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中西象棋表面上棋子设置、行棋规则有许多相似之处;但本质上,相同方面都是逻辑推理过程,不同的是中国象棋是等级社会理念在游戏中真实的反映,而国际象棋是人生而平等理念在游戏中的真实反映。诗性思维、儒家等级思想、社会道德体系和公民道德水准问题是中华民族进步的三大隐忧。在青少年中推广国际象棋,可以在潜移默化中起到弱化三大隐忧、促进青少年的身心健康和思维发育的作用。  相似文献   
Focussing on the ideological aspects of privatisation, this paper explores ways in which ‘freedom’ has been activated discursively to justify actions involving changes to both the structure and the content of formal education in the UK. Empirically, the paper will analyse examples in England of UK Government ‘new provider’ rhetoric relating to ‘Academies’ in order to address both the claims and the counterclaims made by governments, educational producers and others for the privatisation of education and physical education (PE) within it. The paper suggests that such changes may have significant implications not only for teachers of PE, but also the educational entitlements of pupils and specifically, their opportunities to enjoy a liberal, comprehensive, high-quality PE. Privatisation may also consolidate rather than help erode and eradicate existing social hierarchies and associated distributions of educational social and physical capital.  相似文献   
平等是马克思主义政治哲学的核心价值向度,近二十年来我国学界对马克思、恩格斯平等思想的研究主要集中于马克思、恩格斯平等思想的发展历程、内涵、超越性、现实意义等方面,从更广领域、更深层次拓展和深化马克思、恩格斯平等思想的研究是时代发展的要求。  相似文献   
大学精神,本质上是由大学的组织文化和人文精神积淀凝炼而成的稳定的价值取向。她源之于大学制度和大学有形的文化载体和无形的公共意识,是大学化之于内而形之于外的抽象与具体、物质和非物质复合要素的集中体现。只有建立在法治基础和法治秩序之上,并为全社会一体遵循和捍卫时,大学精神才会生成和发展。  相似文献   
教育公平是社会公正的一个重要组成部分,也是衡量社会公正水平的一个重要尺度。教育公平是指国家对教育资源进行配置时所依据的合理性的规范或原则,是指每个社会成员在享受公共教育资源时受到公正合理的对待,包含平等原则、差别原则和补偿原则。教育公平既体现在教育平等、教育机会均等上,但又不同于教育平等、教育机会均等。  相似文献   
本论文首先概述了关于大学入学的个体选择的概率模型,并基于这一模型,根据收入阶层其实效成本的不同,对教育机会均等的概念重新定义。通过这一模型进行的运算表明,当整体升学率上升到一定水准时,阶层间的升学率差异将扩大,而非缩小。因此“大众化”的高等教育未必意味着更大的均等。就教育机会均等问题而言,从学生生活调查这一标准数据源中得出的学生分布的假设的信赖性亦存有疑问。  相似文献   
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred a large amount of experimental and observational studies reporting clear correlation between the risk of developing severe COVID-19 (or dying from it) and whether the individual is male or female. This paper is an attempt to explain the supposed male vulnerability to COVID-19 using a causal approach. We proceed by identifying a set of confounding and mediating factors, based on the review of epidemiological literature and analysis of sex-dis-aggregated data. Those factors are then taken into consideration to produce explainable and fair prediction and decision models from observational data. The paper outlines how non-causal models can motivate discriminatory policies such as biased allocation of the limited resources in intensive care units (ICUs). The objective is to anticipate and avoid disparate impact and discrimination, by considering causal knowledge and causal-based techniques to compliment the collection and analysis of observational big-data. The hope is to contribute to more careful use of health related information access systems for developing fair and robust predictive models.  相似文献   
综合运用了比较分析方法、历史考察方法、价值分析方法、系统论方法等法学方法依次阐明对流质契约的一般分析,检讨我国流质契约禁止主义说的主要观点,论证解禁流质契约的科学合理性,探讨我国流质契约制度重构的路径选择,以期对发展和完善《物权法》以及对我国民法典的制定有所裨益。  相似文献   
庄子哲学的主题是放歌生命。《齐物论》是庄子系统责难和嘲讽人类知性的一篇著名文章.其中心是阐述“道通为一”。“道”是天地万物的生命本性或生命世界的本真之境.道通为一即天地万物的生命整体惶。“齐物”要在齐“心”.主旨是化解“成心”及“物论”对本真生命的遮蔽。  相似文献   
世间万物本来不同 ,但却能相容于天地之间。人往往以自我为中心生出种种成见 ,由成见划分出是非彼此 ,为坚持是非 ,彼此你争我斗 ,互不相容 ,终生役役迷失自我。人的真正解放在于消除一切成见 ,以开放的胸怀包容万物 ,与天地并生 ,与万物同存。  相似文献   
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