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There are many educational interventions being implemented to address workforce issues in the field of nanotechnology. However, there is no instrument to assess the impact of these interventions on student awareness of, exposure to, and motivation for nanotechnology. To address this need, the Nanotechnology Awareness Instrument was conceptualized. This paper is a progress report of the instrument development process. Version 1 of the instrument was administered to 335 first-year students majoring in food and agriculture fields in a pre–post fashion relative to a brief exposure to nanotechnology in the classroom. Following item analysis of Version 1 responses, a revision of the instrument was completed. Version 2 was administered to 1,426 first-year engineering students for the purpose of conducting item and factor analyses. Results indicate that the Nanotechnology Awareness Instrument shows potential to provide valid information about student awareness of, exposure to, and motivation for nanotechnology. The instrument is not a valid measure of nano-knowledge and this subscale was dropped from the final version of the instrument. Implications include the use of the instrument to evaluate programs, interventions, or courses that attempt to increase student awareness of nanotechnology. Further study is necessary to determine how the Nanotechnology Awareness Instrument functions as a pre–post measure.  相似文献   
运用文献资料法,对国内外红色体育研究进行综述。认为当前红色体育的发展还缺乏文化自觉,主要表现为:内涵不清、外延不准,研究方法单一,方向迷失、价值异化。按照马克思历史辩证法和黑格尔形式逻辑法,明晰了红色体育的上位概念、阐明了红色体育文化之“道”与现代化之“器”二者的关系,得出红色体育内涵,即广义上泛指国际红色文化圈内的一切无产阶级体育文化;狭义上是指中国近代红色文化话语体系下,以西式体育本土化和传统养生体育为手段的体育实践活动。红色体育的外延包括器物文化、制度文化和精神文化。红色体育的价值在于“道”“器”两方面,前者即坚持科学的、民族的、大众的体育方向,后者即为科学借鉴西方体育器物及改造传统器物  相似文献   
若干年来,大学作文教学一直是将作文作为一门技能加以传授的。不可否认,写作技能的传授对学生作文水平的提高有一定的帮助,但是,应该看到,这种纯技能的传授往往使众多学生在作文时表现出“一题当前,思路齐聚”的一般化现象,很难将学到的理论有效地运用到实践中去。少数作文水平较高的学生并非是首先得益于作文技能的指导,而是得益于思想的成熟。技巧的运用必须依赖于思想的成熟与深刻,辅之以丰富的阅读积累和娴熟的语言能力。因此,大学作文教学首先应重视对学生进行富于人文意识的思维能力的培养。这是激活思想,产生文章之源的重要前提。  相似文献   
教师教育权是带有义务性的权利,从其来源上说并非个人的权利,而是一种受委托或被授权的权利,源自于国家的授权和父母、社会的委托。教师教育权作为教育权体系的一个重要部分,大家都意识到教师教育权的价值和意义,承认其存在的必要性和可能性的。但令人困惑的是:为什么还存在一些教师教育权失真现象?这里从法律与法律意识的纬度进行简单的归因。  相似文献   
为了适应新时期党的建设特别是反腐倡廉建设不断深入的需要,中共中央印发了《中国共产党党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则》(以下简称《廉政准则》)。《廉政准则》是规范党员领导干部从政行为的重要基础性党内法规,对于保证党员领导干部廉洁从政,形成用规则来规范从政行为、按规则办事、靠规则管人的有效机制具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   
当今,生态问题凸显成为不争的事实,应对生态危机成为全人类共同面临的任务。"生态"一词不仅仅是单独意义上的学科概念,而是逐步上升到普遍意义上生态意识的高度。青年大学生,一直是时代关注的对象,青年发展水平代表社会发展水平。培养公民生态意识,高等学校应成为主战场、青年大学生应成为领跑者。  相似文献   
从学术性期刊的"存储"和"刺激"功能,对纸本/电子期刊的发展现状进行综述,通过中山大学图书馆期刊的使用数据进行验证,并且,首次以论文形式证明,纸本外文期刊的到馆滞后率远高于同种电子版期刊,两者的内容比对也有差异。证实纸本期刊使用率快速下降,"刺激"功能进入萎缩态势,而电子期刊的"存储"功能表现不足。为此,希望在国家政府机构的有力组织和支持下,提高两种载体的相关功能。  相似文献   
In a repeated-measures experimental design,28 college students read and lateranswered questions about specific pieces ofinformation in 2 sets of 4 fictitiousbiographical passages that differed in terms ofthe presence of thematic connections (withtheme or without theme). As hypothesized, thestudents recalled more items from the theme setthan the non-theme set. The positive effect ofthematic connections was strongest for thestudents who exhibited some awareness of theme. In other words, the students who selected thetheme set as the easiest recalled more thanthose who chose the non-theme set as easiest. The students who picked the theme set aseasiest were also more accurate in theirprediction estimates of their theme set recall. Student explanations for why one story set waseasier than the other were predominantly Storyexplanations (referring to characteristics ofthe story) and Order explanations (referring tofactors influenced by set order). Studentsgave different explanations depending on whichstory set they picked as easiest. As expected,the students who picked the non-theme set aseasiest gave relatively few Story explanations. The students reported different patterns ofstrategy use depending upon whether or not theyswitched strategies for the different storysets.  相似文献   
The primary aim of this study was to identify middle school students' conceptual perceptions of the social studies course, and their usage and awareness of the course outcomes in daily life. Qualitative research methods and techniques were employed in the study. The participants were 34 middle school seventh-grade students from a state middle school in Istanbul, Turkey. Letter writing was used as the data-gathering tool, and the data were analyzed by means of the content analysis technique. The findings showed that the participants perceived social studies as a course consisting of social-humanistic sciences with an emphasis on history and communication in accordance with the theoretical structure of the course, and employed their outcomes from this course that they can partly use in daily life.  相似文献   
论文运用音乐美学的原理,阐述了审美意识的相对独立性、可变性、文化异性等特征,探讨了在审美意识的指导下,表演主体个性与原作品共性的适中结合,群众审美意识对个体审判意识的影响,从理论与实践中总结适度把握审美意识对于钢琴表演“二度立美”的意义。  相似文献   
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