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建国以后,人民内部矛盾上升为我国政治生活的主题。进入改革开放新的历史时期,特别是随着改革向纵深方向发展,一些深层次矛盾逐渐暴露,人民内部矛盾也日趋复杂,从内容到形式同过去相比,都有了一些新的变化。正确认识和处理人民内部矛盾,对于维护改革、发展和稳定的大局,对于构建社会主义和谐社会,对于提高党的执政能力建设等具有重大意义。  相似文献   
中国的改革发展已进入一个关键阶段,经济社会结构在发生着深刻的变化,人民内部各种矛盾出现多发多样的复杂状况。正确处理人民内部矛盾,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求和关键所在。各级领导都要不断提高正确处理人民内部矛盾、构建社会主义和谐社会的能力。  相似文献   
彝族服饰的产业化对传承民族传统文化具有独特的重要作用,实业界需要对彝族服饰文化产业的市场定位与目标客户群进行明确划分,政府部门应为服饰产业化发展提供良好的环境,理论界则需要进一步思索探讨几组矛盾关系。  相似文献   
文化工业从根本上来说就是一种反文化。因为文化工业的根本目的也与生产领域的目的一样,最终是为了获取利润,而不是为了提高广大人民群众的精神文化素质和满足精神文化需求服务为目的的。所以,商业就是他们的意识形态,利润就是他们的生命,消费者就是商品拜物教的教徒。  相似文献   
讨论修辞学研究的现状和发展很有现实意义,需要大力倡导辩证法。只有真正贯彻了辩证法,才有可能对中国修辞学的现状有基本正确的估价和认识,对修辞学发展提出切中肯綮的、富有建设性的意见。因此,着重论述了如何正确认识和处理继承与发展的关系、学科与学科关系、理论与实践关系。  相似文献   
Rhetorical scholars have taken Burke's discussions of the “representative anecdote” in A Grammar of Motives, and have devised from them a systematic procedure for use in criticism. However, I believe that we can read the representative anecdote in a different way‐by examining the work the term does for Burke himself. I suggest that Burke is not offering a method as much as justifying dramatism dramatistically. Ultimately, based upon my reading of the Grammar, I argue that the representative anecdote‐taken in conjunction with the pentad‐supports Burke's claim to provide the most adequate vocabulary for the study of motives.  相似文献   
This essay includes selected examples of interview discourse derived from a larger study exploring how social structures and cultural identification issues of race, sex, and class are jointly negotiated in the relational accounts of black and white interracial marital partners. A dialectic of critical and interpretive perspectives is utilized to uncover complex intersecting cultural and relational identifications. The discourse shows that couples negotiate who they are in their relationships; ambivalence, contradiction, and change over time are evident. At some points, couples' negotiations reveal disassociation from the label “interracial,” and discursive forms that show both problematizing and evading race in their personal relationships and in the workplace. Overall, couples' collaborative interview discourse reveals a vigilance and protection of the partners, their relationship, and family from discrimination.  相似文献   
This study examines changes in bereaved parents' identities following the death of a child. The bereaved parents in this study experienced two dialectical contradictions of identity, which are: (a) a parent without a child to parent and (b) I'm an outsider-I'm an insider. Results describe how parents used communication to negotiate these contradictions of identity. Implications for the study of parental bereavement, communication, and identity are discussed.  相似文献   
唐代相对于前朝有着较为开放的文化氛围,人的个性意识得到了空前的张扬,人们的情爱和婚恋观念普遍呈现出比较自由和自主的趋势,这在文学作品特别是唐传奇中有着较为充分的表现。然而,六朝以来根深蒂固的门阀制度和儒家传统的礼教观念并未消失,相反,仍以其极其牢固的地位深刻影响着文人士子们的思想和行为模式。这在客观上导致了唐代士子们在情感方面的复杂性和矛盾性。透过中唐三大爱情传奇,可以感知唐代士子充满矛盾的情感心境。  相似文献   
光绪年间创办的中国通商银行,是中国自办的第一家银行。该行设立之初,主要是为了建造铁路,振兴实业。官僚资本家盛宣怀突破了重重阻力创办中国通商银行,在客观上为近代中国银行业的发展开创了先河,同时他也欲借银行成为统率全国商务的举足轻重的人物。但是,在为期三年的创办过程中,无时无刻不渗透着官与商之间实力的对抗。  相似文献   
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