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《诗经·国风》中的爱情诗,是《诗经》中具有人民性和健康审美情感的精华部分.透过这些作品,我们可以了解到《诗经》时代人民纯挚的爱情生活,由尔激励和警策现代人更深刻更广泛地去认识生活、追求自由幸福的婚姻生活.  相似文献   
王基是魏晋时期《诗经》学的著名学者,《毛诗驳》是其代表作之一。但由于此书散佚,故学界对此书的研究付之阙如。如果钩稽文献,详细考证其与郑玄、王肃《诗》学之关系,则可以看出:"依郑驳王"是《毛诗驳》的基本学术倾向;以史证诗,诗史互证是王基的基本学术方法。然而,间以谶纬之说释诗,对史籍失之详考,也造成了申驳失当之不足。  相似文献   
掌握辨析《诗经》中的表示否定意义的“无”与其有着交叉关系的“勿、毋、弗”的词义、词性的规律,应从它们在句子中的结构关系方面去着手。掌握了辨析它们的规律,既可以为我们正确理解这几个词在《诗经》中的正确含义,而且也能帮助我们正确理解先秦诸子百家著作及文学作品。  相似文献   
《诗经》是“六经”之一,熊十力对《诗经》进行新的诠释,走的是一条“经学泛哲学化”的理路,把“四科”之中的“义理之科”作为“六经”之宗,没有“义理之科”的贞定,“经济之科”“考据之科”“文学之科”乃茫荡无根据。他明确指出《诗经》一定有《诗传》,并强调“诗可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨”是《诗传》的总纲领。同时认为,《诗经》里面的诗歌,大多出自“农家”学派之手。《诗经》中有大量表现“怨”的诗,当作孟子的论断“《诗》亡然后《春秋》作”的原因。熊十力对《诗经》中《二南》诗高度重视,之所以读《关雎》得出“思无邪”的评价,缘见得人生本来清净、真实,不须作更多的猜想。同时他指出了中国宗教之所以不兴的原因,即“即事多所欣”。在日常生活里,自有一种欣悦、和适、勤勉、温柔、敦厚、庄敬、日强等等的意趣,用不着起什么恐怖,也不须幻想什么天国,并要求我们通过解读《二南》,识得人生的意义与价值,大步走上人生的坦途,向前努力,而不至于面墙了,表达了熊十力对人生理想的美好追求。  相似文献   
Background: The advent of technology use in physical education is upon us. But the implications of using exergames as a substitute for traditional physical education instruction for some students raise questions. Although exergames have the potential to increase energy expenditure and motivation in some children, it is less clear whether they can provide skill acquisition benefits that are similar to those found in traditional physical education.

Purpose: In a previous experiment from our laboratory, we found that deliberate practice can significantly reduce the planning time required for lateral arm movements. The purpose of this study was to determine if exergames can produce a similar effect, by reducing the processing time required for children to initiate arm movements to the contralateral and ipsilateral space.

Participants and setting: Thirty children (boys?=?15, girls?=?15), between the ages of 7 and 12 years, participated in a pre- and post-test each taking 30?min and one 30?min treatment session in a university laboratory.

Research design: A repeated measures design was employed to test the effects of deliberate laterality practice on processing speed. Children were randomly assigned (n?=?10) to either a Nintendo Wii tennis contralateral movement experimental group, Nintendo Wii bowling ipsilateral movement experimental group, or handheld video-game control group. Each child participated in one 30?min treatment session.

Data collection: Upper extremity choice reaction time (RT) was measured through 27 goal-directed aiming movements for each arm separately, during the pre-test and post-test. The stimulus–response trials occurred in three randomly presented directions (ipsilateral, contralateral, and midline).

Data analysis: A 3 (treatment group)?×?2 (age group)?×?2 (test)?×?3 (direction) mixed design analysis of variance with repeated measures on the last two factors was used to test for significant differences, with an alpha level set at 0.05.

Findings: There were no significant treatment effects on RT across all groups indicating that a short bout of exergame training was unsuccessful in improving lateral movement processing.

Conclusions: Deliberate laterality practice using exergames did not improve the motor processing speed of lateral arm movements in the same manner of traditional physical education as indicated by our previous research. Explanations as to why exergames do not exhibit the same positive transfer for skill acquisition as traditional physical education instruction are discussed within this paper.  相似文献   
对高校非英语专业专科学生采取了随机抽样,以问卷调查的形式,通过描述性统计和定量分析,对非英语专业一、二年级学生的阅读情况进行了调查和分析。同时对学生英语阅读过程中词汇学习策略现状进行了调查,并对数据进行了统计和结果分析。  相似文献   
宋时上自皇帝,下至普通百姓普遍崇尚祥瑞,这种风气的形成有着特殊的社会根源.尚祥之风对宋时政治、经济、社会乃至军事都产生了较为深刻的影响.其中,"天书事件"将对祥瑞的崇奉推向了顶峰.近年来,宋史研究取得了较丰富的成果,但在宋代神秘文化方面的研究一直较为薄弱,除少数几个学者在宋代巫术、占卜方面有所论述外,其他内容少有涉猎.  相似文献   
为适应网络环境下高校图书馆文献采访工作的需要,提出了文献集中采访管理模式,并与传统文献采访管理模式进行了比较,分析了各自的优缺点.对采访馆员的素质要求进行了论述.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of pitch dimensions in small-sided soccer games in shaping opportunities for performers to maintain ball possession, pass to teammates and shoot at goal. Fifteen amateur standard male participants (M = 21.87, σ = 1.96 years) played 5 v 5 small-sided soccer games in three varying pitch conditions (28 m × 14 m, 40 m × 20 m and 52 m × 26 m). Thirty sequences of play in each condition were selected for digitisation using TACTO software, allowing the capture of bi-dimensional displacement coordinate data of all players and the ball. The values of interpersonal distance between all attackers and immediate defenders and the relative distances of defenders to intercept a shot and a pass were computed as dependent variables. Results showed existence of fewer opportunities to maintain ball possession on smaller pitches, compared to medium and larger pitches. Conversely, the different dimensions set to the pitch did not influence opportunities for players to shoot at goal, or to perform passes to other teammates. By examining the specific spatial–temporal relationships of players and key-task constraints, the data from this study explain how effects of manipulating pitch dimensions of small-sided games might enhance opportunities for acquiring specific movement and decision-making skills.  相似文献   
由于我国《票据法》第12条关于票据善意取得的规定过于笼统,实务中对于票据善意取得的适用范围存在很多争议。本文试图就票据善意取得适用范围方面三个突出的争议问题进行分析探讨并得出结论:在让与人为无民事行为能力人和无权代理人、在以单纯交付的方式转让无记名支票、在票据背书不连续但有其他合法证明的三种情况下可以成立票据善意取得。  相似文献   
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