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This paper reports findings from a study of LookJed, the oldest and largest on-line forum for Computer Mediated Discussion among individuals interested in Jewish education. The study adopted a “cyber-ethnographic” approach, with postings to the forum seen as “acts of communication” that reveal what is important to their authors. An interest in exploring similarities between forum conversations and those in teachers’ lounges led to an investigation of Herring’s claim that most listservs do not include discussion at all, only the trading of information. This investigation found that active forum participants generally use the forum for discrete purposes, most commonly to exchange information about “subject matter” or “teaching material”, less commonly to exchange opinions and ideas, and rarely to do both. Integrating an analysis of patterns of contribution with an examination of their discursive content reveals six preeminent “types” among the population of contributors, each of whom participates in the forum in different ways and acts with different purposes. Although this typology is at best suggestive and needs to be tested against other listserv cases, its easy identification suggests that in order to better understand the cultures of virtual forums, it is important to pursue a more variegated characterization of listserv participants and their motivations than has typically been the case in CMD research where users are most frequently identified as either lurkers or fanatics, or as active or passive participants.  相似文献   
我国已进入老龄社会,老年教育日益受到重视,如何为老年人在其闲暇时间里提供便利而简捷的受教育途径是当前老年教育的重要课题.老年教育可以借助于幼儿因这一平台,在老年人、幼儿和幼儿因三方面互利互惠的前提下,本着帮助老年人顺利实现角色转变和耀索老年教育实施方式的目的.提出了依托幼儿园开展老年闲暇教育的构想.  相似文献   
现代家庭中,无线网络的应用越来越受人们的青睐,但由于无线网络连接的开放性,因而比一般有线网络受到侵害的可能性更大,虽然有一些家庭网络安全的产品,但仅用这些手段还是不够的,从家庭无线网络存在的潜在危险出发,提出了较有线网络不同的安全防护措施与对策。  相似文献   
李丹丹  甘利人  白晨 《现代情报》2010,30(9):166-172
随着互联网信息资源数量的飞速增长,在互联网上进行信息检索已经成为了获取信息的主要来源,而对于学术用户来说,文献数据库网站是他们获取文献资源的重要途径。因此,研究文献数据库网站的用户检索行为对于帮助用户查找到需要的文献资源有着重要的研究意义,而在用户检索行为的研究中,观察学习行为研究是非常重要的研究部分。探索数据库用户观察学习行为的机制能够为数据库网站建设和数据库资源建设提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   
基于信息项和用户群的信息推荐机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
如何准确高效地提供给用户需要的信息,是信息推荐研究的核心。本文提出了一种推荐机制———基于信息项和用户群的信息推荐机制,它综合考虑了用户自身和其邻居用户对推荐的影响。在计算用户自身对推荐的影响时,采用了基于信息项的方法。在计算邻居用户对推荐的影响时,首先寻找目标用户的邻居用户,形成一个用户群,根据用户群中其他用户对目标项目的推荐产生目标用户对目标项目的推荐。在MovieLens上的实验证明,本文提出的这种算法在预测精度上较传统的推荐算法有很大的提高。  相似文献   
Automatic word spacing in Korean remains a significant task in natural language processing owing to the extremely complex word spacing rules involved. Most previous models remove all spaces in input sentences and insert new spaces in the modified input sentences. If input sentences include only a small number of spacing errors, the previous models often return sentences with even more spacing errors than the input sentences because they remove the correct spaces that were typed intentionally by the users. To reduce this problem, we propose an automatic word spacing model based on a neural network that effectively uses word spacing information from input sentences. The proposed model comprises a space insertion layer and a spacing-error correction layer. Using an approach similar to previous models, the space insertion layer inserts word spaces into input sentences from which all spaces have been removed. The spacing error correction layer post-corrects the spacing errors of the space insertion model using word spacing typed by users. Because the two layers are tightly connected in the proposed model, the backpropagation flows are not blocked. As a result, the space insertion and error correction are performed simultaneously. In experiments, the proposed model outperformed all compared models on all measures on the same test data. In addition, it exhibited reliable performance (word-unit F1-measures of 94.17%~97.87%) regardless of how many word spacing errors were present in the input sentences.  相似文献   
潜在信息需求转化为信息行为的机理分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冯花朴 《现代情报》2009,29(10):11-13
试着对潜在用户信息需求转化为行为的机理进行了探讨,提出信息需求转化为行为的信息需求价值论、知识需求矛盾论、需求行为经济论3种观点。  相似文献   
数字图书馆像其他新技术一样,其能否有效使用依托于用户对它的接受度,同时这种接受度又会受到用户对系统易用性认识的影响。新技术的引进应用往往包含某种针对用户的变化,而最近针对阻碍个性变革的现象的发现,以及对其一系列的测评方法的产生,为客观评定阻碍数字图书馆系统变革和对新用户的影响,提供了一个很好的分析平台。以往有研究将个性差异与系统特性作为影响认知易用性的因素,根据这类研究,他们发现阻碍变革不仅是决定认知易用性的一个非常重要的因素,而且会提高对过去技术接受模式的阐释力。  相似文献   
用户在线贡献内容动因研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前中外用户在线贡献内容动因研究进展进行系统文献综述,对现有虚拟社区知识共享、网络口碑和用户生成内容动因相关文献进行梳理,基于技术接受理论和社会交换理论,归纳总结当前用户在线贡献内容动因主要包括社会、心理、技术和其他动因,并指出用户在线贡献内容动因研究今后进一步研究内容和方向。  相似文献   
服务是图书馆存在的理由   总被引:77,自引:6,他引:77  
王世伟 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(5):42-43,39
论述了服务是图书馆的灵魂、核心和基础,要做到这一点,必须完成三大转变;一是实现从读者走近图书馆到图书馆走近读者的转变;二是实现从管理者到服务者的转变;三是实现从数量增加型到质量提高型的转变。  相似文献   
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