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英语四级考试改革中出现了新的快速阅读题型,本文就这一变化作了仔细的分析,并结合大学英语阅读教学,对快速阅读教学策略进行了分析探讨,提出在大学英语快速阅读教学中运用篇章分析理论,并分析了快速阅读常见误区和在教学中如何加强技巧的训练。  相似文献   
中药党参的研究概况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
党参为我国传统名贵中药材,主要含有萜类、糖和糖苷类、甾体类、黄酮类、挥发油、生物碱等成分,并具有抗衰老、抗氧化、抗疲劳、抗肿瘤、增强免疫力等功能,综述了党参的研究近况,主要包括其本草考证、化学组成和药理作用三个方面,以为进一步开发利用党参资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   
话题结构分析法是由芬兰语言学家Lautamatti创建起来的语篇连贯研究方法。该方法侧重考察句子话题与语篇主题间的语义关系,研究语篇中不断重复的关键字词的推进模式。通过研究句子话题的推进方式,可以了解到语篇的组织形式,考察其语义连贯和统一的情况。因此,本文拟从话题结构分析法的角度出发,探讨其在语篇连贯中所起的作用。  相似文献   
This article explores the textual and historical poaching practices by Tumblr fans of the novels A Song of Ice and Fire and the television adaption Game of Thrones, a pseudo-historical fantasy series. Fans critique both the text (novels and TV show) and other fans’ interpretations of the text, as well as parallel real-world history with the world and characters of the series. Tensions arise around the “historical accuracy” of the novels and show, along with the role that dominant narratives and cultural norms play in interpreting a past that never was through the lens of a real-world past. Fantasy and history intersect in layered ways and are used by fans to support a variety of textual points of view. Issues of violence, presentism, colonialism, gender, and “historical truths” are argued in relation to the ahistoricism or historicism of the novels/show.  相似文献   

This article provides new insight into the modernization of the monarchy after the First World War by exploring how George VI promoted fitness and outdoor recreation during the interwar years. Sport functioned as a site of cross-class male bonding which formed part of a wider strategy by the monarchy to strengthen social cohesion. The new royal charities raised substantial funds, and they established a national fitness movement during the 1930s which was supported by the National Government, Labour leaders and the Trades Union Congress, but eschewed extremes on both left and right.  相似文献   
This article examines theclaim that, through its overt symbolicmessaging, the Gatineau Preservation Centre,opened by the National Archives of Canada in1997, embodies a perfect transparency betweenfunction and form, with the shape of the placebeing derived seamlessly from the needs of thearchival work done there, and the proof beingin the exposure of all the elements to view. It reveals the undercurrents of contendingoppositions to this claim, both in thesubversive, Mannerist, or impure architectural eccentricities designed into thestructure, and in the embodiment of archivalnarratives whose symbolism is challenged byunacknowledged resistances. While the buildingis clearly inspired by Modernist andEnlightenment orientations, such as theambition to preserve unchanged a universal,transcendent historical authenticity, thesediverse resistances buried in it aremanifested, for example, in the contest of maleversus female structural elements, and inthe authority of the monumental and exposed setagainst the seduction of the varied and secret. Most importantly, the absorption of the bodyboth metaphorically and physically into themany disciplines of the place unconsciouslycalls into question the building's self-imageas the epitome of a liberal-humanist andobjective-scientific activity; it reflectsinstead the destabilizing plays and displays ofpower which are increasingly seen to form theindeterminate field of the archival pursuit.  相似文献   
现代文学文本教学,要在尊重文本的基础上,促进学生与文本的"精神相遇",启发诱导学生对文学文本的多元解读。教师的工作不仅体现在理论倡导与指引方面,更主要地体现在亲自"下水"示范方面。以《雷雨》、《围城》、《生死场》等作品为例,教改实验结果显示,学生大多能够很快掌握解读阅读方法。"多元解读"不仅可以培养学生创造性思维,也可实现真正意义上的师生互动。  相似文献   
翻译作为一种传达信息的交流形式必须回归于原著。当原著以外的元素被过度渲染时,译者就会丧失对文本的潜心理解,这不仅会违背原著的意图,也会使翻译变成一种既不像译作也不像创作的模糊文本,进而导致翻译文类走向紊乱。因此,译者在翻译过程中应规整自己的阐释行为,竭力再现原著独特的思想与艺术。  相似文献   
莫言不仅继承、发展了中国文学的历史传统,而且借鉴了西方作家、学者的创作与研究成果。他在小说中大量使用富有强烈代入感的实体隐喻尤其是身体隐喻,以及雅俗相济的口语化语言,准确而形象地反映了特定时代的社会风貌和个人感受,使其产生了震撼人心的艺术感染力,具有重要的文化意义。  相似文献   
通过对相关词语的研究分析了《释名》中的三类问题:(1)改字。毕沅校改"撤毁"为"彻毁"、改"连"为"联",从词汇发展的角度看,前是后非。(2)词语考释。经考证,"樝牙",叠韵联绵词,义为牙齿上下不平,引申指像牙齿类的事物。"幕络"的意义为连缀成整体,释为"稀疏""总计物数""纷乱"均不妥,"幕络"不是"无虑""孟浪"系列中的词。"诜诜",或形容紧的状态,或形容此起彼伏、阵阵紧急的痛感。"婴",为喉下的部位,而非喉下的革带。(3)标点。"漂轻"是中古新词,《释地》"漂"条的正确标点应该是"土白曰漂。漂轻飞散也。"  相似文献   
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