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培养懂理论、强业务、视野开阔、具有跨国沟通和协调能力的新闻人才的要求对高校新闻教学提出了新的挑战,高校必须改革新闻教学的理念及方法,精心选择和利用好教学案例,切实构建科学的教学体系,推动新闻教育的发展.  相似文献   
《报刊的四种理论》是新闻理论研究史上具有重要文献价值的经典著作,受到传播业者和学者的关注,引起了热烈的讨论与争议,但国内外对该书的批判,大都针对于书中具体的研究内容,关于这一著作对新闻史学研究的影响和可资借鉴方面的论述则很鲜见,本文从哲学探索的研究视角、对社会制度与报刊关系进行探究的研究方法、横向比较、世界范围的整体视角四个方面探讨了该著作对新闻史研究提供的可资借鉴的启示和思考。  相似文献   
地方高校广播电视新闻学专业实践教学,存在重理论轻实践和重实践轻理论两种认知误区。建构地方高校广播电视新闻学专业实践教学体系,应注重实践教学基地的多类型与多层次,强化专业实践的多元性与连续性,加强媒体实践平台与学校的互动性。  相似文献   
本文分析了近年来美国新闻传播教育变革的现实原因,以伊利诺依大学媒介学院的发展为例,剖析了十年来这种教育变革从理论探讨到现实实践的历程,认为目前美国新闻传播教育摆脱了脱离实践的空中楼阁式教育,其目标是更加广泛地深入到媒体实践、社会实践中去,不仅教育学生,而且干预、影响社会发展的进程,培养能够承担社会责任、构建国家竞争力的核心人才。  相似文献   
中国新闻学的研究,是从介绍和研究外新史开始的。从1915年3月《申报》连载朱世漆撰写的《欧西报业举要》开始,我国外国新闻史研究已经有近一个世纪的历史。其间可分为三大时期,即1915至1949年、1949至1978年、1978年至今。三个时期,特点各异,涌现了一大批外国新闻史研究专家和研究成果。  相似文献   
高校教师专业化发展:实然困境与应然追求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从梳理高校教师的职业属性和专业特征着手。分析高校教师专业化面临的职前培养重公平轻效率、在职实践重科研轻教学、职后培训重学历轻素养、专业发展重个人轻群体的“四重四轻”困境,并从深化理论研究、创设外部环境、教师自觉追求三个方面提出了促进高校教师专业化发展的应对策略。  相似文献   
The purpose of the study was to investigate how preschool teachers in Iceland view early childhood education and the professional preschool teacher. Focus groups consisting of early childhood educators in Iceland were interviewed. Each of four focus groups comprised educators who held similar positions. They were: (1) preschool teachers; (2) preschool directors; (3) preschool consultants; and (4) educators of preschool teachers. Data were analyzed using strategies of qualitative inquiry. The analysis revealed dilemmas concerning the use of concepts such as teaching and care, cooperation with the primary schools, the organization of the preschool day, and the role of preschool teachers in children's learning. The results were interpreted in the light of postmodern perspectives of the child and early childhood institutions.  相似文献   
The dominance of the human capital approach in vocational skills development has been increasingly questioned for being de-humanised and de-contextualised. Contrary to this trend, the discourse in health professional skills development has shown increasing enthusiasm for consolidating this existing paradigm. To debate whether professional skills development should indeed be insulated from such scepticism, this paper examines one strategy adopted by the health professions. Called ‘task shifting’, this strategy involves re-delegating professional tasks to nonprofessional cadres according to a skills-based toolkit. Challenging the context-free approach to using this toolkit, this paper presents ethnographic evidence derived from a case study of pharmacy workforce issues in Malawi. It was found that task shifting was inhibited by a perception barrier about the moral and intellectual superiority of the pharmacists. Pharmacy technicians were judged to be unfit for a professional task because of a perceived lack of professional status, power and ethics. On tracing the origin of the inherent professional prowess assigned to the pharmacists, it was found that professionalism was an ideology borrowed from external sources, inter alia, colonial legacies and global health governance. This study exposes our hidden assumption about an axiomatic transferability of Anglo-American skills development models to a postcolonial, aid-dependent context. This paper therefore suggests redefining this toolkit by bridging health research into dialogue with non-health disciplinary concerns such as postcolonialism and aid-dependence. In conclusion, it argues that professional skills development is context-laden; and in need of a human-centred approach that involves true indigenous participation–challenges not unlike those faced by the vocational skills discourse.  相似文献   
本文对我国2011年微博客研究的总体进展进行了回顾和分析,认为创新、融合与治理是本年度微博客研究的重要主题。微博客已经成为业界和学界普遍关注的热点话题,而随着微博客传播潜力的不断挖掘,微博客还将成为新闻传播学领域的基础课题之一。  相似文献   
随着大众传媒与社会生活的关系日益紧密,旨在为观察、分析、阐释错综复杂的媒介现象提供理论与方法的传播学分支学科——媒介批评——的重要性正日益凸显。然而,目前我国的媒介批评学科体系中存在着包罗万象、还原主义和重理论轻实践的三种倾向,制约着媒介批评学科的发展。本文认为,媒介批评学科体系的建构需在文化、权力分配与多元性的框架内展开,赋予该学科以真正的批评力量,切实推动社会变迁。  相似文献   
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