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Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body, so memes (ideas, behaviours, and actions) transmit cultural ideas or practices from one mind to another through writing, speech, or other imitable phenomena. This paper considers the memes that influence the evolution of open and distance education. If the transmission is strong and a sufficient number of policy-makers, managers, or practitioners in various contexts are capable of faithful imitation, the meme pool will evolve to exploit these memes to the full. If the propagation is weak, this may give rise to little or no imitation of the necessary philosophical stances, service orientations, and operational capacities.  相似文献   
随着Web2.0技术的不断发展,大规模开放在线课程( MOOCs)以其免费、方便、省时、高质量和不受时间和空间限制等特征迅速在全球兴起。然而,作为一种新兴的课程模式,用于评估学习者作业的同伴互评环节由于设置过于简单,存在评阅者态度粗鲁、评价效率低下等问题,并不能取得令人满意的效果。针对如何提高大规模开放课程中同伴互评的效果这一问题,通过建立基于推荐机制的提高同伴互评效果的推荐模型,为学生作业分配较为合适的评阅人,从而达到优化同伴互评过程并提高学习者满意度的目的。  相似文献   
In terms of international education, the concept of online education seems to be a growing trend. Edxonline.org, Minervaproject.com, and Udacity.com are all new massive online open courses (MOOCs)—education websites similar to Coursera offering students the ability to receive the best education from elite universities entirely online. The most tantalizing promise of a company like Coursera is the role it might play in improving education for the world's have-nots: high school dropouts, the global poor, and those less able to self-teach.  相似文献   
Despite wide recognition of MOOCs, little is known about the lecturers’ perception and what are their needs before encouraging them to integrate MOOCs in their pedagogical practices. To gain such an understanding, this study conducted in-depth interviews probing Thai lecturers’ perception and paying special attention to their needs in designing their MOOCs. Strengths and challenges in integrating MOOCs were highlighted. The study proposed that for MOOCs to exert power in Thai institutions, it might be necessary for Thai institutions to introduce systematic and effective workshops for lecturers to acquire the skills and confidence to design their MOOCs.  相似文献   
跨平台、多屏幕消费已经成为移动互联时代用户媒介接触新常态,逐渐改变了用户的学习与阅读行为习惯。跨媒体阅读强调资源的立体化、可视化、互动化,强调用户阅读的体验感、泛在化、聚合性。该文从跨媒体和泛在化的双重视角出发,系统分析媒介融合发展态势、数字化阅读理性推广、混合式学习理念传播、互联网思维取向等移动互联网时代跨媒体阅读的O2O特质,构建了基于O2O的跨媒体阅读模式;通过整合O2O要素与MOOCs系统构件,阐释了跨媒体阅读系统构成及其应用技术,归纳了跨媒体阅读的连续一致模式、即时共享模式、连续补偿模式和即时互动模式等四种泛在阅读应用模式,为多屏互动时代跨媒体阅读系统建构、跨媒体学习资源开发及应用提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   
近两年,慕课对高等教育领域产生了巨大影响,地方应用型本科院校随之进行教育改革。从慕课的发展方向来看,慕课的教育本质是以现代网络技术为基础,实现知识发现与个性化构建的实践过程。应用型高校要积极应对慕课热潮,既要适应本土特色因地制宜地开发和引进慕课网络资源与平台,还要利用和保持自身优势,进行教学模式、教育思想和理念的创新,走出一条特色的应用型“慕课”之路。  相似文献   
慕课的兴起为高等教育带来了挑战和机遇。在慕课平台不断增加的课程之间存在激烈的竞争。为了达到更好的教学效果和提高竞争力,慕课授课教师应该在授课时运用各种叙事策略:首先要建立“对话式”的叙事思维;其次是要营造出利于在场感的叙事情境;最后是要掌控叙事节奏。  相似文献   
本文通过对学生调查问卷的数据分析,对基于慕课的大学英语混合型教学模式构建中存在的问题进行研究,有助于提高对慕课相关特点的认识,在可操作的范围内对混合型教学模式进行改善。  相似文献   
以西南大学为例,通过对免费师范生教育硕士网络课程运行状况的分析,总结了其存在的问题以及需要达到的要求,并借鉴“慕课”课程模式,对免费师范生教育硕士网络课程下一步进行的改进进行了探索,希望为免费师范生教育硕士提供更加高效的学习平台。  相似文献   
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