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文章描述了西夏丰富多彩的服饰文化,从莫高窟、榆林窟的壁画中,及黑水域出土的卷轴画中所记载的西夏人物形象来了解西夏服饰的特点.从文字和形象资料中,可以了解西夏服饰除保持本民族服饰特色外,还吸收了中原汉族和其他少数民族如回鹘等民族的服饰特点,形成别具特色的西夏民族服饰,在中国服饰史上留下宝贵财富.  相似文献   
Dunhuang Grotto Temple is the world's largest extant treasure house of grotto art. Exquisite mural paintings and painted sculptures from ancient China are well preserved in hundreds of temple caves. In 1900 a local young Taoist monk named Wang Yuantu accidentally discovered, from grotto walls, sutra collection caves that had bean sealed for years. In those caves are kept numerous volumes of writings, silk paintings and painted banners. This accidental discavery unveiled the mysterious history of Dunhuang that dates back to more than one thousand years.  相似文献   
With years of practice in mural and oil painting, Zhou Changxin has developed an innovative slyle of heavy-color oil painting by integratingtraditional freehand brushworks with use of thick and bright colors in Western painting.  相似文献   
"冠冕堂皇"是大家耳熟能详的一句成语,形容表面上庄严或正大的样子。那么,这句成语是从何而来的昵?大家知道,我国有"文明古国"、"礼仪之邦"的美誉,各种礼节之繁琐、仪式之复杂是世界上少有的。譬如:祭祀有癸礼、喜庆有吉礼、朝拜有嘉礼、丧葬有殡礼等。而与这些礼节相对应的服饰则有祭服、吉服、朝服、凶服等各种不同类型服饰。总的来说,这些服饰都属于礼服范畴。  相似文献   
唐代墓室壁画填补了唐画研究缺乏真迹的空白,展现了唐代绘画的创新面貌。已发现的唐代墓室壁画可分为三个发展时期初期继承南北朝画风,疏、密二体并行,由疏简、劲健而稍有板滞向流畅、舒展而又灵动的方向转化;中期体现为几种风格的融合,简快、豪放,有“吴带当风”之韵;晚期在完善中期风格的同时,又有创新,开五代细丽精巧的人物画风及工笔重彩花鸟画风之先河。  相似文献   
柯方青 《收藏》2008,(3):101-103
辽王朝是我国古代北方由契丹族建立的一个少数民族政权,立国于公元916年,1125年为金所灭,历时209年。辽代创造出了灿烂的草原文化。从发掘出土的辽墓葬壁画看,其内容反映了中原文化的影响,同时也有其自身特点。  相似文献   
蔡沅梦,原名蔡梦,字丰泽,祖籍河北省辛集市。曾就读于天津美术学院国画系,现为专业画家。主攻山水,兼擅花鸟和人物画。作品在充分发挥中国画传统笔墨的基础上,吸收西洋画的色调变化,并对敦煌壁画、汉画像、哲学、美学、绘画史及画论等进行深入的研究和借鉴,  相似文献   
Yongle Palace, located in Ruicheng County, northern Shanxi Province, is China's most well-preserved Yuan-Dynasty architecture. The scale and artistic achievement of its mural paintings are known as the top best among all existing mural paintings of the same subject. But many may not know that this magnificent Taoist temple structure was entirelv moved from its former site in Yongle Town to Ruicheng County between 1959 and 1964. UNESCO's nomination process stipulates that moved historical buildings are not qualified for the World Heritage nomination, but Yongle Palace was included on the tentative World Cultural Heritage list in 1998. According to the senior expert from the World Heritage Center who visited Yongle Palace in 2005, the whole movement project was well-designed and conducted with superb skills, which retained integrity and authenticity of this historical building to the largest possible extent. Thus, it can be included on the tentative list as an exception.  相似文献   
敦煌古代儿童游戏初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王义芝  胡朝阳 《寻根》2007,(3):62-71
游戏作为一项娱乐活动,在我国已有悠久的历史,而其中儿童游戏更占有重要的地位。儿童的世界是个游戏的世界,孩子们在游戏中寻求乐趣,发泄自己剩余的精力,同时在不知不觉的玩耍活动中与他人交流,逐渐培养自己的社会生存能力。在敦煌壁画中,描绘有许多古代儿童活动的场面;在敦煌藏经洞出土的文献中,也有许多关于当时儿童游戏的记载。  相似文献   
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