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Political fact-checking assumes that a rational public will use accurate information to update their opinions, especially on important issues of public policy and political campaigns. Current research on the effectiveness of fact-checking does not provide a clear conclusion. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of political affiliation and type of fact-check criticism (false/half-true) on evaluation of President Obama’s statement that immigration reform would not provide amnesty to undocumented persons living in the U.S. Results confirm differences for political affiliation and type of fact-check.  相似文献   
发达国家的许多研究都证实了人力资本的非货币化收益和溢出效益,但是中国相关的实证研究非常少。本文将丰富该领域中国实证研究的匮乏,通过对那些随自己子女迁移到北京居住生活的老年人调查获得数据。实证结果发现,教育能够带来显著的非货币化收益与家庭成员的溢出效益。  相似文献   
Few attempts have been made to examine the effects of perceived threats that immigrants pose to host society on young people’s preferences for restrictionist or lenient immigration policies. Moreover, the existing literature is scarce on whether such perceived threats mediate the relationship between previously identified demographic antecedents such as gender, race or age and preferences for certain immigration policies. To address these gaps, this study examines direct and mediating effects of perceived economic, cultural and security threats on preferences for lenient or restrictionist immigration policies. Using a sample college students' survey data (N = 604) on their attitudes towards immigration, our findings of logistic regression analysis show that the three dimensions of perceived threat were all positively associated with preference for hardline immigration policies. In addition, regardless of inclusion of perceived threats in the logistic model, being Republican was a consistent positive predictor of the hardline immigration agenda, while female was a consistent negative one. Finally, the results of path analysis of Structural Equation Modeling indicate mediating effects of cultural threat on the relationships between political affiliation (Republican and Independent) and race (Latino) and support for hardline immigration policies.  相似文献   
People rely on their lay theories, or mindsets, to make meaning of their experience in intercultural contact. Given that proficiency in the local language is a crucial social marker of immigrants’ integration, we argue that language mindsets (i.e., beliefs about whether language learning ability is fixed or changeable) guide members of the receiving society to make inferences about immigrants’ language ability (e.g., “can immigrants improve their language ability?”). This social inference, in turn, predicts their willingness to interact with immigrants and support immigrants’ language education. In a correlational study (n = 231) and an experimental study (n = 106), we investigated whether and how language mindsets influence participants’ support for immigrants’ intercultural contact. We found that trait and experimentally-induced fixed (vs. growth) mindsets led to negative judgments of immigrants’ potential to develop their skills in the local language, which in turn predicted avoidance of contact with migrants and opposition to governmental funding of immigrants’ language education. The effects held even after controlling for participants’ political orientations, perceived difficulties of the English language, and judgments of target immigrants’ language fluency. These findings suggest that promoting growth mindsets about language ability can lead to more positive intercultural attitudes that impact the acceptance of migrants. We discussed the implications of language mindsets for understanding the processes of intercultural communication and forming positive intercultural relations.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the cognitive development of young children from diverse backgrounds with a particular focus on ethnic and nativity differences in home environments. Hypotheses are developed addressing the extent to which home environment and parenting practices mediate the relationship between mother's age at arrival and cognitive development in early childhood. Data from the first two waves of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth cohort are employed. Children whose mothers arrived in the United States at the youngest ages (0–7 years) have similar cognitive scores to children whose mothers are born in the United States once socioeconomic status and family background are considered. Multivariate analyses indicate parenting practices and home environment are associated with cognitive development and act as partial mediators between cognitive scores and mother's age at arrival. Overall, the results highlight the need to consider parental migration experiences and differences in the home environments of children of immigrants in the United States as sources of variation in outcomes for the second-generation.  相似文献   
Social strategies are a central component of intercultural competence, and are vital in understanding, theoretically and practically, the immigration and acculturation process. This study focused on an immigrant group experiencing identity threat, namely young Ethiopians in Israel, and examined their perceptions of social strategies in intergroup relations. Thematic analysis was performed on two types of qualitative data: (1) newspaper articles in which members of the Ethiopian community addressed aspects of their social strategies (31 reports collected from seven newspapers and magazines) and (2) data from two focus groups conducted afterwards with young adult members of the Ethiopian community (five to seven participants in each group). A major pattern emerging from the immigrants’ reports is the adoption of the hosts’ perspective and attitudes regarding the effective norms of social behavior. In their daily coping, on the other hand, the immigrant youth tended to exhibit a complex and at times ambivalent variety of behavioral patterns in their social interactions with members of the host culture. This spectrum of social strategies suggests dynamic processes of trial and error and reflects the unique complexity of intercultural competence. Findings were analyzed in terms of the immigrants’ perception of the threat to their identity and of their ways of coping with those threats.  相似文献   
Despite the 1982 Plyler v. Doe decision guaranteeing education for undocumented children, access appears to be under threat as some states and localities reconsider existing policy. The basis of these attitudes should be better understood. We are unaware of research that has examined nativist sentiment as a predictor of attitudes toward education policy for children. Using data from the 2006 Immigration Survey from the Pew Hispanic Center we consider the influence of cultural and economic nativism on attitudes toward education access for immigrant children. Findings show that certain measures of both forms of nativism predict opposition to education access.  相似文献   
澳大利亚是一个移民国家,移民政策一直是其重要的基本国策之一。由于历史、政治、社会和文化背景等方面的原因,在100多年来澳大利亚对华移民政策史上,以种族歧视为核心的“白澳政策”长期占据主导地位。第二次世界大战结束以来,澳洲政府逐步调整对华移民政策,其间经历了一个从逐步调整、渐进改革到彻底废除“白澳政策”;从以引进非技术移民为主到鼓励商业移民和独立技术移民赴澳的历史演变进程。澳洲政府最终废止白澳政策的基本原因主要是:二战促使澳洲人对种族歧视问题进行了认真反思;战后反种族歧视的世界进步潮流的推动;华人素质的改变和中国国际地位的提高,以及改变对亚洲关系和开发澳洲、发展经济的需求。  相似文献   
文章主要从明王朝为了保护滇黔交通线、防范水西土司和镇压当地少数民族的反抗,安顺地区重要的战略地位及本地区相对优越的自然地理条件三方面分析了明代安顺地区移民的原因。  相似文献   
陈昱  陈银蓉  马文博 《资源科学》2011,33(6):1178-1185
本文以四川、湖南和湖北三省四个水库移民安置区共318份调查问卷为基础,以安置区居民土地流转意愿为因变量,以性别、年龄、职业类型、安置区距离省会城市的距离、家庭人口、劳动力人数等13个因素为自变量,通过建立logistic模型,对水库移民安置区居民的土地流转意愿进行了实证研究,研究结果显示:①随着农民教育年限的增加,其土地转出有增强倾向。因受教育程度越高,其外出打工就业的几率就越高,有较为稳定的非农收入,土地已不再是生活的主要保障,他们更愿意将土地流转出去而获取一定的补偿;②家庭劳动力人数对土地转出有反向作用,劳动力人数越多,越不愿意转出土地。而家庭总人数和农业人口数并不能真实地反映一个家庭的土地需求,对土地转出意愿影响并不显著;③家庭收入中农业收入比重越大,说明对农业依赖程度越高,越不愿意转出土地;④家庭总人数和农业人口数并不能准确反映农户对土地的真实需求,因而对土地流转意愿的影响并不显著。为了实现移民安置区土地的主动流转,建议采取5项措施。  相似文献   
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