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我国的专利制度从无到有,从不完善到完善,这一过程中,有关知识产权的国际条约,特别是《与贸易有关的知识产权协议TRIPS》对我国的专利立法产生了重大影响.我国第一部专利法自1984年颁布以来,在短短的不到20年的时间就建立起了一些发达国家经历了几十,上百年才完成的健全的专利保护制度,这一成就令世人注目。本着重探讨TRIPS协议对中国专利权司法保护的影响及历史背景。  相似文献   

In the last decade the issue of copyright has become more complex for Slavic and East European librarians for a number of reasons. Technological advances have led to new forms of publication and new options for document distribution, and have also had a major impact on intellectual property law in the U.S. and abroad. As the technical means for copying and distributing materials in various formats have increased, and as electronic resources comprise a steadily increasing proportion of the material used in libraries, copyright law has become more integral to the work of librarians. In the background of technological progress, the newly independent states which emerged after the dissolution of Communism have all adopted new copyright laws within the context of global developments in intellectual property legislation. This paper provides a context for copyright as it relates to the work of Slavic and East European librarians in the U.S., by offering a framework for understanding the main issues surrounding copyright and a method for approaching questions related to copyright protection of library materials. The emphasis of this article is on use by U.S. libraries of textual material created or published in Slavic and East European countries.  相似文献   
中国知识产权行政保护特色制度的发展趋势研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
我国正在对几部主要知识产权法律进行新一轮修改,有关知识产权行政保护特色制度的"去留之争"比较激烈。本文从TRIPS协议、相关国家知识产权行政保护制度和中国现状等几个方面论证了我国在整体上继续实施这一特色制度的必要性,并提出了进一步发展的基本路径与发展模式。  相似文献   
在多边贸易进程中,WTO的协定和规则主要体现了发达国家的利益,《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(TRIPS)就是发达国家利益在知识产权领域的具体表现。在发达国家发展的早期阶段,发达国家享有谋划本国知识产权政策的自由。TRIPS的实施将对发展中国家的技术创新产生负面影响,并将其锁定在低技术水平上。  相似文献   
学界关于知识产权归责原则有过错责任说、无过错责任说及混合责任说,分歧的主要原因在于对归责原则、侵权行为与侵害行为的概念理解有误,对TRIPS协议精神认识有异。对此,作者从分析归责原则之“责”的含义出发,阐述了侵权行为与侵害行为的区别,分析了TRIPS协议的精神,指出知识产权侵权归责原则系指损害赔偿责任而言,应采纳过错责任原则。  相似文献   
国民待遇原则是TRIPS的几个基本原则之一。只有把TRIPS中的规定和《巴黎公约》、《伯尔尼公约》、《罗马公约》、《关于集成电路的知识产权条约》的规定结合起来 ,才能更好地理解这一原则的含义。我国在成为世贸组织的成员后 ,认识这一点将是非常重要的。  相似文献   
乌拉圭回合贸易谈判将知识产权并入其中,称为"与贸易有关的知识产权协定"(TRIPS)。对于这一套规则,一些发达国家学者极度赞誉,称颂这是"乌拉圭回合最令人惊喜的成功之一"。而实际上,在乌拉圭回合谈判中,美国与发展中国家在知识产权和纺织品、农业等问题的讨论是发展中国家的一个重大的战略失误。TRIPS协议虽然在执行时间上给予了发展中国家一定的推迟,但是发展中国家并不能数年内就在经济技术上赶上发达国家,TRIPS协议是"发达国家的巨大胜利,发展中国家失之甚多"。同时,由于TRIPS协议的高保护标准又使得经济水平低下的发展中国家雪上加霜,无法满足一些生存和教育必需品,从而又使得与保护基本人权相冲突。  相似文献   
Many national intellectual property laws contain provisions that reflect cultural values and have trade significance. Although cultural value defenses have generally been rejected by GATT and WTO panels, they may be more likely to succeed in intellectual property disputes because many culturally-laden rules are widely accepted in the international intellectual property arena. Moreover, intellectual products are less completely commodified than other products. Cultural economists can provide valuable insights to aid WTO in distinguishing between those culturally-laden intellectual property rules that should be or should not permitted when they have an impact on trade.  相似文献   
世界贸易组织知识产权规则主要体现在《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(即《TRIPS协定》)之中,中国作为世贸组织的新成员,必须遵守TRIPS协定。中国现有的关于知识产权的法律法规,与世贸组织TRIPS协定存在差距和问题,必须修改和完善,以确保TRIPS协定在全国范围内统一实施。  相似文献   
国家档案中有一部分归属于知识产权范围,如文字作品、摄影作品、工程设计图、产品设计图、地图、示意图等图形作品。我国加入WTO与这部分国家档案的管理、利用等方面有密切联系的当是《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(Agreement on Trade-Related……  相似文献   
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