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职业教育的基本矛盾是基础教育与能力培训之间的矛盾,解决这个问题需要培养学生的职业规范也要培养学生的职业敏感.文学鉴赏在语文教学中是处理文本的基本能力,是语文教育学生必须具备的能力,另一方面通过对学生的文学鉴赏的培养,培养他们的社会敏锐的观察力,从而对解说、网络编辑等职业也具备一些能力,从而拓宽就业渠道.  相似文献   
一部长达四十多万字的《务虚笔记》以其深邃的思想内涵和不同凡响的文体形式震撼文坛,作品中生存的困境与难题、人生的矛盾与悖论,对人生种种可能性的探讨,深沉的宗教情怀,直透心灵的语言,独特的隐喻方式,多声部回旋变奏的复调结构以及云遮雾绕的叙事美学,令众多研究者赞叹不已。  相似文献   
谶纬是图谶和纬书的合一,本非一类,谶出现较早,纬起源于西汉末期。《文心雕龙》和《论衡》都表达了对谶纬的看法,却有很大反差。刘勰、王充经学思想的不同是他们谶纬观差异的基础,《文心雕龙·正纬》篇不录王充即缘于此。《文心雕龙》和《论衡》分别着眼于文章写作与"疾虚妄",他们的谶纬观都是超越时代的。  相似文献   
苏轼《自题金山画像》不是写其“平生功业”,而是感慨命运多艰,想“致君尧舜”却一事无成。他历贬三州,处境越来越差,心理适应能力却越来越强,文学成就也远远超过他处境顺利时的成就。  相似文献   
对明代中叶著名诗人朱应登的生平进行了考证与论述,力图勾勒出朱应登一生完整的轮廓,并就其生平中的相关问题及其诗歌创作的大致特点,进行了初步的研究。  相似文献   
Mobile Agents for Distributed and Heterogeneous Information Retrieval   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The heterogeneous, distributed and voluminous nature of many government and corporate data sources impose severe constraints on meeting the diverse requirements of users who analyze the data. Additionally, communication bandwidth limitations, time constraints, and multiple data formats impose further restrictions on users of these distributed data sources. In this paper, we present an Agent-based Complex QUerying and Information Retrieval Engine (ACQUIRE) for large, heterogeneous, and distributed data sources. ACQUIRE acts as a softbot or interface agent by presenting users with a view of a single, unified, homogenous data source, against which users can pose high-level declarative queries. ACQUIRE translates each such user query into a set of sub-queries by employing a combination of planning and traditional database query optimization techniques. ACQUIRE then spawns a set of mobile agents corresponding to these sub-queries, which in turn retrieve the data from various distributed data sources by dynamically optimizing the retrieval strategy as it is carried out. These mobile agents carry with them data-processing code that can be executed at the remote site, thus reducing the size of data returned by the agent. When all mobile agents have returned, ACQUIRE filters and merges the retrieved data and presents the results to the user. While the system is still very much a work in progress, current validation experiments on simulated NASA Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) have demonstrated that complex queries can be effectively decomposed and retrieved by this approach.  相似文献   
论从屈原到宋玉的四大转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋玉是战国晚期楚国著名的辞赋作家,历来与屈原并尊为"中国文学之祖".但屈原是楚辞的代表作家,而宋玉则是楚赋的代表作家;屈原所创作的楚辞重抒情,而宋玉所创作的楚赋重体物;屈原喜犯颜直谏,宋玉好微辞讽谏;屈原崇高伟大,宋玉自然亲切.从屈原到宋玉,实现了由楚辞向楚赋的转移、由缘情向体物的嬗变、由直谏向曲谏的发展、由崇高向世俗的回落.这些都标志着中国文学的重大转型,对后代作家及其文学创作产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   
王弼以哲学家的致思在经书注解中建构了自己的文学批评理论体系,这种隐匿在哲学玄学本体论下的文学批评理论范式,对当时乃至后世的文学批评理论具有思维指向的功效。然而,王弼的文论史地位几乎是缺失的,其文学批评理论范式并没有得到足够的重视,甚至于被遗忘。因此,对王弼文学批评理论范式的研究在当前仍具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
一直以来,《儒林外史》是中国古代小说研究的重点和热点之一。近五年来,学者们的研究热情不减,取得了很多成果,同时也存在一定的不足。文章试从文献研究、作品思想研究、作品语言研究等九个方面对近五年来相关《儒林外史》的研究作一番爬梳整理,并给予客观评述,以求为《儒》研究提供一些有价值的参考。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common functional gastrointestinal disorder. The typical symptoms are abdominal pain, flatulence, and irregular bowel movement. Prevalence rates are re- ported to be as high as 30% in the general population (Drossman et al., 1982), corresponding to about 25%~50% of all patients who need gastroenterolo- gist’s help (Everhart and Renault, 1991). Despite this high prevalence, the cause of IBS is unknown. Many factors are likely to …  相似文献   
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