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目的::通过对生物乳酸钙豆腐的保质观察及乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)、脱氢乙酸钠对生物乳酸钙充填豆腐保质期的影响,探索生物乳酸钙充填豆腐的保质技术。方法:在点脑时在豆浆中加入Nisin、脱氢乙酸钠,同时做空白对照,在不同的保藏条件下,以菌落总数、大肠菌群和感官评价作为评价指标观察豆腐品质变化。结果:空白组和添加脱氢乙酸钠组杀菌后在37℃和常温下很快变质,冷藏条件下可保藏半年;添加Nisin组杀菌后在37℃恒温条件下可存放1周,常温下可保藏达一个月,冷藏条件下可保藏半年,且豆腐弹性较好,色泽均匀有光泽,口感细腻爽滑。结论:生物乳酸钙充填豆腐在冷藏条件下可保藏半年,Nisin对延长其货架期有明显的效果。  相似文献   
新企业会计制度要求企业对盘盈盘亏的事项在期末结账前处理完毕,如果在期末结账前尚未批准处理,应在对外提供的财务会计报告中按已批准处理对待。下年度领导批准时,按资产负债表日后事项准则或会计差错更正方法进行处理。  相似文献   
19世纪末20世纪初的美国是一个经济一社会结构发生巨变的国家,如何在继承传统思想的基础上,吸收、创造新的思想因子,以及如何对社会现象做出合理的解释,并找出解决现实问题的对策,成为这一时期美国知识界共同努力的方向。掌握舆论和思想话语权的知识界转变的完成促使政府及时完成了社会角色的过渡,从而为社套的稳定和发展创造了良好的局面。这对于我国研究社会转型与知识界的互动,以及处理社会转型中出现的问题,无疑提供了一个参照价值较高的个案,具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
对晚清中央与地方之间权力消长的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清王朝中央集权制危机始于太平天国起义。在镇压太平天国起义的过程中,地方势力逐渐崛起,渐成尾大不掉之势。鸦片战争后,洋务运动兴起,洋务派的主要代表及地方督抚更是挟洋自重,扩展势力,俨然成为集大权于一身的地方军阀,地方独立倾向日趋明显,并最终发展到庚子之悔。督抚公然抗旨,造成东南互保,划界自守的局面,标志看晚清外重内轻政治格局的形成。清廷在其统治最后的十年被迫实施新政,进行官制和军制改革,企图藉以重新集权,但由于中央与地方之间在权力分配及关系调整上始终未能达成共识,业已长期存在的矛盾不断激化,最终导致清王朝的土崩瓦解。  相似文献   
关于大学计算机教学改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周晓宇 《科技广场》2007,(1):219-220
本文主要论述了目前我国大学计算机基础课程教学存在的问题与改革的方向,就目前我国高校计算机教育面临的问题作了深刻剖析,并就如何提高教学效果、培养学生的实际动手操作的应用能力,对大学计算机教学模式提出了一些切实可行的探索方法。从教学目标、教改指导思想、新的教学模式的组成等几个方面论述了新的教学模式和改革,力争提高计算机基础课程的教学质量和教学效果。  相似文献   
龙光利 《科技广场》2006,(4):110-112
阐述了巴克码组的定义和7位巴克码识别器的组成框图。在MAX PLUS2软件平台上,给出了利用现场可编程门阵列器件设计7位巴克码识别器电路,为了便于对设计的7位巴克码识别器进行检测,该电路还设计了一个周期为31位长的模拟7位巴克码产生器,并进行了编译和波形仿真。综合后下载到可编程器件EPF10K10LC84-4中,测试结果表明,达到了预期的设计要求。  相似文献   
经济危机往往会引发社会危机。在1929-1933年大萧条的社会背景下,罗斯福总统的新政不仅帮助美国走出了经济的低谷,而且通过推出了《联邦紧急救济法》、《紧急救济拨款法》、《社会保障法》等社会保障政策,避免了大的社会危机。当金融风暴正在全球蔓延的时候,从社会保障的角度解读罗斯福新政的"救世"经验,对于在确保经济安全的同时,如何确保社会安全,也许不无启迪。  相似文献   
20世纪20年代后期,文学先锋派创造社、太阳社等对革命文学的命名和论争实质上是对文学场内话语权的争夺。他们对革命文学设定的规范及对茅盾小说的评论使茅盾主动参与这场论争,体现出茅盾在文学和政治上的双重考虑。稍后翻译俄国作家丹青科的小说《文凭》则是茅盾为推出文学范本,挑战先锋话语、重新阐释文学规范并摆脱身份危机所作的努力。  相似文献   
The main aim of the present study was to investigate the attitudes of boys' teachers (N = 68), and girls' teachers (N = 68), in the independent educational system of the ultra-orthodox (Haredi) community, towards inclusion of pupils with special needs in regular classrooms. Forty of the subjects lived and taught in two major cities in which reside, beside other citizens, the majority of the Haredi community in Israel, and 73 of them lived in a small town in which reside only the Haredi community. Results show that willingness to include pupils with special needs in their class of teachers in the cities is significantly more positive than their counterparts in the small town. In addition, within those cities the willingness to include of the boys' teachers is more positive towards inclusion of mildly disabled children, while the willingness to include of girls' teachers is more positive towards inclusion of severely disabled pupils. Findings indicate also that the Haredi teachers, males and females alike, have a different perception of disability as compared to the common spread of the professional perception of this term. Results indicate the effects of a major change in the state's educational policy on its independent minorities' educators.  相似文献   
The enhanced status of the school brochure in governmental strategy and the reasons for its study provide the opening considerations. There follow a presentation of the sample of brochures and an examination of changes that have occurred over time to the nature of the requirement concerning information about special educational needs which should be included. In the primary school brochure a major feature of SEN is its presentation in the form of a continuum of individual learning, with the addition of in-school support or technical external support. The primary brochure now places more emphasis upon policies for the able pupil, but the presentation of SEN matters to the lay reader as self-evidently true, without clear exposition, persists. The secondary school brochure reveals changes in the arrangements for SEN pupils, in-class support having increased and withdrawal from class decreased. The emphasis upon enrichment measures for able pupils has grown, but the question of the absence of a statement concerning SEN persists.  相似文献   
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