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The objective of this review was to systematically describe the traditional and contemporary data capture and analytic methods employed in performance analysis research in team invasion sports, evaluate the practicality of these methods, and formulate practical recommendations on methods for analysing tactics and strategies in team invasion sports. A systematic search of the databases SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE and PubMed was performed. Keywords addressed performance analysis methods and team invasion sports, with all other disciplines of sports science excluded. A total of 537 articles were included in the review and six main themes of research identified. Themes included game actions, dynamic game actions, movement patterns, collective team behaviours, social network analysis and game styles. Performance analysis research has predominantly focused on identifying key performance indicators related to success by analysing differences in game actions between successful and less successful teams. However, these measures are outcome-focused and only provide limited insight into winning team’s strategy. Team invasion sports are now viewed as dynamic, complex systems with opposing teams as interacting parts. Strategies and tactics should be analysed using a holistic process-orientated approach by recording dynamic actions, collective team behaviours and passing networks, and viewing them in game styles.  相似文献   
Academic libraries fail to take advantage of the network effect because they manage too many digital repositories locally. While this argument applies to all manner of digital repositories, this article examines the fragmented environment of institutional repositories (IR), in which effort and costs are duplicated, numerous software platforms and versions are managed simultaneously, metadata are applied inconsistently, users are served poorly, and libraries are unable to take advantage of collective data about content and users. In the meantime, commercial IR vendors and academic social networks have shown much greater success with cloud-based models. Collectively, the library profession has enough funding to create a national-level IR, but it lacks the willingness to abandon local control.  相似文献   
在计划经济时期的中国农民集体组织主要是为实现国家工业化目标服务的。当今,这一目标已基本实现,在社会主义市场经济的大背景下,农民集体组织的性质也在发生变化,它实质上已成为土地使用者合作社的组织形式,应作为法人民事主体获得对内和对外两种民事权利,对内按照合作社的治理结构实现权力分配和科学决策,对外平等地参与民事交往,保护自身利益,最终目标是确保本集体内农民的合法权利得以有效实现。  相似文献   
美学家的“美学情结”有个体和集体之分。强调美学的人生性和追求心灵的审美性,成为20世纪中国美学的集体情结,并由此形成了美学的两大特点:审美主义和功利主义的内在统一,艺境求索和艺术心培育的互为呼应。20世纪中国美学的集体情结实质上又是美学本土性问题的体现。  相似文献   
竹的巨大生命力和潜能,让华夏古人生成了自然崇拜,竹的物种本能呼唤着古人的生命意识,竹成为原始植物崇拜的一个代表。竹与龙,有类似的神秘内蕴与象征功能,两者互可置换,不仅因其长度、形状相似,色彩及功能亦颇相近。竹与中国古人惜命重生意识也极为切近。竹的质地坚硬耐久,四季不凋、葱茏蓬勃的生命力,使其神话内蕴更有理由持久延续。古人信奉竹的祛病养生之用,还由竹的美好质性联想到日常人世伦理。湘妃泣染斑竹的仙话传说,将男性文人的气节,泛化为女性对爱情的坚贞不渝。中国古典文学中竹意象繁盛不衰,缘其神话原型的稳定凝重和多样化,从而文人主体在诸多重大人生课题面前心中时现竹影。  相似文献   
邓小平关于党和国家领导体制改革的思想和实践主要包括(1)领导原则的确立;(2)领导终身制的废除;(3)"接班人"问题的创新;(4)"中央集体领导"理论的形成.邓小平关于党和国家领导体制改革的思想具有重要的历史意义和现实意义.  相似文献   
集体效能为高校辅导员团队建设提供了一个主体性视角。集体主义价值取向促使辅导员团队集体效能的提升,而团队内部冲突则严重阻碍团队成员之间的交互行为,一定程度上降低了辅导员团队集体效能。因此,加强集体主义精神的培育应是辅导员团队建设的题中之义,注重团队情绪智力以消减团队内部冲突亦是提高辅导员团队集体效能的必要之举。  相似文献   
我国农村集体经济组织法律制度的缺陷及其成因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集体经济组织的演变可以划分为三个历史阶段,即初级合作社时期、高级合作社时期及家庭联产承包责任制时期。从规范层面看,三个阶段的集体经济组织分别存在于现实层面、政策层面及法律层面。通过历史分析,可以清楚地看到在法律层面集体经济组织的真正缺陷所在。另外,从法律文化、改革成本、制度知识等不同角度对集体经济组织缺陷的成因进行深入分析和探讨,有助于我们从制度上完善集体经济组织寻求可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   
This paper argues that some of the currenttrends affecting academe impede on keyinstitutional structures, or sets ofinterrelated norms for academic conduct, whichare necessary for sustaining collective actionamong academics. In this sense academics andacademic units may find themselves `between arock and a hard place', that is with newpressures for relevance, stakeholderintegration and commercialisation on one side,and on the other a number of withering socialconditions for actually doing good on these newrequirements from the point of view ofknowledge creation. The paper identifies andreviews four specific changes in this regard:secrecy and withholding behaviour, new notionsof `users', managerialism, and external PhDsponsorship. These changes are then related tothree forms of problematic institutionalchanges: (1) a fragmentation of the academicconstituency, (2) a bi-lateralization ofinformation sharing, and (3)deprofessionalization. Finally, a number ofpossible meta-institutional norms are suggestedfor academic conduct, which may ameliorateinstitutional fragmentation and stimulate acoherent professionalization of academiclife.  相似文献   
将高等师范院校音乐专业的声乐课分为基础和提高两个阶段,并分别采用集体课和个别课形式进行,既提高了教学效果,又有效地应对了高师扩招带来的师资紧缺问题,这是对高师声乐课有效教学模式的探索与尝试。  相似文献   
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