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至今所见,中原姓氏入闽迁台之相关研究,在海峡两岸先后出现三个研究视角。先是福建地方史研究中涉及的中原姓氏入闽问题,此类研究,最早可追溯到南宋著名史学家郑樵等闽籍学者对福建民间家族再造中关于"闽祖光州固始"的回应。再是20世纪二三十年代兴起的跨区域移民史研究,尤其是闽台学者对闽南、客家姓氏祖地及姓氏播迁的溯源研究。然后是20世纪80年代,随着两岸关系缓和及闽台同胞寻根活动之开展,由豫、闽、台三地学者共同推动的两岸关系视角下的中原姓氏入闽迁台研究。由福建地方史向跨区域移民史和两岸关系研究视角之转移,总体上呈现为历史向文化演进的趋势。  相似文献   

Schools–which play an important role in the formation of young children's positive attitudes toward the environment–can improve their environmental performance by working with all members of the school community. In this article, I discuss schools' relevance in developing environmental awareness in young children. This article also explains that the primary-level national curriculum and the Mexican educational system are working toward an environmental policy. A brief introduction describes some of the most significant educational changes in recent Mexican history, emphasizing the role of textbooks.  相似文献   
清代,归化城土默特地区迁徙来了不少山西汉族农民。他们开荒种地,重建家园,在村庄的命名上沿用了晋北汉族习俗,“犋牛”村名的产生即为例证。结合清代文献及山西方志来分析,“犋牛”的含义应是指开垦土地的数量。  相似文献   
Having challenged student resistance scholarship for glorifying forms of resistance that tend to be self-destructive to students, the field has shifted to supporting and advancing more transformational forms of resistance, such as organizing campaigns for social justice issues. While this is a welcome advance, the conception of transformative employed by researchers tends to be limited to reformist agendas. Situating student resistance in a historical context through a re-reading of Marx and Lenin offers a deeper framework for understanding and organizing student resistance. Making these points, I draw on the Mexican American historical and contemporary context for illustrations.  相似文献   
布拉塞洛计划,是指从1942年持续到1964年的美墨双边劳务协议.协议期间,墨西哥向美国输入了大量的临时劳动力,美国摆脱了农业劳力短缺的制约,一扫经济危机带来的低迷.同时形成了墨西哥移民涌入美国的浪潮.与进入美国的合法移民相伴的是,墨西哥非法移民大量涌入.墨西哥非法移民给美国社会造成了一定负担和困扰.布拉塞洛计划执行期因此成为两国移民重要阶段,更是墨西哥非法移民的典型时期.  相似文献   
周景宝 《唐山学院学报》2017,30(1):18-21,71
元末明初,战乱频仍。京畿地区人口锐减,土地荒芜,到处是一派凋敝不堪景况。洪武初年,明朝廷有组织、大规模地将沿边居民迁徙内地,垦荒屯田,充实京畿一带。靖难之役后,朝廷又迁徙浙江等9个布政司以及南直隶11个府的民众充实上述地区,移民垦荒。土地开垦促进了生产的恢复和发展,带来了劳动力的增加,不仅扩大了耕地面积,而且增加了财政收入,有利于地方经济的复苏。李大钊先世于永乐二年迁徙至直隶永平府乐亭县大黑坨村居住。  相似文献   
影响安徽方言分区的若干因素探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方言是语言的地方变体,不同地方在方言上的差异常常与不同地区的历史、民族、文化等方面的差异交织在一起,甚至最能表现文化特征的首先是语言。本文通过史籍中的方言材料对安徽的方言内容进行探讨,认为影响历史时期安徽方言分区的主要因素有行政区划、地理环境以及移民。  相似文献   

Carrying out effective and efficient research on Mexican law presents special challenges. Some of these are structural because they condition the entire research process. This guide covers all aspects of Mexican legal research, providing a contextualized overview of the subject. The guide is organized into three main sections: Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, and Online Resources. The reader of this guide will gain a solid foundation in how to do research on Mexican law.  相似文献   
In 2010, Arizona passed legislation that attacked ethnic studies in k-12 (kindergarten to 12th grade). Specifically, Mexican American/Raza Studies (MARS) was targeted by the state Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI), and, in effect, would be eliminated by the Prohibited Courses; Discipline; Schools Law (Prohibited Courses Law). This study utilizes document and content analysis to examine both a letter written by the SPI calling for the elimination of MARS, and the text of the Prohibited Courses Law. Framing the work within critical race theory, these two documents work together to normalize and make property of whiteness in Arizona’s public schools, and re-create a hegemonic status quo. In addition, this study analyzes how MARS acts as a site of counter-hegemonic activity by scrutinizing customary discourses as presented in schools and curricula.  相似文献   
根据库区淹没状况及特点 ,提出要充分发挥安置区风景优美的自然资源条件 ,创建青山绿水特区 ,积极发展林业、养殖业、旅游业及农特产加工业等 ,为库区经济发展注入活力。  相似文献   
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