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随着中国市场经济体制的建立,使得尚处于初级阶段的中国体育经纪业有了一定的发展,但是并没有找到一条适合我国国情的发展之路。因此,根据当前中国体育经纪人的生存环境及现状,借鉴国外先进的理论和实践经验,我们要走出一条适合中国国情的体育经纪人之路。  相似文献   
关于"体育经纪人"的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从体育理论界存在的问题出发,对体育经纪人及其与合同法、网络营销的关系进行了研究,在此基础上提出了相关建议。  相似文献   
Artificial Life (ALife) has two goals. One attempts to describe fundamental qualities of living systems through agent based computer models. And the second studies whether or not we can artificially create living things in computational mediums that can be realized either, virtually in software, or through biotechnology. The study of ALife has recently branched into two further subdivisions, one is “dry” ALife, which is the study of living systems “in silico” through the use of computer simulations, and the other is “wet” ALife that uses biological material to realize what has only been simulated on computers, effectively wet ALife uses biological material as a kind of computer. This is challenging to the field of computer ethics as it points towards a future in which computer and bioethics might have shared concerns. The emerging studies into wet ALife are likely to provide strong empirical evidence for ALife’s most challenging hypothesis: that life is a certain set of computable functions that can be duplicated in any medium. I believe this will propel ALife into the midst of the mother of all cultural battles that has been gathering around the emergence of biotechnology. Philosophers need to pay close attention to this debate and can serve a vital role in clarifying and resolving the dispute. But even if ALife is merely a computer modeling technique that sheds light on living systems, it still has a number of significant ethical implications such as its use in the modeling of moral and ethical systems, as well as in the creation of artificial moral agents.  相似文献   
Information plays a major role in any moral action. ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) have revolutionized the life of information, from its production and management to its consumption, thus deeply affecting our moral lives. Amid the many issues they have raised, a very serious one, discussed in this paper, is labelled the tragedy of the Good Will. This is represented by the increasing pressure that ICT and their deluge of information are putting on any agent who would like to act morally, when informed about actual or potential evils, but who also lacks the resources to do much about them. In the paper, it is argued that the tragedy may be at least mitigated, if not solved, by seeking to re-establish some equilibrium, through ICT themselves, between what agents know about the world and what they can do to improve it.  相似文献   
当前我国正处于职业联赛发展的关键阶段,应当对体育经纪制度各种弊端预先加以防范,这样不但可以保障运动员的合法权益,也可以从法律的层面防患于未然,有利于促进体育经纪人管理的健全与完善。撰写本文之目的,即通过对当前我国体育经纪人管理的研究讨论,找出其中存在的问题,针对这些问题提出相应的对策。  相似文献   
作为一种新的文学研究方法,从文学地理学角度研究文学与从伦理学、政治学或者是宗教学的角度研究文学具有同等重要的意义。通过细读文本,从文学地理学中自然地理景观和民俗风情的视角来解读劳伦斯的作品《羽蛇》,可以发现:劳伦斯对自然的崇尚,对人与自然和谐关系的推崇,以及对西方基督教文明的公然反抗。他主张在思想上的求新和在精神上对自由的追求,并且主张在人民生活中去寻找自我。  相似文献   
文学地理因素对于白洋淀诗歌群落的形成起着重要的背景作用。湿地背景催发白洋淀诗歌群落诗歌情怀,燕赵文化渊源确立白洋淀诗歌群落诗歌生命基调,地缘优势打造白洋淀诗歌群落封闭而开放的诗歌美学。  相似文献   
四川省体育经纪人协会的构建与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2003年6月22日我国第一家省级体育经纪人协会-浙江省体育经纪人协会诞生到现在,上海、吉林、湖南等相继对此种行业自律形式进行了尝试。如今,四川省已经有大批持证上岗的体育经纪人活跃在体育市场中,一些高校也设置了相关课程。体育市场助推器的队伍已经悄然壮大,随之而来的弊端也日渐显露,如体育经纪人的职业道德素质偏低、管理体制不完善等造成的体育市场混乱,对体育产业的发展无疑是个巨大的阻碍。因此,我们迫切需要成立四川省体育经纪人协会对其进行规范化管理,以此推动我省体育经纪业以及整个体育产业的健康发展。  相似文献   
中国《文心雕龙》资料中心的建立与运作,实际上是公共图书馆向专业图书馆领域的延深与拓展,其未来的发展与走向可以遵循这一思路予以深入思考。在网络时代,中国《文心雕龙》资料中心应当加强馆藏的专门化,实现服务的专业化,并在网络一体化的知识环境中为专业图书馆的统合贡献自身的力量。  相似文献   
所谓生死哲学,就是对生命与死亡进行深刻反思与追问而形成的对生死的总体看法和根本观点。海明威是美国20世纪最伟大的作家之一,他的文学作品的主题是死亡,他对生命和死亡的思考深度和广度不逊色于任何一位哲学家。阅读海明威文学作品,领悟其中的生死哲学,对于人们树立正确的生死观,理解生命价值和意义具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
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