动文化产业的发展,但过度的表达又会使文化产业的社会效益受损。文化产业的有序发展需要合理、恰当的表达,需要为表达自由划定一个界限,这个界限就是表达义务。表达义务对文化产品的生产者和传播者提出应当不侵犯他人权益、不损害社会公共利益和不侵害前代人和后代人权益的行为要求。表达义务既是表达自由的限制和界限,也是文化产业的社会效益在法律上的体现。  相似文献   
从高校核心竞争力的内涵出发,挖掘“核心竞争力”这一概念对于高校深刻影响,进而结合我院近几年校园文化建设的特色与趋势关注,提升我院核心竞争力中的作用,以助力核心竞争力提升对我院新一轮校园文化建设提出建议性意见与前瞻性规划。  相似文献   
党的十四届六中全会作出了加强精神文明建设的《决议》,江泽民同志在多种场合、多次会议,一再强调“要把精神文明建设提高到更突出的位置”,“精神文明重在建设”。本文依据这一精神,试图从社会发展的宏观角度,探讨社会主义精神文明建设最基本的六个方面的问题。  相似文献   
从转换层在高层建筑的应用出发探讨了带转换层的结构在实际应用中应该注意的问题。  相似文献   
广播电视作为党和人民的喉舌,作为当今社会最先进、传播最迅速、影响最广泛、最显著的重要媒体之一,一直在政治、经济、文化等诸方面发挥着不可替代的作用.随着信息时代的到来,特别是互联网等新兴媒体的迅速兴起,改变了传媒业原有的格局和传播方式,各种媒体相互融合、相互渗透、相互竞争加剧,对广播电视业产生了巨大冲击,"一枝独秀"局面彻底改变.理性地认识西部经济不发达地区电视的文化传播现状,前瞻性地作出战略选择,是其增强竞争力的重要途径.  相似文献   
本文通过对多层砖混结构的震害进行分析,并根据砖混房屋结构特点,结合自身设计经验,提出在砖混房屋抗震设计中应注意的几个问题及采取的相应措施,对多层砌体房屋的抗震设计具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
“一带一路”,语言铺路,语言是构建成功交流的重要桥梁。泉州目前正努力地以古泉州(刺桐)史迹申请世界文化遗产,为了让世界了解泉州,让泉州走向世界,就需要一批既懂语言基本技能的语言人才又懂泉州灿烂历史文化的文化人才。基于泉州海丝申遗,着力改变大学语言人才的培养模式,探索新形势下多方互动的联合培养模式,共同培养具有跨文化语言应用能力的服务人才,为海丝申遗和“一带一路”建设发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   
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