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福楼拜与狄更斯虽出身于法国和英国两个不同国度,但两人都是当时世界级长篇小说作家,在创作上,两人都是现实主义大家,在取材上,主题思想和叙事上各有其相同相异之处,比较其异同,可以更好地理解其创作特色。  相似文献   
对中国兰科植物新种云南巾唇兰Pennilabium yunnanense S.C.Chen&Y.B.Luo作了 描述和绘图。该新种与P.acuminatum(Ridley)Holttum较为接近,区别点在于具较小的花朵 ,直径仅3cm;花瓣白色且上面有深紫色斑点,以及唇瓣侧裂片顶端有流苏。  相似文献   
"X什么Y"构式有两种构成方式:一是X和Y为同一单音节行为动词,形成"V什么V"构式;二是由动宾式结构VN中间插入"什么"构成,形成"V什么N"构式。该构式可归结为拷贝式"话题—情态"构式,这是一种语用否定构式,其核心构式义为"否定",非核心义为"责备"和"提醒"。  相似文献   
在达尔文出生的那个年代,没有人会接受关于进化和人类起源的自然主义学说,他在那个时代分享了他关于自然、上帝以及历史的观念。在“贝格尔号”航行之后,他提出的“生命始于同一祖先”理论如何能令人信服,是他面临的巨大挑战。自从达尔文开始进化论的研究之后,他对“我的理论”的推广并非一定意在反驳宗教教义,而是作为宗教和科学的进步。达尔文深信的一条教义,就是人类具有共同祖先或者说所有种族皆兄弟——这可作为废除黑奴制度的一个理论根据。英国已于1838年废除了奴隶制,世界的目光于是转向美国——该国奴隶制正如火如荼,并得到一种支持奴隶制、主张人种多元的新特创论的支持。达尔文的跨洋策略自19世纪50年代开始便深深影响着美国反奴隶制的精英博物学家,他们对共同祖先理论的支持将被用来颠覆这一人种多元特创论——比用《圣经》中那不足凭信的人种同一论更为有效。因此,他的理论可作为道德和科学领域的进步而引起美国基督教世界废奴主义者的兴趣。然而,该策略却从未完全发挥自身所有的潜力,这使特创论在20世纪萌生了新的形式。  相似文献   
夏蜡梅(Sinocaycanthus chinensis)为雌蕊先熟,其花部构造适合于异交:但花药开裂在花后第3天.提示该植物也可延迟自交。研究了天台大雷山夏蜡梅种群的繁育系统与传粉特性,结果如下:1)开花当天柱头就能接受花粉,但最高活性在花后第2天,在花药开裂时,柱头活性有所下降,但与最高值差异不显著。2)不去雄套袋的结实率显著高于去雄不套袋,自然条件下以自交为主,自交率为61.3%和73.6%。3)延迟自交的繁殖保障效应分别只有78.1%和84.8%,主要原因是结实的花粉限制和结实阶段轻度的近交衰退。  相似文献   
根据量子力学中的线性叠加原理,用多模虚奇相干态和多模复共轭偶相干态组成了特殊的四态叠加多模叠加态光场 ,运用多模压缩态理论得到了的等N次幂Y压缩的一般理论结果,通过对这一理论结果的数值分析发现:当压缩幂次N,腔模总数q,各模相干态的平均光子数Rj2,以及奇相干态和多模复共轭偶相干态叠加几率幅的模r0、re等参量的取值满足一定的条件时态 可呈现:a.等幂次N-Y最小测不准态;b.“半相干态效应”;c.半压缩效应;d.第一正交分量呈现等N次幂Y压缩或第二正交分量呈现等N次幂Y压缩.  相似文献   
应用场论说中回路电流法的网络状态方程和同时可表示回路自复阻抗和回路互复阻抗的新公式,去推导任意的线性无源四端口网络的Y参数,从而也可以导出其他参数.并以实例对场论说的推导结论进行了验证.  相似文献   
This paper explores a theoretical and methodological basis for studying foreign immigrants' acculturation processes from a communication perspective. Communication patterns of immigrants are conceptualized on three levels — behavioral, attitudinal, and perceptual. The behavioral level of communication includes the immigrant's participation in communication channels of the host society as well as the ethnic community. The perceptual level refers to the immigrant's cognitive structure in perceiving the host society. The attitudinal level is examined by the immigrant's affective-evaluative orientation toward the host society. The three levels of communication patterns were empirically investigated in a survey of 400 randomly selected Koreans in the Chicago area. The communication variables were assessed through composite scores using questionnaire items that were tested for reliability. The results show an overall linear trend in the immigrant's interethnic communication with Americans, positive attitude toward Americans, cognitive complexity in perceiving the American society, and satisfaction level. A simultaneous increase is observed in the immigrant's interpersonal communication with Americans and with other Koreans. The immigrant's use of ethnic media rapidly decreases over the years while that of American media steadily increases. Findings are discussed in comparison to previous studies of foreign immigrants and students and to sociological theories of acculturation of minority groups.  相似文献   
The foundations of the cognitive-developmental curriculum movement are briefly examined in this paper. The key features of this movement are the recommendations it makes in three areas: curriculum sequencing, curriculum content, and teaching strategies. Each of these areas is critically examined. It is concluded that the grounds for all proposals are purely theoretical. When the data are considered, they either contradict specific proposals or provide no direct evidence.  相似文献   
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