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被视为新一代幻想文学代表的英国作家尼尔·盖曼(Neil Caiman),在其创作的儿童文学作品《坟场之书》中,一方面传承了英美哥特文学中的“黑色”元素,另一方面对哥特文学传统进行了一定程度的挑战与颠覆,创造性地运用陌生化效果、幽默元素、“过山车”游戏等策略改变了哥特小说中原有的恐怖趣味和模式化叙事,从而以惊人的想象力打造出一个儿童式的“哥特世界”,彰显出儿童文学作品与众不同的艺术魅力.  相似文献   
本文以中华书局本《后汉书》《三国志》《魏书》《南史》《太平御览》等典籍,校勘中华书局1974年版《宋书·符瑞志》,得拙见数则.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that classification as an English learner (EL) is consequential for students, with important effects on educational achievement and attainment. Yet we know little about the mechanisms that underlie the effects of EL classification. This study explores whether, and to what extent, EL classification results in the treatments it is designed to trigger, and also whether, and to what extent, EL classification triggers unintended treatments. The study uses longitudinal school district data and regression discontinuity analyses to evaluate the treatment effects of EL classification. It examines two moments: initial classification as students enter kindergarten, and retained EL classification as students transition into middle school. Findings suggest that EL classification, for students near the margin of classification, results in many treatments it is intended to trigger including language assessments in early elementary, and English language development instruction and modified content instruction in middle school. In addition, findings show that EL classification triggers two unintended treatments among students; Classification limits access to English speaking peers in early elementary, and negatively impacts enrollment in a full academic course load in middle school.  相似文献   
在金庸武侠小说中,有一直受到主流意识忽视的“女魔头”群象.“女魔头”的行为心理特征,大致可分为“邪”“妖”“恶”“魔”四类.对四类“女魔头”形象的个性与共性,个人因素、他人因素及社会因素进行解析,以揭示其性格和命运的塑成原因.  相似文献   
在人类发展的低级阶段,由于生活的变化无常,人们的内心产生不安定感,因此,辟邪、纳福、求吉心理随之产生,于是表达吉庆祥瑞观念的吉祥文化便出现了。吉祥文化自然成为文学素材。《诗经》中很多诗篇表现了吉祥文化,反映了我国古代劳动人民春祈秋报、婚丧嫁娶、祝寿延年等祈祥纳福的文化心理。  相似文献   
本文通过对《诗经》的细读,解析了这一早期百科全书中阐发的先秦时代的服饰美学思想,对服饰这一人体包装中透露的多种文化功能和哲学观点做出梳理,并进而解读中国古代“文质彬彬”的美学观念。  相似文献   
The scientific performance of 64 political science, sociology and marketing departments in Romania is investigated with the aid of the g-index. The assessment of departments based on the g-index shows, within each of the three types of departments that make up the population of the study, a strong polarisation between top performers (very few) and weak performers (much more numerous). This alternative assessment is also found to be largely consistent with an official ranking of departments carried out in 2011 by the Ministry of Education. To conduct the evaluation of departments the individual scientific output of 1385 staff members working in the fields of political science, sociology and marketing is first determined with the aid of the ‘Publish or Perish’ software based on the Google Scholar database. Distinct department rankings are then created within each field using a successive (second-order) g-index.  相似文献   
《左传》有很多关于卜筮的记载,春秋时期许多事情都需要通过卜筮来做出决定,所以其分类非常繁复。虽然卜筮在这一时期具有重要的地位,发挥着重要作用,但是伴随着理性观念及人本主义思想的发展,这一时期的卜筮有其显著的特征。  相似文献   
刑事古典学派与刑事近代学派分别以犯罪行为与犯罪人为重心,系统地进行犯罪分类的研究,并提出了相应的犯罪预防措施。刑法学与犯罪学与之相呼应,也分别建构了自己的理论体系,前者主要以行为性质展开,关注的是行为的法益侵害属性,竭力表述不同性质的行为在具体犯罪构成上的区别,而犯罪学主要展示犯罪原因与犯罪预防个别特征的犯罪人的类型。因此,有必要以犯罪学为基础,从犯罪构成的角度探讨犯罪分类,提出微观预防与宏观预防相结合的犯罪预防体系。  相似文献   
在汉英语言中,数字俯拾皆是。数字通常被认为是最精确的语言,但在实际应用中,除了精确的计数功能之外,他们的意义在很多情况下确实是模糊的。数字模糊语言的翻译在跨文化交际中至关重要。因此,分析数字模糊语言的分类与异同,结合例子总结数字模糊语言的翻译策略,能够让来自于不同语言文化的人在跨文化交际中更好地理解不同背景的数字文化。  相似文献   
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