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詹姆斯·瑟伯是美国文学史上重要的幽默作家。通过对他的两部短篇小说的介绍、解析和评价,概述了其作品对发生在家庭和职场中的性别大战的描写,文章分别从几个角度试图分析和揭示詹姆斯·瑟伯文学创作背后的真实原因和意图。  相似文献   
基于德国功能派的翻译目的论,以理雅各的《礼记》英译本为研究案例,分析了理雅各对中国神秘文化的译介。为了襄助其传教事业,理雅各采取了归化的译法来翻译某些蕴涵中国神秘文化的词,体现出了他的宗教融合倾向,同时,当某些中国神秘文化现象在西方文化中找不到类似的文化意象时,他又采取了异化的翻译方法,以便划清中国宗教和基督教之间的界限。  相似文献   
亨利·詹姆斯的小说由于大量使用了“陌生化”手法,使得故事情节跌宕起伏、内容引入入胜。选取其成熟作品(《美国人》(TheAmerican),以什克洛夫斯基陌生化理论为依据,探讨小说中所使用的陌生化技巧;以语料库语言学为辅助,使用wordsmith等检索软件,从小说主题、叙事角度和语言三个方面进行分析。  相似文献   
何晓花 《宜宾学院学报》2012,12(7):80-82,87
理雅各的《道德经》译本大量使用押韵,且形式多样,有单韵、双行押韵、隔行押韵、吻韵等格式,赋予译文行云流水般的美感。他的译本风格,兼具意美、形美和音美,堪称神"韵"佳作。  相似文献   
关于乔伊斯作品《阿拉比》背景的分析与理解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔伊斯作品《阿拉比》是其短篇小说集《都柏林人》里的第三篇。作品讲述的是一个都柏林少年追求朦胧爱情,但最终梦想破灭的故事。故事情节很简单,但作者詹姆新·乔伊斯.深受当时社会文化背景影响,在小说中运用了大量的宗教象征符号.隐含了深刻的象征意义。本文试图对小说背后的各种宗教背景进行解读以助读者对作品做更深的理解。进而领会作品里潜在含义:因宗教信仰的破灭.都柏林社会陷于一派颓废状态。  相似文献   
本文试图运用庄子"缘督以为经"的人生观分析《贵妇人画像》中伊莎贝尔·阿切尔的人生选择。庄子的"无情"观、"无用之用"观和寓言"庖丁解牛"具体体现了"缘督以为经"思想。本文首先用庄子的"无情"观分析了伊莎贝尔片面追求艺术的唯美主义思想对其人生的负面作用;然后用庄子"无用之用"观分析了财产和激情对伊莎贝尔的"无用"价值;最后用寓言"庖丁解牛"分析了她回归无爱婚姻的原因在于扭曲个性以回避现实的矛盾,以寄托母爱的方式实现其自然人生。  相似文献   
亨利·詹姆斯认为小说家和画家是相似的。他的小说《美国人》把精妙的绘画元素融入到写作当中。这两种艺术的结合使得小说在跌宕起伏的同时充满了艺术气息,极具欣赏价值。  相似文献   
Semantic profiles of the Japanese manager were obtained from a questionnaire study of Japanese and Singaporean managers in the Singapore subsidiaries of Japanese companies, to establish an autostereotype and a high-contact heterostereotype. Questionnaires were also administered to Singaporean, British and American managers in the Singapore subsidiaries of British and American companies, to establish low-contact heterostereotypes of the Japanese manager. Discriminant analysis was used to map the stereotypes in perceptual space. No significant differences were found between the low-contact heterostereotypes of the Japanese manager held by the British, American and Singaporeans, but very significant (α < 0.1%) and interpretable differences were found between the low-contact and high-contact heterostereotypes, and between each of these and the autostereotype. The differences between the stereotypes are discussed, and the implications for multinational organizations are considered.  相似文献   
Editor’s Note: This essay reflects the final in our five-part set of essays on the career of Communication Research Reports founding editor, James C. McCroskey. In these previous essays, Levine and Park (2017) offered the opening essay in our series, with a professional and personal rememberance of a scholar deeply impactful on both of their careers. Hickson (2018) commented on McCroskey’s formal and informal mentorship styles, and how others might understand the critical importance of offering oneself to one’s peers. Park, Oh, and Ryu (2018) explained the unique impact of McCroskey’s research on communication scholarship in South Korea, and Frymier (2018) reminded us of McCroskey’s impact as a core scholar for instructional communication research. In this final essay, we reached out to current West Virginia University Department of Communication chair Matthew M. Martin for his thoughts. As McCroskey spent most of his career at WVU (including a 25-year stretch as the department chair, from 1972 to 1997), inviting the current chair of that department for a closing commentary seemed most fitting. We hope that these five essays serve as a memorial to a scholar whose career and influence extends far beyond his publication record.  相似文献   
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