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Herman Nothrop Frye was a famous Canadian literary critic and theorist. According to him, symbol was :"Any unit of any literary structure that can be isolated for critical attention." He partitioned literary symbolism into five levels or phases. Each phase independently possessed its own mythos, ethos, and dianoia. These phases were: Symbol as motif; Symbol as sign; Symbol as image; Symbol as archetype and symbol as monad. This paper tries to apply his theories of symbolism to the comment of Young Goodman Brown, one of the best short stories written by the American romantic writer Nathaniel Hawthorne.  相似文献   
Using German linked employer-employee data, this paper investigates the short-term impact of on-the-job training on wages. The applied estimation approach was first introduced by Leuven and Oosterbeek (2008). Wages of employees who intended to participate in training but did not do so because of a random event are compared to wages of training participants. The estimated wage returns are statistically insignificant. Furthermore, the decision to participate in training is associated with sizeable selection effects. On average, participants have a wage advantage of more than 4% compared to non-participants.  相似文献   
We run an Event History Analysis on a sample of Italian researchers in the field of Materials Science, aiming at understanding how the characteristics of the research trajectories followed by scientists in academia affect their opportunities to do development of industrial applications. Results of our estimates suggest that all measures of academic performances have a dual effect, although different in magnitude. Scientists that are moving along applied research trajectories find it easier to produce industrial applications than their colleagues engaged in the quest for very fundamental understanding. We interpret our results by suggesting that, for the former, more academic research results in more exploitable results, hence in more chances to patent; for the latter, more academic research makes it just more unlikely that they will find the time to produce industrial applications. Similar results apply for the low versus high research impact.  相似文献   
现行分析化学教材中H^ 浓度的计算采用公式法,计算公式是根据不同条件近似处理得到的,在这些公式中,有的适用于浓酸,有的适用于稀酸;有的适用于弱酸,有的适用于极弱酸。在实际计算中,选择公式比较困难,这是因为难以判断给定的酸是浓酸还是稀酸。是弱酸还是极弱酸。本文用定量的方法将溶液分为浓溶液和稀溶液两大类,并给出分别适用于浓溶液和稀溶液的计算公式。应用此公式可以十分方便地计算不同浓度条件下的一元酸(强酸、弱酸和极弱酸)的[H^ ]。与现行公式相比,文中公式具有计算简便、结果可靠、使用范围广的特点。  相似文献   
在李白和劳伦斯的作品里,"月亮"的意象占据了重要的位置.中国古代的天才诗人和英国现代的文学巨匠都通过各自的"月亮"表现了巨大的人格力量和深刻的哲理精神.本文将就这一意象的不同内涵及造成这种不同的深层原因展开分析,以揭示作家主体性格与作品意象之间的关系.  相似文献   
Innovative, high-technology industries are commonly described as drivers of regional development. ‘Tech’ workers earn high wages, but they are also said to generate knock-on effects throughout the local economies that host them, spurring growth in jobs and wages in nontradable activities. At the same time, in iconic high-tech agglomerations like the San Francisco Bay Area, the home of Silicon Valley, the success of the tech industry creates tensions, in part as living costs rise beyond the reach of many non-tech workers. Across a large sample of U.S. cities, this paper explores these issues systematically. Combining annual data on wages, employment and prices from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Consumer Price Index, it estimates how growth in tradable tech employment affects the real, living-cost deflated wages of local workers in nontradable sectors. Results indicate that high-technology employment has significant, positive, but modest effects on the real wages of workers in nontradable sectors. These effects appear to be spread consistently across different kinds of nontradable activities. In terms of substantive wider impacts, tech appears benign, though fairly ineffectual.  相似文献   
梅春才  姚欣宜 《科教文汇》2014,(4):131-131,133
俄语正字法作为规范性书写规则对词语的书写和语法相符的规则进行了规定。而现代俄语中语法功能的不同会影响到一些词的拼写,由此也会引起词义差异。字母丿在不同词类中的正字法因词的语法功能不同书写方式变化很大。掌握其正确的书写规则,对俄语初学者学习有一定帮助,对俄语教学有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
实现知识管理的价值--图书馆评价的终点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从知识管理的价值标志分析出发,以价值这个核心来分析图书馆知识管理的内涵并建立相应的评价模型,借助知识管理方法建立图书馆的好的战略布局,通过知识管理手段全面提升图书馆的人力资本、组织资本和关系资本,实现知识管理的价值,这才是图书馆评价的终点。参考文献6。  相似文献   
介绍基于H因子和升温曲线的控制实现对纸浆蒸煮这一复杂工艺过程的智能控制,同时对生产工艺过程中重要工艺参数如压力,温度的检测和H因子的计算,并采用具有自整定功能的自适应PID实现对升温过程的精确调节以及蒸煮终点的准确控制,同时针对变化的生产条件和外部环境,采用先进的配方控制策略保证对间歇性生产过程的调节效果,最后给出智能控制系统的构成和实际应用效果.  相似文献   
研究甲型H1N1流感的传播规律,将人群分为易感人群、病毒潜伏人群、发病人群、退出者人群四类.分析了甲型H1N1流感在人群间的转化过程;注意到疫情主要受日接触率影响,不同的时段日接触率的影响因素不同,建立了在未预防控制阶段的自然传播和在预防控制阶段的非自然传播两个数学模型;最后给出了几点说明与思考.  相似文献   
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