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<古诗十九首>揭示了汉末知识分子的生存困境--信仰缺失的孤独,人生无常的焦虑以及对死亡的恐惧.他们试图在声色美酒服药求仙以至理想爱情中寻求一种解脱之道,尽管结果是令人失望的,但这寻求本身却彰显出生命的意义.  相似文献   
羌族口碑古籍是羌族文化的重要组成部分,是羌族人民宝贵的精神财富和智慧的结晶。用历史唯物主义的观点,科学的方法和态度,实事求是地对它进行全面的抢救、挖掘整理、出版和研究,尤其显得迫切,这对弘扬中华民族优秀的传统文化有其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
This work investigates the presence of Thought Experiments (TEs) which refer to the theory of relativity and to quantum mechanics in physics textbooks and in books popularizing physics theories. A further point of investigation is whether TEs – as presented in popular physics books – can be used as an introduction to familiarize secondary school students with physics theories of the 20th century. The study of textbooks and popular physics books showed that authors of both types of books consider TEs as an important tool when presenting the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Furthermore, a qualitative research conducted in secondary education revealed that the historical TEs which were transformed into forms accessible to the public could trigger students’ interest and act as educational material to familiarize them with concepts and principles of the 20th century physics.  相似文献   
中国历代典籍,多历磨劫,隋人牛弘就曾括之为“五厄”。唐人封演,对历代典籍之聚散,记述得尤为详细。其后,宋人洪迈,宋、元之际的周密,对此问题,均亦有所叙述,而明人胡元瑞则另举出典籍之“五厄”,于是,古来典籍,到明时已达“十厄”之多!综合各家之论,古籍亡残因由,不外乎是:统治者之专断;管理不善;兵匪之乱及私家藏书之不尽完美等等。其中,尤以统治者的政治举措所带来之厄运为甚  相似文献   
本文通过对上古文献典籍中“党”字的用例考察,分析了“党”字在上古汉语时期的假借义和主要用法。  相似文献   
中小学语文教学应重视中国传统典籍的熏陶作用,使学生从小接受必要的人文积淀和传统知识积累,以解决我国在当今国际学坛上的“失语症”问题,并通过中国文化传统在当代语境下的现代化构建,培养出接受过现代意识洗礼,成长于中华传统文化养育之中的精神跋涉者。  相似文献   
试论李白思想的复杂性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李白思想复杂多样 ,不仅有传统的儒家思想 ,而且还有道家、佛家、游侠、纵横家等多种思想。梳理他的思想脉络 ,可更好地解读李白的诗歌  相似文献   
鉴赏古代诗歌必须要把握两点:①精读。精读可以感受诗歌的形式美,品味其语言魅力,咀嚼诗歌情感。②细想。细想可体味诗歌意境,领会其思想内涵。只要抓住这两点就可以把握整篇诗歌的基本概要。  相似文献   
清初陈祚明所编《采菽堂古诗选》体现出折衷七子、竟陵两派的诗学批评特色,在明中期以来出现的各类古诗选本中颇具特色.本文主要考述陈祚明的交游情况及《采菽堂古诗选》的编选意图.认为其诗学倾向与交游有着一定的关系,编选《采菽堂古诗选》则主要出于对当时宗宋派的回应,对格调诗学以汉魏、盛唐诗为典范的视野拓展,及强调古诗编选的辩体眼光、诗史品格与鉴赏批评功能等.  相似文献   
Dorothy Dixon and Grace Harlowe, featured characters of two early twentieth-century book series for girls, were initially represented as skilled, confident young women negotiating femininity through traditionally masculine adventures. As each series developed, the nature of their active participation diminished. These adventure stories may be interpreted as symbols of feminine resistance to cultural assumptions of masculine superiority in skilled physical activity. I argue that these female characters support, through their continuous iterations of femininity, the ideological attribution of maleness to physical skill and adventure.  相似文献   
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