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海明威的性别观一直是海明威研究中的关注热点之一。以朱迪斯.巴特勒的性别表演理论为依据,以海明威的短篇小说为研究文本,从男女换装、性别角色转换和同性恋欲望三个理论层面,探讨海明威的性别观,得出结论:海明威并非提倡传统性别角色,拥护男性至上;他在短篇小说中描写社会性别的不定性和可变性,是其对现代社会中性别角色变化和重构的深切关注,是其"双性和谐"理想的表达,这一理想贯穿着海明威的整个写作生涯。  相似文献   

This paper examines a model of decision-making within the context of current and emerging regimes of accountability being proposed and implemented for school systems in a number of jurisdictions. These approaches to accountability typically involve the use of various measurable student learning outcomes as well as other measures of performance to do with teachers and schools in general, often having high-stakes consequences. Given this context of performativity, the paper proposes a model that uses an objective knowledge growth framework, where teachers can engage in their own professional learning through defined structures for solving the problems of their professional practice. The model is both empowering for teachers while being sensitive to the constraints of cultures of performativity.  相似文献   
Contemporary controversies in rhetorical criticism cluster in three ostensibly separate areas: the ethical and political consequences of ideological or cultural criticism, the possibility and desirability of viewing rhetoric as an epistemic process, and the implications of broadening the purview of rhetoric beyond text to include cultural and personal performance. In each of these realms, current theory provides no conceptual room for reconciling oppositional positions. Proponents are left to agree to disagree‐a civil enough resolution within the discipline, but a sign that the current paradigm might have outlived its usefulness. This essay argues that contemporary critical vexations are not unrelated, but stem from a single theoretical source: a failure to consistently distinguish between culture‐bound rhetorical practice and the transcultural processes by which humans create and maintain rhetorical community.  相似文献   
This article derives from a larger study on gender fluidity to focus primarily on the sartorial aspects of gender. Secondary school students were interviewed to investigate how they speak about gender expression, performance and fluidity in their school. Using a Foucaultian analytic of subjectivation through regulated surveillance and Butler's theory of gender performativity and the abject, as well as queer theorists such as Wilchins, my aim is to draw attention to the need to de-naturalize the notion of a gender binary. Furthermore, I draw on Garber's analytic framework of sumptuary law to provide insight into the limitations of gender expression and the potential for sartorial agency. The educational significance lies in the need to disrupt the heteronormative education system to resist the exclusion of gender non-conforming students.  相似文献   
Self-service bicycle systems are today being set up in a number of cities across the world. Seen as a means to promote a sustainable city and new forms of ecology, and valued for their ‘planet friendly’ character, these systems have become a hallmark for cities that want to become part of the so-called green culture. Drawing from the experience of the Vélib’ programme in Paris and adopting a pragmatist perspective, this paper analyses the controversies which developed as this transportation infrastructure was implemented, as well as the definitions of ‘ecology’ which were at the centre of the dispute. In doing so it shows the capacity of the private firm involved in the system, JCDecaux, to ‘hijack’ and integrate the ecological critique, its rather powerful capacity to persuade other actors, and the popularity that the project achieved through a hard-won process of justification. At the same time, this paper argues that the mobility turn played a performative role in the justification and the definition of this new transport project.  相似文献   
This study conducts an analysis of the relationship between strategic theory, industry- or market-wide practices, valuation metrics, and justification rhetoric in performing strategic practice. In doing this, we refer to Michel Callon on the performativity of economics and Boltanski and Thévenot on the justification of strategic action. The paper introduces an analytical framework for studying the corporate strategy pragmatics of a forest industry company – Stora Enso – over the 1990–2008 period. The authors argue that Stora Enso's corporate strategy is justified by and represents the outcome of multiple performances that coexist and interact with each other. These multiple performances, ranging from general strategic management conceptual theories to industry-wide practices and valuation metrics, may lead to conflict when creating successful businesses.  相似文献   
在对福克纳短篇小说代表作之一《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》的既往研究中,有女性主义批评者认为父权制是导致爱米丽人生悲剧的重要原因。在此基础上借用巴特勒的性别操演理论进一步提出,爱米丽性别的复杂表演性质从根本上揭示了社会文化机制对个体性别身份的规约以及个体在颠覆机制时所遭遇的遏制。两者形成一种合力,共同促成作品的悲剧意识。爱米丽先是在父权制的掌控下遵循"南方淑女"这一性别规范来建构自己的性别,之后在父亲去世后对性别和身份的操演解构了这一所谓本质主义的迷思。其操演的身份既是对社会文化机制的颠覆与反抗,又是对性别主体重建的诉求,是女性个体争取性别解放的必经之路。  相似文献   
A common move in the study of creativity and performativity is to present the former as an antidote to the latter. Might we, therefore, see work on creativity in education as heralding an era of post-performativity? In this paper I argue that the portrayal of performativity in the literature on creativity presents an overly simplistic (vulgar?) understanding of what the former involves. In this literature, performativity is used to represent the tightening control over curriculum and pedagogy to meet externally imposed targets. Though this represents a ‘manifestation’ of performativity, it is not constitutive of it. During this paper, I contend that a vulgar or partial understanding of performativity is what leads writers to view creativity as its antidote. To demonstrate what is at stake here, I draw on Lyotard’s understanding of performativity. For Lyotard, performativity is a narrative in which effectiveness has usurped Enlightenment narratives of truth and justice and ultimately comes to shape our understanding of the world. During the paper, I try to show that the literature on creativity in education focuses on effectiveness, jettisons concerns with ‘truth’ and partakes in the nihilism of performativity.  相似文献   
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