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在康德看来,一切自然状态都是需要进入公民状态的,人类只有进入伦理和律法的公民共同体,才可能真正谈得上尊严和价值。宪法公民社会是包含国家共同体和自由国家联盟共同体在内的法权体系,是康德所要构建的律法的—公民共同体。宪法公民社会体现出几方面的主要特征:权利概念是宪法公民社会的基本内涵;建立在道德原则基础之上的律法正义原则是宪法公民社会构建的基本原则;而共和制、代议制和自由言论则是宪法公民社会的主要制度性特征;彻底消除战争、实现永久和平则是宪法公民社会的终极目标。宪法公民社会是人类实现善德与幸福统一的至善——"上帝的国"在地上的实现。  相似文献   
针对当前动荡的经济环境,扩展了BTO供应链的功能特性,提出了BTO供应链应该具备的新特点。将动态能力和运营能力扩展到BTO供应链管理中,定义了BTO供应链动态运营能力的概念及分类。提出了不同于传统供应链的BTO供应链运营管理功能和实施框架。  相似文献   
local government authorities (LGAs) are organised around operational structures with business processes spanning within departments and across other government organisations. In such an organisational setting, the harmonisation of Information Technology (IT) operations, integration of cross-departmental processes and the underlying Information Systems (IS) signifies a challenge in delivering integrated services. This paper attempts to explore enterprise application integration (EAI) adoption in the UK local government authorities (LGAs). Despite the hype of EAI adoption in private domain, its application in LGAs is inadequate as there is a lack of adoption models/frameworks that can be used by the public sector. The context of the study is to consider the transformation of IT infrastructure management and operations with EAI technologies. The empirical findings, generated through a detailed case analysis, manifestly exemplify that EAI predominantly acts as a ‘back-office’ technology that facilitates operations by developing a flexible and maintainable integrated IT infrastructure. Our proposed framework is believed to be imperative and unique as it provides a more systematic way to examine the adoption of integration technologies, extends the established norms for EAI adoption by utilising a prioritisation technique to classify the importance of factors. The contribution of the research extends the literature on EAI and identifies theoretical and practical opportunities that facilitate LGAs in their decision-making process to produce more robust proposals for EAI adoption.  相似文献   
中国“和”文化表现为一种关系态不同事物或要素之间处于一种相互依存、相互协调、相互补充、相互促进的状态;是对人与自我、人与他人、人与社会、人与自然等关系的一种和解式的体认。中国“和”文化的基本特征主要是和合:异质之和;和异:和而不同;和一:天人合一。世界和平:呼唤中国“和”文化——“异质之和”是“和平共处”的前提;“和而不同”是“多极共存”的基础。  相似文献   
张学良息争统一的愿望使他厌恶战争、反对战争、追求和平;他统一御侮的成见使他易帜、助蒋、拥蒋“剿共”,由正确走向错误;他非抗日不能统一的思想飞跃又使他逼蒋联共抗日,由错误回归到正确。张学良始终把发展经济放在重要的战略地位,他已不是以争夺地盘为目标,而是以发展经济增强国力为宗旨。他认为:如果一个国家的经济上不去政治上就很难独立,就会受到强国侵略的威胁,民族生存都是个问题。因此,要图民族生存必须大力发展经济。  相似文献   
王珂 《林区教学》2020,(5):96-98
采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、实地考察法对云南省21所本科高校体育场馆的开放和运营管理现状进行较为全面的调查研究,找出目前运营不足之处,为后续影响运营因素研究和对云南省本科高校体育场馆运营提出建议。  相似文献   
“仁”和“礼”是中华民族传统和平文化的核心内容,“仁”是传统和平文化的思想基础,“礼”是实现和平的桥梁。这种以“仁”、“礼”为核心内容的和平文化在芷江受降中得到充分体现。推动了对日受降工作的顺利进行。  相似文献   
世界范围内的新军事变革正对世界和平产生着重大而复杂的影响。深刻地剖析它产生的政治、经济和科技根源,充分、辩证地认识这种新军事变革给世界各国带来的机遇和挑战,对我国在新时期制定正确的国内外策略,进一步维护和促进世界和平与发展,有着重大的意义。  相似文献   
Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) and the Internet of things (IoT) are turning into everyday household technology at an ever-increasing pace, for example, in the form of connected toys. However, while ubicomp and IoT are changing and shaping children’s digital and technological landscape, not much is known about how children perceive these omnipresent and concealed forms of digital technology. This qualitatively oriented paper explores 3- to 6-year-old Finnish children’s perceptions of ubicomp and IoT via interviews and a design task. Initially, the children were skeptical toward the idea that tangible objects, such as toys, could be computer and/or Internet enabled. However, these perceptions were subject to change when children were introduced to a scientific conception of what computers and the Internet are and asked to apply their knowledge to a technological design task. Implications for early years digital literacy education are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
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