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井媛  王敏 《海外英语》2012,(14):176-177
丹麦女作家伊萨克·迪内森的自传体小说《走出非洲》诠释了生态女性主义者所积极倡导的生态与人生智慧。小说直接或间接地批判了长期以来人类社会所存在的人类中心主义和男性中心主义,告诫人们只有建立和谐的人与自然之间的关系以及两性关系,才能真正领悟到生活的真谛。  相似文献   
生态主义理论者力图消除西方传统哲学理论中人为的天人对立,进而建立和谐平等的生态伦理思想以破除狭隘的人类中心主义。南非作家库切的寓言体小说《等待野蛮人》虽没有被明确界定为一部生态主义小说,但文章中对生态破坏的悲怆与惋惜,对征服与统治的批判,以及对人类中心主义的瓦解的预言无疑折射出了作品中所蕴含的生态主义内涵。  相似文献   
The hierarchical human-centric paradigm has been criticized by various movements of posthuman philosophy because this paradigm forgets and dismisses nonhuman beings and entities: animals, nature, objects, and technology. When I developed a course called ‘Education and Adaptations of Animal Studies’ for university students in 2015, I learned two lessons in practice. First, many humans, pedagogues, and academics want to hold on to their anthropocentric worldview that separates them from other species. Second, in pedagogical practices humans prefer to avoid confronting the violence they do toward animals. In this article, I reflect on these two lessons learned and consider what they tell us about the dichotomies, anthropocentrism, and speciesism visible in pedagogical practices. I also discuss how posthuman pedagogy and posthuman ethics can help us ask uneasy questions that fracture the uncertain conception of human superiority.  相似文献   
This paper calls for a “fifth moment” in the field of intercultural communication that re-examines modern culture’s values, beliefs, and assumptions about human being in the world and the role of such in fomenting today’s ongoing planetary-wide ecological crises. To conduct this re-examination, we turn to ethnoautobiography, a framework rooted in story and in the indigenous paradigm. We raise deep questions regarding the default assumptions of a discipline ensconced almost exclusively within the monocultural logic of modern culture and civilization. We end by posing key problematics that we deem crucial for renewing the discipline toward contemporary relevance, ecological awareness, and responsibility.  相似文献   
Over the past few decades, the increase in public and scholarly attention to human-animal relations has inspired an animal turn in a number of academic disciplines including environmental education research. This paper reviews the literature on animals in environmental education with respect to its theoretical foundations in critical pedagogy, ecofeminism and posthumanism, considers empirical work on formal, nonformal and informal learning spaces and discusses the implications of an animal-focused paradigm for teaching and research. In the conclusion the author suggests some areas for further inquiries from her own research and teaching experience.  相似文献   
对于人与环境关系的诸多认识中保护环境的观念可谓由来已久,但是提出并形成独立的环境权概念和体系却是晚近的事情,距今也不过半个世纪。所谓环境权是指公民、法人等组织团体和人类(包括后代人)所拥有的享有适宜健康和良好生活环境,合理利用环境资源以及有效参与国家环境管理和决策的权利。它包含程序性权利和实体性权利,是一种新型人权。  相似文献   
面对日益对立与冲突的人与自然的关系及其严重凸显的生态危机,众多有识之士从不同的角度阐述和分析了这一危机的根源并提出了一系列解决的方法和途径。戴维·佩珀从历史唯物主义出发分析了生态危机的根源,反对西方生态主义解决生态问题的唯心方法,以此为基础构建了一个人类与自然和谐相处的生态社会主义,坚持人类中心主义,重视社会公正,提倡经济的理性增长,并力图对生态运动进行"红色"改造,以促成"红绿联盟"的形成。  相似文献   
人类中心主义是生态危机的根源 ,因此 ,我们必须超越人类中心主义 ,走进非人类中心主义 ,并以非人类中心主义价值观为指导 ,建构整体主义的生态伦理观  相似文献   
价值的内涵不断拓展,从价值是一种心里信念到价值本质上是主客体之间的关系,内在价值也由人类扩展到自然界。在自然界中,主客体是相对而言的,大自然的所有生命形式(包括人类在内)互为主客体关系、互为目的和手段、互相满足也互相牵制。从价值的主体、客体和价值关系上,可以看出自然具有内在价值。  相似文献   
构建社会主义和谐社会是我国新时期的战略任务,实现人与自然的和谐是构建和谐社会的重要内容之一。道家老子思想是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,其和谐思想为构建和谐社会奠定了传统的根基。道法自然是实现人与自然和谐的哲学基础,老子强调要“知常”、“知和”、“知足”、“知止”,倡导“天人合一”,这对于我们今天破除“人类中心主义”具有指导意义。  相似文献   
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