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基于低碳环保理念,通过分析婴儿车在使用过程中容易忽略的噪声及粉尘问题,采用环保隔音材料,在车体底部安装除尘空调,以太阳能为动力除尘,设计“堡”贝太阳能式降噪除尘婴儿车,以期最大限度降低噪声及粉尘对婴儿的危害。  相似文献   
日本当局趁中东路事件之机,外交上,伪装严守中立,助俄制华;经济上,经营南北满洲,筑路修港;军事上,制订《关东军占领满蒙计划》,并加以实施。同时,日本驻华军警蓄意挑衅,制造了铁岭事件等案,实为"九.一八"事变的前奏和预演。  相似文献   
二十二碳六烯酸(Decosahexaenoic Acid,DHA)和二十碳四烯酸(Arachidonic Acid,AA)是婴儿生长发育极为重要的多不饱和脂肪酸.本文提取了安婴儿牌婴儿奶粉中的DHA和AA,采用气相色谱法,优化了色谱条件,在DB-WAX强极性柱上,采用程序升温:150℃(1min)10℃/min→240℃(14min),根据保留值规律定性,并选用分子结构相似碳原子数相等或接近的花生酸甲酯为标样,采用外标法[1,2]测定婴儿奶粉中的DHA和AA的含量.分析结果表明,安婴儿牌婴儿奶粉中每100g奶粉中含AA为173.45mg,DHA为73.75mg.  相似文献   
五四运动时期,妇女解放运动的发展出现了前所未有的好势头,社会上许多有识之士都提出了对妇女解放的看法。毛泽东作为湖南新文化运动的组织者和领导者,在“赵五贞事件”发生以后,充分利用《大公报》等舆论资源,针对性地提出了自己对妇女解放问题的看法,初步形成了他的早期妇女解放思想。  相似文献   
概率是电大开放教育工程数学中的一项重要教学内容。概率是在古典概型的基础上发展起来的,古典概型在概率中占有相当重要的地位,在社会生产、生活中及理论研究中有着重要的应用。作者结合几年来的教学实践谈谈对工程数学中古典概型教学的一些做法和体会。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to explore young adults’ motives for and content of extradyadic interactions with friends following a negative relational event in a romantic relationship. Focus group discussions with young adults revealed the following partner motives: improving affect, managing uncertainty, obtaining clarity, and entertainment. In turn, friends were motivated by issues of honesty, friendship quality, and a desire to protect or comfort their friend. Both partners and friends discussed the use of a variety of negative, neutral, and positive message content. Results provide an exploratory look at extradyadic interactions that may have important implications for relationship functioning.  相似文献   
安妮宝贝是网络文学的最有代表性的人物,她的小说不仅体现了超文本性的文学写作的特点,而且以自己的独特的方式回应了大众文化的潮流。本文主要是对安妮宝贝的小说的女性视角的特异性作初步的探讨。其女性视角又是通过解构父系神话、解构母系神话、解构“姊妹情意”三个部分来构成反“菲勒斯中心主义”。对此问题的探讨,不仅有利于我们对网络小说有更深入的了解,而且对当下的女性主义文学研究也是不无启发意义的。  相似文献   
Few-Shot Event Classification (FSEC) aims at assigning event labels to unlabeled sentences when limited annotated samples are available. Existing works mainly focus on using meta-learning to overcome the low-resource problem that still requires abundant held-out classes for model learning and selection. Thus we propose to deal with the low-resource problem by utilizing prompts. Further, existing methods suffer from severe trigger biases that may result in ignorance of the context. That is, the correct classifications are gained by looking at only the triggers, which hurts the model’s generalization ability. Thus, we propose a knowledgeable augmented-trigger prompt FSEC framework (AugPrompt), which can overcome the bias issues and alleviates the classification bottleneck brought by insufficient data. In detail, we first design an External Knowledge Injection (EKI) module to incorporate an external knowledge base (Related Words) for trigger augmentation. Then, we propose an Event Prompt Generation (EPG) module to generate appropriate discrete prompts for initializing the continuous prompts. After that, we propose an Event Prompt Tuning (EPT) module to automatically search prompts in the continuous space for FSEC and finally predict the corresponding event types of the inputs. We conduct extensive experiments on two public English datasets for FSEC, i.e., FewEvent and RAMS. The experimental results show the superiority of our proposal over the competitive baselines, where the maximum accuracy increase compared to the strongest baseline reaches 10.8%.  相似文献   
通过文献回顾、实地观察、访谈等研究方法,对上海体育特色非物质文化遗产——罗店龙船进行个案研究。梳理了罗店龙船的起源和发展历程,分析了其特点和所蕴含的历史文化价值,以及在当代发展进程中发挥的增强凝聚力、强身健体、文化传承等社会功能。指出,罗店龙船的传承和保护虽然得到了政府的高度重视,取得了一定成绩,但是目前还难以还原原始的龙船风貌,且群众参与程度低、传承队伍缺失、经费不足等问题较为突出。建议重视传承过程中的群众参与问题,与素质教育结合培养新生力量,尝试商业赞助模式,并借助罗店旅游开发的平台,不断提高罗店龙船的影响力和参与度,促其更好地传承与发展。  相似文献   
Variables that address student enrollment patterns (e.g., persistence, enrollment inconsistency, completed credit hours, course credit load, course completion rate, procrastination) constitute a longstanding fixture of analytical strategies in educational research, particularly research that focuses on explaining variation in academic outcomes. However, nearly all measures of enrollment patterns are handicapped by untested assumptions about a more fundamental measure, namely students’ rate of progress. In this paper, I first explain how a variety of widely used measures of enrollment patterns are inextricably linked to students’ rate of progress. I then describe a method of modeling mathematically students’ rate of progress that employs hierarchical (multilevel) discrete-time event history analysis of repeated events. I conclude with an empirical example of the application of this method in which I test several hypotheses concerning students’ rate of progress through the remedial math sequence toward the outcome of college-level math competency. In addition to the utility of the method that is proposed here, the issues discussed in this paper have important practical implications for institutional research, particularly with respect to the use of the various measures of enrollment patterns to explain variation in students’ attainment.
Peter Riley BahrEmail:
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