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This paper presents the findings of the qualitative component of a combined methods research study that explores a range of individual and school factors that influence the uptake of chemistry and physics in post-compulsory study in England. The first phase involves using the National Pupil Database to provide a sampling frame to identify four matched pairs of high-uptake and low-uptake schools by salient school factors. Case studies of these eight schools indicate that students employ selection strategies related to their career aspirations, their sense of identity and tactics, and their prior experience. The school factors influencing subject choice relate to school management, student support and guidance, and student empowerment. The most notable differences between students in high-uptake and low-uptake schools are that students in high-uptake schools appear to make a proactive choice in relation to career aspirations, rather than a reactive choice on the basis of past experience. Schools with a high uptake offer a diverse science curriculum in the final two years of compulsory study, set higher examination entry requirements for further study and, crucially, provide a range of opportunities for students to interact with the world of work and to gain knowledge and experience of science-related careers.  相似文献   
Both professional certification and academic tests rely heavily on multiple‐choice questions, despite the widespread belief that alternate, constructed‐response questions are superior measures of a test taker's understanding of the underlying material. Empirically, the search for a link between these two assessment metrics has met with limited success, leading some researchers to conclude that the relationship is close and others to conclude that no relationship exists at all. The authors suggest that “knowledge level” may play a key role in explaining this disparity in findings. This article outlines the theory for such a concept, and investigates the possibility using 172 carefully constructed tests in several entry‐level programming classes. The article also discusses several caveats that suggest the usefulness of yet further research in the area.  相似文献   
随着市场经济的发展,会计制度改革也愈来愈多地体现“灵活性”,可供企业选择会计政策的空间也越来越大。然而,在实施会计政策选择时,要受到多个因素的影响。本文从分析影响会计政策选择各因素出发.提出加强会计政策选择的设想。  相似文献   
公务文书在语言运用方面有鲜明的特征,主要是:词语运用讲究准确、规范;介词短语和“的”字短语的普遍运用;明确严密的句式;简约扼要,表达周全等。公务文书应当适当时代的要求,做到与时俱进,更好地在社会生活的各个领域发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   
关于腰椎间盘突出症治疗方法选择的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LDH治疗方法甚多,其观点不一,本文综述关于保守、有限及手术治疗的文献报道。结果显示保守治疗腰椎间盘突出效果肯定,其镇痛方法多种多样,认为充分利用针灸、按摩等易操作、风险小、效果明显的方法,并且充分发挥中药的药效长、副作用小的特点。认为优先采取保守治疗充分利用按摩、针灸、中药的优势,在保守治疗3疗程无效的情况下根据适应症选择手术方式,在手术选择中,微创有限手术已成为主流。  相似文献   
书评——当代人的一种文化选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
90年代是书评走红的年代, 书评的受欢迎既反映了社会文化格局的转变, 又表明了在这一转变中人们的文化选择。可以说, 书评是当代人接受文化的一种方式, 这种方式是与信息时代的知识生产紧密相关联的。书评与时尚的关系。大众书评与学术书评的分道扬镳  相似文献   
贾岛的人生有两个核心追求,一是应举,二是苦吟。前人对这两点论述较多,但是把这两点分别同其早年长时间的佛徒生涯放在一起考虑,就会发现这段经历对其应举与苦吟产生的不同影响.一方面,曾多年为僧的贾岛为何久困科场而执著不悔?原因在于诗名成为他新的信仰;另一方面,多年的佛门生活使贾岛可以把一种坚忍的苦行精神转移到诗歌的创作之中,这是苦吟习惯出现的根源。结论是在贾岛的人生历程中,应举是表层的现实追求,苦吟是深层的精神信仰,这两点决定了贾岛由僧还俗、终生苦吟不辍的独特人生道路。  相似文献   
世界著名经济学家戈登·塔洛克是公共选择范式和寻租理论的创始人之一,在经济学、公共选择和寻租理论等领域做出了重要贡献,他与布坎南合著的《同意的计算》是他理论研究上的最大成功。  相似文献   
公共选择理论中的“经济人”假定的合理性,为当今我国腐败现象蔓延的成因提供了理论分析和支持,我们今天所面临的腐败,决非不治之症,但要治理腐败顽症,不是一蹴而就的事,需要通过完善法律制度建设、建立竞争机制、将经济领域的投资风险意识引入政治市场、接受公众监督等途径来遏制腐败。  相似文献   
教育人类学视野中的当代武术文化传承困境与路径选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前武术文化的传承遭遇困境。表现为传承方式产生路径依赖,整体上缺乏改革魄力与创新精神;世家传承、师徒传承以及馆校传承等重要的传承阵营面l临窘境,传承链系中后继乏人;且传承主体间缺乏良陛互动,甚至存在部分的误读现象;原本为一有机整体的武术文化在不经意间被分解,传承内容亦日益碎化。此困境突破之路径在于:力挺传承主体,提升传承意识;拓展宣传路径,兼修自身内功;加强平等交流,深解武术文化;注重整体传承,拒绝过度碎化。  相似文献   
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