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巴基斯坦教材的伊斯兰化现象 世界上不可能存在一种完全客观、绝对准确的历史编写方式。毕竟不是所有的事件.甚至重大的历史事件都能载入史册。编者们必须从众多历史事件中挑出他们认为值得记录的部分编人历史书。这些历史事件都与编者们的主观偏见、社会背景和政治立场有密切联系。  相似文献   
The troubled state of affairs in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan portends serious repercussions and grave consequences, destined to affect education particularly higher education in the entire tribal belt. Ironically, no extensive study has been conducted, to investigate those dimensions of FATA higher education which have been adversely affected in the aftermath of 9/11. This exploratory study examines those areas which have been badly affected as a result of current turmoil. In fact, the higher education in FATA has its own peculiar dynamics. Inherently, the entire tribal region has very few well-maintained and properly equipped colleges. Lack of adequate educational facilities, multiplied poor security environment has aggravated the entire situation. Law and order situation in the region has undermined the already dilapidated monitoring mechanism of education department. This state of affairs provides breeding ground for extremist propensities and radical tendencies. In reality, very little attention has been devoted to reform the education system in tribal areas. The whole set up needs to be rehabilitated by taking recourse due to the proactive role of international community. The paper concludes with recommendations for policy makers besides offering new avenues for further research.  相似文献   
This paper explores entrepreneurial attributes among the students of The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, a public sector Pakistani university. Multistage sampling was employed to maximize the representation. Five hundred and twenty one master's level students from thirty departments returned completed questionnaires. Three factors emerged: self efficacy, efficiency and commitment, and entrepreneurial inclinations. The majority of the students exhibited positive entrepreneurial attributes. However, there was no significant difference between negative and positive entrepreneurial attributes. There was no significant impact of demographic variables such as gender, parental income and profession on entrepreneurial attributes. Impact on practice and policy is discussed.  相似文献   
巴基斯坦建国60多年来,由于政治动荡,造成经济落后,教育质量低下。本文根据大量一手资料,对比国际平均水平及其周边邻邦发展水平,对巴基斯坦小学师资结构及其培训内容现状进行了总结、梳理及评析,指出了阻碍巴基斯坦教师培训事业发展的社会及教育内部核心要素。  相似文献   
2013(第一届)中国国际集藏文化博览会上,外交展区将展出外交部工会提供的外交封等展品。主要分三个部分,一是外交系列纪念封,二是庆祝中华人民共和国成立六十周年环球实寄封,最后是非洲纸币。外交系列纪念封一共印制了220枚。它以中国与外国建交纪念、外国元首访华等重要外交事件为题材。配合为到北京访问或专程来华参加活动的外国元首、总理等政界要人,专门制作的外交封。如巴基斯坦、老挝、孟加拉、柬埔寨、阿曼、厄立特里亚、科特迪瓦、多可、马达加斯加、阿塞拜疆、圭亚那、日本、乌拉圭、巴布亚新几内亚、阿富汗、加蓬、赤  相似文献   
鲍磊翔 《百科知识》2013,(18):41-43
美国《福布斯》杂志每年更新"全球十大通缉犯"排行榜,都会引起世人关注。这份素来热衷评选世界富人和名人的杂志,于2008年首次推出了一份"全球十大通缉犯"榜单。在刚刚出台的最新一期榜单中,墨西哥毒枭乔奎因·古兹曼取代本·拉登,成为全世界最"炙手  相似文献   
张毅 《百科知识》2013,(4):37-39
"我有受教育的权利,我有玩乐的权利,我有唱歌的权利,我有逛商场的权利,我有大声说话的权利。"——马拉拉马拉拉,巴基斯坦一名普通的14岁女学生,却赢得了世界的尊重与敬仰,2012年,联合国专门以她的名字设立了"马拉拉日",美国《时代》杂志也把其评为仅次于奥巴马的2012年度第二大人物。正如  相似文献   
广州市和亨生物科技有限公司前称按顺序分别为巴基斯坦大金牛进出口公司、新加坡三仁公司、马来西亚参茸批发公司、沙特阿拉伯永洲进出口公司、美国车轮公司和香港和亨生物科技有限公司,生意经历了23个春秋。广州市和亨生物科技有限公司在中国大陆的宗旨是:为我炎黄兄弟姐妹青少年健康各做一件事采用本公司多年在国外研制的绝无仅有的药食两用产品。  相似文献   
巴基斯坦媒体报道,中国北京北斗星通导航技术股份有限公司将斥资数千万美元,在巴基斯坦建立地面站网,强化北斗系统的定位精确度。之前,泰国,老挝,文莱、缅甸4国都采用了中国的北斗系统,所以如果能实现的话,巴基斯坦将成为第五个用北斗导航的亚洲国家。就此消息,记者5月19日采访了巴基斯坦防务问题专家、巴国家电视台防务与外交节目主持人苏尔丹·哈里(退役空军上校)。哈里对记者表示,他认为北斗卫星导航系统对巴  相似文献   
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